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Cumulative Trauma Disorders

Recognition and Prevention in the


Common CTDs
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-Injury to

the median nerve.

Tendonitis-Swelling of the tendons.

Tenosynovitis-Swelling in tendon


Other CTDs

Shoulder & Arm Pain

Neck Pain

Lower Back Pain

Ischemia- Restriction of blood flow in


Common Causes of CTDs

Awkward Positions

Excessive Manual Force


My Personal Workstation

My workstation includes
two desks, two chairs,
two computers with a
mouse and keyboard,
one phone, and two

Potential Problems In My

Keyboard & Mouse- I use both input

devices for extended periods of time.
Neither has a wrist rest, which helps keep
my palms from resting on the edge of the
desk and my wrists out of the flexion

Potential Problems

Desk-The desk is about 3 feet tall with a

wood laminate top with slightly rounded
edges. Because the edges are still relatively
sharp, leaning against them could pinch a
nerve or restrict blood flow through the

Potential Problems

Chairs-The chairs have wheels, are slightly

cushioned, and are not adjustable in any
way. The chair is also about one foot
shorter than the desk. The chair does not
support the back, forces the arms, wrists
and shoulders into tense and awkward

Preventative Measures

Recognizing and Educating Myself About Potential Problems

Recognize The Warning Signs

Warning Signs
Numbness and tingling in first three fingers
Clumsy feeling in your hand
Pain going up into the elbow or shoulder
Pain is worse at night


Alternative Work Methods

Evaluate Work Area

Awkward positions
caused by certain
items and work
practices in can be

Take Periodic rests

and Stretch

Trying to do too much

at one time can cause
muscles to tire and
cause injury

Environment Adjustment

Replace Existing Equipment-The desks

should have rounded edges to reduce
possible pressure points. The chairs need
the arm height and chair height to be
adjustable, and give back support by having
a tilt adjustment.

Environment Adjustment

Add Accessories to Existing EquipmentWrist rests can be added to the keyboards and
mouse to help promote a neutral wrist position.
An adjustable document holder can be attached to
the monitor to promote the proper head angle. A
seat cushion can be added to the chair to help
support the back. A footrest can be used to help
keep thighs parallel to the ground and promote
good posture to help prevent back, neck and
shoulder pain.

Education, New Equipment and

Preventative Measures
All Add Up To A Safer and
Ergonomically Correct Work

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