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What is a Digital Divide?

A Digital Divide is a term used
to describe the gap between
those who have ready access
to computers and the Internet,
and those who do not.

Digital Divide Correlates with the

*Social Capital
*Knowledge Capital
*Human Capital

What is Social Capital ?

Social capital can be described as the
networks and value of relationships
among people who live and work in a
particular society, enabling that
society to function effectively.

Correlation between Digital Divide and

Social Capital
Social capital is based around the concept that the use of
social networks results in specific benefits such as trust,
information and co-operation. It essentially creates value
for people who are connected. Using different social
media platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter results not
only in the building of social capital, but also an increase
in social and communication skills. Feeling connected and
respected through engagement with others increases our
overall psychological wellbeing, while our general digital
literacy grows

What is Knowledge Capital?

Knowledge capital, also called
intellectualcapital, is the intangible
asset that represents valuable ideas,
methods, processes and other
intuitive talents that belong to a

What is Human Capital?

Human capital is a measure of
theeconomic value of an employee's skill
set. The concept of human capital
recognizes that not all labour is equal and
that the quality of employees can be
improved byinvestingin them, the
education, experience and abilities of
employees have economic value for
employers and for the economy as a

Possible Solutions To Digital Divide

- Have workshops in communities to try
and gap the divide
- Implement more digital and
technological material in the education

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