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Life is full of choices
and every choice
makes other things
happen. Some
choices lead to good
things and other
lead to bad things

Call on a volunteer to hold a book at arms
length in front of them. Then ask them to
choose to release the book from their hands.
After the book falls to the ground, explain that
it was the choice to release it that made it fall.
Now repeat the demonstration but have an
adult volunteer sit on the floor where the book
will drop. (This should be done carefully so no
one gets hurt.) Explain that our choices can
often hurt other people.

In our lesson today, you will learn

about the very bad choice that
Adam & Eve made. This lesson will
help you to understand how Adam &
Eves choice to disobey God first
brought bad results into the good

1. What was the
2. Who made
them disobey
3. What fruit were
they asked not
to touch eat?

The world was still so new, most of the land was bare, so
God made a garden with fertile soil, fragrant flowers and
rich, green grass for his man to live in. The garden was called
the garden of EDEN

in the middle of the garden God planted a very special

tree, a tree whose fruit was the knowledge of good and

The Lord said to the man, "You are free to eat from any of the trees in the garden except the tree of
knowledge of good and bad. From that tree you shall not eat; the moment you eat from it you are
surely doomed to die." And the man began to live in the garden and to care for it.

One day the serpent, the most cunning

creature of all that God had made, looked
for the woman in the garden. he said to
her, "did God really tell you not to eat from
any of the trees in the garden?"

Now, when God made snakes he did not make them

so they could talk. So this can only mean that
someone else was making the snake speak. Who was

It wasnt Adam.

So it had to be one of the persons that God had made long before he made the earth. Those persons are
angels, and we cannot see them. This one angel had become very proud. He began thinking that he should
be a ruler like God. And he wanted people to obey him instead of obeying God. Who do you think this was? .

We may eat the fruit from any tree in the garden the
woman answered, except the tree in the middle of
it. God told us not to eat the fruit of that tree or
even touch it; if we do, we will die.( the woman told
the snake/satan)

The snake replied, Thats not true; you will not die.
God said that because he knows that when you eat
it, you will be like God and know what is good and
what is bad

The woman stared at the tree. It was

beautiful. She reached out and tasted
one of its fruits. She gave some to
Adam and he also ate of it.

SEE whats happening now. Adam and Eve are being put out of the
beautiful garden of Eden. Do you know why?

They had not been obedient and they had to leave their beautiful home.
It is always best to listen to God and do as He says.

what do you think happened to

them after they disobeyed god??

God was sad that they disobeyed Him

So He punished them! All three of them!

Adam has to work very hard before he can get food for
himself and his family
Eve has to go through so much pain to give birth to her
And the snake was made to crawl on his belly and eat
dust all his life.

Even though God was very sad about what they

did, He still loved them, so he promised to fix the
mess later. And He did by sending Jesus to die on
the cross.

Genesis 3:1
Now the serpentwas more crafty than
any of the wild animals the LordGod
had made. He said to the woman, Did
God really say, You must not eat from
any tree in the garden?
Genesis 3:1

1. What is the place God prepared for Adam and Eve?
2. What did God ask them not to do?
3. What did God say was okay for them to do?
4. What question did the snake ask the woman(Eve)?
5. What was the choice for Adam and Eve?
6. What did they choose?
7. What happened after they ate the fruit?
8. Would you rather obey God or disobey Him?
9. Do you think it is good to disobey your parents or elderly people?
10. What punishment did God give to Adam?

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