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Analytical Techniques

An analytical technique
(analytical method) is a procedure
or a method for the analysis of
some problem, status or a fact.
Analytical techniques are usually
time-limited and task-limited. They
are used once to solve a specific

Basic and most widely used analytical

methods / techniques include:
BCG matrix
Gap Analysis
Mind Maps
Pareto principle, Pareto principle 80-20 rule
Six Questions
SWOT Analysis

In Copeland Coperation many techniques are used1. GAP analysis- Gap Analysis is a simple methodology
that is useful in the situations where some strategies or
changes are planned.
Utilizing its market research and equipment design and
testing expertise, Design Services Network worked with
an OEM to create and manage a streamlined product
development process from market research and
assessment to prototype design and development to
create a customized solution for the OEM. The project
was completed following the customers specifications
and internal protocol. The finished product allowed the
OEM to enter a new product market.

2. BCG Matrix-The BCG Matrix was

developed by the Boston Consulting
Group (BCG) and is used for the
evaluation of the organization's
product portfolio in marketing and
sales planning. It aims to evaluate
each product, i.e. the goods and
services of the business in two

In Copeland Coperation they use BCG Matrix

technique by offers design and testing
capabilities to help customers do business
better. As an industry leader, Emerson Climate
Technologies has the knowledge and
expertise to create the most innovative and
up-to-date solutions for their customers. They
also have the ability to share their design and
testing expertise with there customers
through Emerson Climate Technologies
Design Services Network.

Design Services Network is a network of highly

experienced senior engineers working in stateof-the-art facilities to provide comprehensive
heating, cooling and refrigeration engineering,
design and testing services for HVACR, industrial
and scientific equipment manufacturers. Backed
by the resources and strengths of Emerson
Climate Technologies, we provide affordable,
forward-looking customized solutions that take

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