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Bridges are these amazing structures that literally 'bridge'

huge distances. One wonders, how one long road can span
a huge distance and bring a far away destination within
reach. There are bridges over seas, there are bridges
between cities, there are bridges suspended over valleys,
there are bridges spanning miles and miles. The
engineering and architecture that goes into building
bridges is really commendable.

Truss bridges are the oldest known bridges of the modern

era. They are constructed by connecting elements/units

through compression, tension or both. Due to their unique
structure - in which efficient use of materials is made,
truss bridges are considered to be economical from the
point of construction. The triangular pattern used in the
construction of truss bridges offers the necessary strength
for setting up the beams.

What is a Truss Bridge?

A truss is a structure composed of triangular units

connected at joints called the nodes. Triangular units which

form a truss are slender and straight. A truss
design/structure is categorized into planar frame and space
frame. Components of a space frame truss attain a 3dimensional form. Planar truss, on the other hand has a 2dimensional design. Truss is a structure which is
commonly used in the construction of bridges. However,
use of the truss design is not just limited to building
bridges. Even roofs are built with the help of this design

Characteristics of
Truss Bridges
The truss is usually a triangular

It creates a very rigid
structure & one that transfers
the load from a single point to
wider are
made from a series of

Simple trusses become uneconomical when the span exceeds 80 to

100m. Earlier ,multiple web system were used in long span bridges.
However, they are expensive and highly indeterminate and are no
longer in used.
The modern trend is to use some form of sub-divided trusses or Ktruss.
A sub-divided truss is obtained by placing in every panel of the truss
some secondary members or diagonals.
In contrast with primary members, which are stressed with all
positions of loads, secondary members are stresses only by the loads
in certain limited positions.
The load moves on lower chords.

Truss Bridge Design

The truss bridges include different types of bridges that were mainly
constructed for railroads in the modern era. The design of a truss
bridge incorporates a triangular structure called 'truss'. Construction of
this kind of bridge is based on smart use of compression and tension.

Truss Bridge Design

In the process of designing a truss bridge, along with application of Newton's laws of
motion, certain assumptions are taken into consideration. It is assumed that truss
bridges are designed with the help of pin joints. Pin joints are points where the straight
components of the truss structure meet. The above assumption leads to the conclusion
that only the forces of compression and tension would act on the components of a truss
structure. Design of a truss bridge consists of vertical, lower horizontal and diagonal
elements. Vertical members of the truss bridge face tensile stress while lower
horizontal ones are under a stress that results from bending, tension and shear stress.
Diagonal members which run outwards are under compression stress while the inner
diagonals face tensile stress. There are many types of truss bridges. Some of these
designs prove to be advantageous if wood is used in the construction; it is especially
useful for protecting the components or truss members that face compression.

Components of truss bridge

Main vertical trusses
Floor system
Top lateral bracing
Bottom lateral bracing
Intermediate floor beams
Portal bracing
Sway bracing
Abutments and piers
Bearings for the decking

Types of Truss Bridges

There are many designs used for constructing truss bridges. Designs
are chosen in accordance with specific needs of the topography of the
region. Information pertaining to different truss bridge designs is
presented one-by-one.

Truss Bridges

Beam bridge strengthened by trusses (structural pts joined
to form triangles with tie rods)
Lighter than ordinary beam sections of equal length
Useful for longer bridges

Timber Truss Bridge

The Howe truss is made

up of diagonal and vertical

members. Diagonal
members of this kind of
bridge slope towards the
centre in an upward
manner. The bridge is
named after William
Howe, who designed it in

Continuous Truss Bridges

View west of an iron truss bridge crossing the Colorado River on the Denver and
Rio Grande Railroad Montrose line at Grand Junction, Colorado; people and horses
are on a sand bar.

The design of Pratt truss is

similar to that of Howe truss.

Diagonal members of the Pratt
truss slope downwards and
away from the centre. The Pratt
truss was invented by Caleb and
Thomas Pratt in 1844. The
maximum length of a Pratt truss
bridge can be 250 feet; this
bridge is generally used for

The Baltimore truss bridge is

a variant of Pratt truss Bridge.

The difference between Pratt
truss and Baltimore truss is
that the latter is strengthened
by providing additional
support in the lower section.
Additional support is
provided in the form of
vertical and diagonal sections
which have half the length of
main sections of the bridge

The Pennsylvania or Petit

truss bridge, just like

Baltimore truss, is a variant
of Pratt truss. It was named
after the Pennsylvania
Railroad. Healdsburg
Memorial Bridge and
Schell Bridge are notables
examples of the
Pennsylvania truss bridge.

In the K Truss bridges, length

of members which undergo

compression is reduced. The
reduction in length enables
these components of the
bridge to endure the
compressional force. Design
of the K truss bridge is
complicated. Therefore, the K
Truss bridge is considered as
one of the most difficult ones
to build.


The Bowstring arch truss

bridge, also known as Tied

arch bridge, was patented by
Mr. Squire Whipple in 1840.
In this bridge, the vertical load
faced by thrust arches is
transferred along the path of
the arc. Diagonal components
of the truss allow in holding
other parts of the bridge intact.

Forces Acting on
Truss Bridges

The larger the

height is compared
to the span, the
greater its strength

Every bar in this bridge experiences

either a pushing or pulling force.
The bars rarely bend.

Pros & Cons of

`Truss Bridges

Economical to construct
Spans longer distances than

beam bridges
Ability to support weight relies on
the strength of the joints

Bridge during the time of construction

Footpath on the sides of bridge

Top view of new sirhind canal ropar bridge

Google maps
Diagonal view of new sirhind canal ropar bridge and old
sirhind canal ropar bridge

New sirhind canal ropar bridge is located in
between ropar city to connect ropar city to state
highway 24

Terrific traffic on
old bridge
The old bridge on sirhind

canal was unable to cope

with the huge traffic on it has
outlived its life.
It became necessity to build
new bridge to connect ropar
city with state highway.
Due to huge traffic it was
made a baltimore truss
bridge to cope with the

Measurement of baltimore truss bridge with sub struts: through type
Influence line diagram for top chords
Influence line diagram for bottom chords
Influence line diagram for diagonal and vertical members
Design of top chord

24 panels @
Truss length:
Carriage way width:
Bridge length:
Footpath width:
Abutment length:
Truss height:
Sub strut height:

3.75 metre
90 metre
9.63 metre
134 metre
2.3 metre
22 metre
12 metre
6 metre

Submitted by:
Sukhmani kaur
Sahil thapa
Vinit kumar
Sumit sharma
Vishwajeet kumar
Nouriz gafoor
Shubham mahajan


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