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CBE 455/555 Pollution Phenomena and

Process Design (Air, Water, Land)

Meeting time: 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. ok?



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CBE/CEE 455/555

Chapter 1
Pollutant types/definitions
Six criteria pollutants (trends)

Primary (Particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide,

carbon monoxide, particulate lead)

Secondary (why 2nd ??) ozone

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs - 189) CAAA 1990 Title III

Acid Deposition (SOx, NOx) CAAA 1990 Title IV

SOx or NOx + O2 + H2O H2SO4 or HNO3

NADP NTN website (Maps/GIS annual gradient and
animated maps)
Global Climate Change (GCC) CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs

EPA and GCC Overview

Regulatory Initiatives

Drivers-Events-History (Te Brakke)
Clean Air Act of 1963 (replaced Air Pollution Control Act of 1955) History

Research and technical assistance; (issue: federal intervention into

local/state problem)

Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970, Summary

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Environmental Protection Agency established (EPA)
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
State Implementation Plans
New Source Performance Standards (NSPSs)

Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977, CAAA 1977

Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)

Non-attainment (Rapid City)

Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, CAAA 1990

Global air pollution, acid precipitation NAPAP

Focus on key pollutants (ozone, CO, PM-10, mobile sources, air toxics =
hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), acid deposition, stratospheric ozone)

455/555(Died in committee)
Clean Air Act Amendments of 2010

Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR 60
Finding a Title in the CFR

State permitting DENR

Definition of pollution DENR Air Quality Home AQ Laws
SD State Implementation Plan, SIP
Title 40, Part 52, Subpart QQ, which starts at Part 52.2170

CBE/CEE 455/555

Causes, Sources, and Effects

Particulate Matter (PM-10, PM-2.5)

Cause: materials-handling processes, combustion, gas-solid reactions

Sources: industrial processes, fossil fuel combustion for electricity,

residential fuel, vehicles

Impact: visibility, health (humans, animals, plants); 0.1-10 m diameter

Fugitive sources (wind, road dust, tire dust, etc.) vs. Industrial

Sulfur Dioxide (SOx)

Cause: combustion of a fuel that has sulfur compounds within it

Source: fossil-fuel combustion for electricity, industrial processes

Impact: acid deposition; vegetation damage; respiratory illness

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

Cause: combustion of a fuel that has nitrogen and from air

Source: mobile sources, stationary sources (fossil fuel combustion)

Impact: acid deposition; vegetation damage; respiratory illness

CBE/CEE 455/555

Causes, Sources, and Effects

Photochemical Oxidants and VOCs
Cause: complex network of reactions involving VOCs, NOx and UV
Sources: ozone has no significant industrial/non industrial source
Impact: eye, nose, throat irritants; oxidant vegetation + manmade matl
Carbon Monoxide
Cause: incomplete combustion
Source: vehicles, residential heating, electricity combustion
Impact: human death
Progress NAAQS (EPA trends) Standards (Tab 1.2)
PM-10 & SO2
CO & Ozone
Emissions 1998 vs. 2008
Air Quality Index e.g. Rapid City

CBE/CEE 455/555

Read and understand Chapter 2 by Friday, August 26
Read and understand The Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act; by
Friday, August 26th

P1.3, P1.9, P1.23, and P 1.31 to be presented Monday, August 29th

CBE/CEE 455/555

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