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Setting Up Alternative


2009 Dr. B. C. Paul

Note These Slides contain screenshots from the program FPC
by Caterpillar Equipment Company

Set Up One Fleet for Single

Truck Loading

Set Loading Cycle Time for

Single Truck Loading
Note I made
Sure to load
To most
Limiting of
Weight or
Volume in
An integer #
Of passes

Set My Tire Cooling


Adjust cooling time


I Set up a Fleet for Double

Truck Loading

Setting Double Truck

There are two load points
1- A truck can back into a load spot
Without waiting for a truck to clear
Out of the spot thus a much shorter
Hauler exchange time
2- The loader takes a little longer for
The first pass because the truck got
There faster
3- Spotted trucks dont make the
Loader take long swings

Adjust My Delay to Cool My

I have a funny feeling that
Making loading faster or
Slower is not going to do
Too much from the truck
Side since it appears the
Trucks total cycle time is
Mostly controlled by
Tire heating in this case
(Tire heating in many cases
Is not a constraint)

Set Up a Drive By Loading


Set The Loading Cycle For

Note that the loader cycle has increased
To 0.58 from 0.48 due to the longer
Swing needed by drive by (about 20%
More time)

The hauler exchange is very quick since

It is only trucks pulling forward
The first pass takes almost the full
Standard time because there is little
Time wasted with truck spotting

Set Dump and Maneuver to

keep the tires cool

What Next
I have trucks and loaders in 3
different configurations
There may be minor differences
in the number of trucks and
loaders needed to do the job
Choices will boil down to
economics so the next thing I
must do is add my cost data

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