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Code Mixing
Disusun oleh:
1.Muhammad Fadlan Alfano
2.Yuliyas Setiawan
3.Faiz Arbima D. H.

A. Definition of Code
There are some definition according to


Definition of
Code Mixing

Redlinger and
Hamers and
and Partana

According to Wardhaugh (1986)Code

mixingis a process in which two languages

used together by conversant to the extent.
Speaker does not change from one language
to the others in the course of a single
utterance. It means that they insert some
pieces or elements of another language while
he is basically using a certain language

Redlinger and Park

In addition, Redlinger and Park (1995) state

that code mixing is the contribution of words

or phrases or larger units. It means that they
mix their word, phrase, clause, and sentences
from native language to second language.

Hamers and Blanc

Hamers and Blanc (1989:35) say code mixing

is the use of elements of one language in

anotherlanguage. It is the transition from
using linguistic units (words, phrases,
clauses,etc) of one language to using those of
another within a single sentence.

Oloruntoba-oju (1999) submits that code

mixing occurs when elements of two or more

linguistic systems are randomly used. It may
occur as a result of backlash.

Sumarsono dan Partana

Code-mixing is similar to what we call

language interference in code-mixing; the

speaker takes components from another
language while he is speaking a certain
language. (Sumarsono dan Partana,2002:

B. Kind of Code Mixing.

1. According to Wardhaugh
Wardhaugh (1986) shows that equating in

this instance code mixing with language, we

can describe two kind of code-mixing. They
are situational code-mixing and
conversational code mixing.
A. Situational code-mixing.
Situational code-mixingoccurs when

conversant use both languages together to the

extent that they change from one language to
the other in the course of a single utterance.

study of Malay-English bilinguals (Abdullah,

1979), it was noted that the following factors

were decisive in determining whether
foreign elements appeared in one of the
languages available.

from Abdullah shows this mix one language to

another language in different situation. Macam
I tak tau you nak playing bola sepak? You
jemput your mom di shop baru awak kasih play
bola sepak.

B. Conversational Code Mixing.

Conversational code-mixinginvolve the
deliberate mixing of two languages without an
associated topic change.
Plaff (1979) provides the following example of
conversational code-mixing among Spanish
English bilinguals:
1. No vana bring it up in the meeting. (They are
not going to bring it up in the meeting).
2. Estabatrainingpara pelear(He was training
to fight)

2. According to Soewito
Adding by Soewito (1983), he divides code mixing in two

kinds inner code mixing and outer code mixing.

Inner code mixingshown, if the speaker inserts the
elements of his own language into national language,
the elements of dialect into his own language, or
elements of varieties and style into his dialect.
Outer code mixing is : mixed code derived from foreign
languages. for example, the elements of Holland code
switching inserted in Indonesian language.
Code mixing has some form; 1) word insertion (in
fixation), 2) phrase insertion, 3) clause insertion, 4)
expression/ idiom insertion, and 5) baster insertion
(combining of original and foreign language).

3. According toMuysken
Muysken (2000) explained more that code

mixing is typically divided into three main

types insertion (word or phrase), alternation
(clause) and congruent lexicalization (dialect)and the most common occurrence of code
mixing variants in society is insertional code

Muysken in Daucher (2005) suggeted that

there are three main pattern:

1. Insertion Code mixing.
2. Alternation Code mixing.
3. Congruent Lexicalization.

After know about the definitons above, the

code mixing that can be used while someone

take a conversation with other people or while
they just speak or convey something. In this
case, Mc Joey as a Presenter in television
program (Black Menthol Power Beat), he was
mixing his language. He was conveying
language, in Indonesian language and English

C. Forms of Code Mixing.

Morphemes.According to Ogrady, Dobrovolsky, and

Katamba (1993) Morpheme is the smallest unit of

language that carries information about meaning and
Words.According to Kusumawardhani, Prabowo and
Prastikawati, words can be divided into two categories
or two basic classes: (1) function words or closed
class words (2) Content words or open class word.
Phraseis a group of words doesnt have subject or
Clauses.According to Azar (1993:238) clause is a
group of words containing a subject and a verb.

D. Function of code mixing:

To signal group membership and shared

It indicates attitude to what is being said.
Among minorities, the home language (the
we code) is used to signify in-group,
informal and personalized activities.

This is script of Mc Joey as a Presenter in television program (Black

Menthol Power Beat):

(1)Alright, hey nice to see you all again, yes, kali ini bakal special banget
karena kita bakal breakdown all the events selama bulan Maret, engga
cuma event-event apa yang bakalan happening di weekend ini, karena
mulai minggu depan kita bakalan preview nih. Alright first of all, mulai
tanggal 14 di Immigrant Jakarta finally forbidden fruit is back again and is
about back to back side, yang bakalan main nih adalah DJ Rockafella dan
juga DJ Vicky dan DJ Ayu, DJ Dinda dan DJ Pulpy and all shows two mc will
be shown and moving on to the next one on 17 Maret at DJ Club Bali, finally
one of the armada DJ from the Canada will be coming here to Indonesia.
The one and only DJ Max Graham and also will be supported ada DJ James
Hendrik and DJ Goes D. Guess, next one tanggal 22 Maret di Dragon Fly,(2)
ini special banget karena event ini in conjunction the one and only DJ
Yasmin some of the Birthday Bash, ada Dazzling Yasmin dan yang bakalan
main nih ada DJ Winky Wiryawan, DJ Anton Wirjono, DJ Riri Mestika, DJ Reno
Renatama, VJ Motioninja dan (3) yang pastinya acara ini bakalan seru
banget, keliatan dari line-upnya seru-seru banget.(4) Well, ok and listen up
karena sekali lagi kita bakal nayangin nih.(5)Dance signal clubbing race
close to close edition 2012 mulai next week satu per satu di tiap minggunya
tonton keseruan dan kehebohan acaranya dan juga bisa di preview di
www.clubbingrace.comatau diwww.blackXperience.comThats it for
tonight, I will see you all again next week. Same time, same station. Only
on Black in News. Black Menthol Power Beat. Mc Joey in the place to be.

Code- mixing is the mixing of the two languages is carried

out by a speaker using a dominant language which is

implied by the language of the other and Code mixing has
some form; 1) word insertion (in fixation), 2) phrase
insertion, 3) clause insertion, 4) expression/ idiom insertion,
and 5) baster insertion (combining of original and foreign
The process of code mixing it self influence by three
reasons: first, because of language knowledge first speaker
or second speaker. Second, they are speaking in informal
situation. Third, they use English in Indonesian sentence for
shows how cool they are. So the code mixing process is
going to happen following the development of language.

Thank for you Attention

See You ^^.

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