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Kannada Language &

Dr. Dominic

Cause and Effect the logic of our thinking? How

far? Similarly technology?
The Problem of Universalism and Generalisation:
Objectification Subjectification
Kaviraja marga > Nebriza > Portugal - Columbus
The Collapse Communities inherited livelihood
The Question of Traditional knowledge systems are
no more resilient to the onslaught of LPG, SAP
So an economy of Kannada Language? Or
SANSKRIT or English? > Professions: Medical,
Engineering, Agriculture, Home science,
Astrophysics, Electronics, Commerce, Finance etc

Kinds of Kannada: Ear Kannada, Mouth

Kannada, Hand Kannada, Eye Kannada
So Which Perspective You Want? The
emergence of Print Capitalism.
New Possibilities > New Imagination> Identity
formation > Linguistic re-organization of states
Ear Language: direct and indirect, Dubbing
technology, translation technology: Listening to
variety of languages
Eye Language Script > Visual technology
Trans literation
Digital boards in the class rooms and Teacherless classes

Different place for the different people who converge there, and
even for the same person at different moments.
Over the past two decades my work has been primarily focused on how
communication technologies affect attention structures, applying this
model to face-to-face conversation (2002), retrospective narrative
(Jones and Candlin, 2003), television (Jones, 1996), photography
(Jones, 2009c), collaborative writing (Jones et al., 2012), text-based
computer mediated interaction (Jones, 2005b, 2013a), televideo
computer mediated interaction (Jones, 2008b) and newer forms of
social media (Jones and Hafner, 2012).
Communication technologies ondiscourse in placeis that they allow us
to transcend the here and now, to make the discourse produced at
one moment in one place available at other moments and in other
places. This first occurred with the development of writing and later
the printing press, with dramatic consequences for human history
and consciousness (Ong, 1988). The development of technologies
like the camera, the phonograph, the telephone, and television
represented another dramatic change, allowing us to project not
just our words, but our voices and images of our bodies across
time and space.
The more monofocal orientation of print has given way to the
polyfocal orientation of the internet .

The elements of language from larger, meaning-producing

structures was simultaneously language's "shattering" or
"dismemberment." The disjointed, arbitrary elements achieve a
"changed and intensified expressiveness .... The decimated
language had, in its individual parts, ceased to serve mere
Script": a written form that "strives to become image,~' or a
"script-image" [Schriftbild] that remains an "amorphous fragment."
And it is from the graphic nature of the script-image, above all, that
meaning "flashes up
The theory of graphology offered one of the richest fields for the
investigation of script
Script is "dragged out into the street by advertisements and
subjected to the brutal heteronomies of economic chaos
Intellectual Copy Right

Towards a new theory/ies:

Word and the World > Pada & Padartha
The Hindu Swaraj
Orientations towards time and space > relativity
> Quantum Mechanics > Principle of
Possibility of Multiple Meanings: Sapthabhangi
Meemamse > Anekanthavada & Pratityasmutpada :
Theory of dependent origination

Technology is society made durable

Bruno Latour, 1991
Language makes a Society possible


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