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Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a

merchant seeking fine pearls,.

Matthew 13:46. and upon finding one
pearl of great value, he went and sold
all that he had ...


Assoc Prof dr Hamiadji
And the twelve gates were twelve
pearls: every several gate was of
one pearl: and the street of the city
was pure gold, as it were
transparent glass. REV 21:22.
August 2015


The brachial plexus is a network of anterior rami of
Spinal Nerves C5 to Th1
The brachial plexus forms 3 cords surrounding the
axillary artery that later become the 5 peripheral
nerves of the upper limb
The Musculocutaneous nerve innervates anterior
muscles of the arm + skin of lateral of forearm
The Median nerve innervates the pronator + the
thenar + flexors of the forearm & lateral of anterior
of hand

The Ulnar nerve innervates flexors of the

fingers + most of the intrinsic muscles of the
hand (hypothenar and muscles) & sensory of
medial of the hand
The Axillary nerve innervates Teres minor and
Deltoid muscles & sensory of upper lateral of
The Radial nerve innervates extensors +
supinator of upper limb & sensory of dorsal of
upper limb + dorso lateral of hand
Nerves that run in apposition with bones:
Axillary surchical neck humerus
Radial radial groove of humerus
Ulnar ulnar groove of lateral epicondyle humerus

Nerves that run with arteries:

- Axillary circumflex artery of humarus
- Radial deep branch of brachial artery
- Ulnar superior collateral ulnar artery
Bloodflow of the hand: From the palmar
side (anterior palmar arches) to the
dorsum of the hand (superficial veins of
The radius articulates direct with the
scaphoid and the lunate so force will be
directly transmitted
The articulation between radius & ulna is a
fibrous joint with fibers directed from
radius down to the ulna, so transmit the


The Lumbosacral plexus is a network of eight anterior
rami of spinal nerves L12345 S123
Four nerve trunks innervate the lower limb
- Femoral nerve L234 posterior division
- Obturator nerve L234 anterior division
- Superior gluteal nerve L45
- Sciatic nerve L345S123
The Femoral flexes the hipjoint + sensory medial of LL
The Obturator adducts the hipjoint + sensory medial
The Superior gluteal abduct the hipjoint + sensory
layeral thigh
The Sciatic extends the hipjoint + sensory leg and foot

The Sciatic consist of 2 division;

- Tibial nerve supplies: hamstrings,
posterior of leg, sole of foot
- Fibular nerve supplies: lateral leg,
anterior leg, dorsum of foot
A lesion of Tibial nerve above the knee
joint result in inability to stand on tiptoes
A lesion of common fibular nerve
result in foot drop (inability to evert +
extend the foot) resulting in the high step
& flop gait.

Dorsiflexion & plantarflexion of the foot occur at the

ankle joint. Eversion & inversion occur at the subtalar
A lesion to the Superficial Fibular nerve results in
inability to evert the foot + sensory loss of dorsum of
A lesion to the Deep Fibular nerve results in inability
to extend the foot + sensory loss between toe 1 &2
Relation of structures in the femoral triangle =
NAVeL (Nerve,Artery,Vein,empty,Lymphnode)
The chief bloodsupply of LL is by the Femoral artery
The venous drainage of the leg has perforating
veins to prevent blood flowing to superficial veins
(preventing varices)

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like

a merchant seeking fine pearls,.
Matthew 13:46. and upon finding
one pearl of great value, he went
and sold all that he had ...


August 2015

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