SPS311 - Physical Conditioning Mohd Fadzil B. HJ Kamarudin Uitm

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SPS311 – Physical Conditioning

Mohd Fadzil b. Hj Kamarudin

Essential Terminology
 ENERGY – Defined as the ability or capacity to
perform work. (e.g. mechanical, chemical,
electromagnetic, heat, & nuclear energy).

 BIOENERGETICS – The flow of energy in a

biological system.
 Primarily with the conversion of food
 Large carbohydrate, protein, & fat molecules, which
contain chemical energy – into biologically usable
form of energy.
 Release the energy necessary to perform work, such
as muscular activity.
Essential Terminology
 CATABOLISM – The breakdown of large
molecules into smaller molecules associated
with the release of energy.

 ANABOLISM – The synthesis of larger

molecules from smaller molecules can be
accomplish using the energy released from
catabolic reactions.


& include anabolic processes & the contraction
of muscle.
Essential Terminology
 EXERGONIC REACTION – Energy releasing
reaction & are generally catabolic.

 METABOLISM – The total of all:

 Catabolic/exergonic & anabolic/endergonic reactions in a
biological system.


derived from catabolic/exergonic reactions is used
to drive anabolic/endergonic reactions, through as
intermediate molecule.
 ATP allows the transfer of energy from exergonic to
endergonic reactions.
 Without an adequate supply of ATP, muscular activity &
muscle growth would not be possible.
Essential Terminology
 ATP is composed of
Nitrogen-containing base; ribose
Five-carbon sugar (collectively called adenosine)
3 phosphate (Pi) groups
Essential Terminology

The structure of an ATP molecule, showing the high-energy phosphate bonds.

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When the third phosphate on the ATP molecule is separated from adenosine by the action
of ATPase, energy is released.
Biological Energy Systems
 3 main energy systems
Phosphagen system (anaerobic system:
absence of O2 molecule).
○ Primarily for short-term, high-intensity activities.
○ E.g. resistance training, sprinting, power lifting.
○ Phosphagen system cannot supply energy for
continuous, long-duration activities.
○ ATP & creatine phosphate are stored in muscle in
small amounts.
○ Type II (fast-twitch) muscle fibers.
Biological Energy Systems
 3 main energy systems
Glycolysis system, of which there are two
types: fast glycolysis (anaerobic) & slow
gylcolysis (aerobic).
Glycolysis is the breakdown of carbohydrate –
either glycogen stored in the muscle or glucose
delivered in the blood.
During fast glycolysis, pyruvate is converted to
lactic acid, providing energy (ATP) at a fast rate
compared with slow glycolysis, in which
pyruvate is transported to the mitochondria for
use in the oxidative system.
Biological Energy Systems
 3 main energy systems
 The Oxidative (Aerobic) System
 Primarily source of ATP at rest & during low-
intensity activities & uses primarily carbohydrates
& fats as substrates.
 At rest approximately 70% of the ATP produced is
derived from fats & 30% from carbohydrate.
 During high-intensity aerobic exercise, almost
100% of the energy is derived from carbohydrate.
 During prolonged, submaximal, steady state
work, gradual shift from carbohydrate back to fats
& protein as energy substrates.
Effect of Event Duration on Primary Energy System Used

Duration of Event Intensity of Event Primary Energy

0-6sec Very intense Phosphagen
6-30sec Intense Phosphagen & fast

30sec-2min Heavy Fast glycolysis

2-3min Moderate Fast glycolysis &
Oxidative System

>3min Light Oxidative System

Aerobic Endurance Exercise
Physiological Adaptations to Aerobic
Endurance Training
 Respiratory system
Enhanced oxygen exchange in the lungs
Improved blood flow throughout the lungs
Decreased submaximal respiratory rate
Decreased submaximal pulmonary
Physiological Adaptations to Aerobic
Endurance Training
 Cardiovascular system
Increased cardiac output
Increased blood volume, red blood cell
number, and hemoglobin concentration
Enhanced blood flow to skeletal muscle
Reduced submaximal heart rate
Improve thermoregulation
Physiological Adaptations to Aerobic
Endurance Training
 Musculoskeletal system
Increased mitochondrial size and density
Increased oxidative enzyme concentrations
Increased myoglobin concentration
Increased capillarization in muscle
Increased arteriovenous oxygen difference
Factors Related to Aerobic Endurance
 Maximal Aerobic Power

 Lactate threshold

 Exercise economy

 Fuel utilization

 Fiber type characteristic

Maximal Aerobic Power
 High maximal aerobic power
(VO2max) is necessary for success in
aerobic endurance events.
 Aerobic endurance training programs
should be designed to improve VO2max
Lactate Threshold
 Lactate threshold – the speed of
movement or percentage of VO2max at
which a specific blood lactate
concentration is observed or where
blood lactate concentration begins to
increase above resting levels.
Exercise economy
 A measure of the energy cost of activity
at a given exercise velocity.
 Athletes with a high exercise economy
expend less energy during exercise to
maintain a given exercise velocity.
E.g. during cycling, exercise economy can
be affected by body mass size, cycling
velocity, and aerodynamic positioning.
Fuel utilization
 Prolonged aerobic endurance exercise at a high
intensity requires a large energy expenditure.
 At high exercise intensities (>70% VO2max), there is
greater reliance on carbohydrate than on fat as a fuel
 However,
 In trained aerobic endurance athletes, the contribution to energy
production from fat at any given intensity is greater than in less-
trained athletes.
 Ability to use more fat as a fuel source is a result of the
adaptations of the physiological system to training.
Fiber Type Characteristic
 Type I muscle fibers are predominant in elite aerobic
endurance athletes has been well established.
 Type I fibers have a high mitochondrial density and
oxidative enzyme capacity allowing for the majority of
energy production to come from aerobic metabolism.
Aerobic endurance Training Program
Design Variables
 Exercise mode

 Training frequency

 Exercise duration

 Training intensity
Exercise mode
 Exercise mode refers to the specific activity performed
by the athlete:
 Cycling, running, swimming, rowing, and so on.

 Athlete should select activities that mimic the

movement pattern employed in competition as closely
as possible.

 The more specific the training mode is to the sport, the

greater the improvement in performance.
Training Frequency
 Training frequency refers to the number of training sessions
conducted per day or per week.

 Training sessions will depend on

 an interaction of exercise intensity and duration
 the status of the athlete
 the specific sport season.

 Appropriate training frequency is important for the aerobic

endurance athlete, as too much training may increase the risk
of injury, illness, or overtraining.
 Conversely, too little training will not result in positive
adaptations to the various systems of the body.
Exercise Duration
 Exercise duration refers to the length of time
the training session is conducted.

 The duration of a training session is often

influenced by the exercise intensity:
 The longer the exercise duration, the lower the exercise
○ E.g. exercise conducted at an intensity above the maximal lactate
steady state (85% of VO2max) will have a relatively short
duration(20-30 min) because the accumulation of lactate within the
muscle will contribute to fatigue.
○ Conversely, exercise that is performed at a much lower intensity
(70% of VO2max) may be performed for several hours before the
athlete experiences fatigue.
Training Intensity
 Central to causing training adaptations in the body is
the interaction of training intensity and duration.

 Generally - high intensity, shorter the exercise duration.

 Adaptations in the body are specific to the intensity, or

effort expended during a training session.

 High-intensity aerobic exercise increases

cardiovascular and respiratory function and allows fro
improved oxygen delivery to the working muscle.
Type of Aerobic Endurance
Training Programs
Training Type Frequency / Duration intensity
Long, slow 1-2 Race distance or 70% of VO2max
distance (LSD) longer (30-120 min)
Pace / tempo 1-2 20-30 min At the lactate threshold;
at or slightly above race
Interval 1-2 3-5 min Close to VO2max
(with a work : rest ratios of

Repetition 1 30-90 s Greater than VO2max

(with a work : rest ratio of 1: 5

Farklek 1 20-60 min Varies between LSD and

pace/tempo training
Type of Aerobic Endurance
Training Programs

Sample LSD Training Program for a Marathon Runner

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursda Friday Saturday
y y
Rest day 45-min 60-min 45-min 60-min 45-min 120-min
Fartlek LSD Interval run run at repetition LSD run
run run race pace run
over hills
& flats
Type of Aerobic Endurance
Training Programs

Sample pace/Tempo Training Program for a 50-km Cyclist

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursda Friday Saturday
y y
Rest day 60-min 30-min 45-min 45-min 30-min 90-min
LSD ride Pace / Fartlek ride easy ride pace / LSD ride
tempo tempo
ride ride
Type of Aerobic Endurance
Training Programs

Sample Interval Training Program for a 10-km Runner

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursda Friday Saturday
y y
Rest day 10 reps 10-km 45-min 5 reps of 45-min 45-min
of 0.5- easy run LSD run 1-km LSD run Fartlek
km intervals run on
at race
intervals flat
at race with a course
pace 1:1 W:R
with a ratio
1:1 W:R

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