Module 2

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Chapter 14

Socratic Seminar Model

Learning Module 2

What is the Socratic Seminar Model

Engages students using structured questioning coupled

with debate and dialogue to promote learners
development of critical-thinking skills and exploration

The Socratic Seminar Model has been traditionally used

with the study of articles, stories, essays, and speeches
but can also be successful when used with audio and

This active learning process allows students to coconstruct information they have gathered from facts and
concepts based on the material they have read.

When and why should the Socratic Model

be applied.

Socratic Seminar Model is an incredibly

valuable tool in all subject areas.


model can be used to teach content from any

academic discipline. Once learners start to reason
at higher levels (age 7) the Socratic Model
becomes a good fit.

Socratic Seminar Steps

Step one-The teacher explains the goals to the students in regards to

expected dialogue and sets ground rules and procedures. Students listen and
ask questions as they arise.

Step two-The teacher has several roles ask questions, direct and encourage
ideas, promote universal participation, listen to students, and prepare to
review dialogue. Students respond to questions posed by the teacher among
each other. They acknowledge each others contributions and build on what
has been constructed.

Step three-Teacher assist students in reviewing major points discussed during

the dialogue and facilitates the students summary of the main ideas. The
teacher may provide points that were overlooked. Students respond to the
teachers questions and participate in reviewing the main points of the
Socratic Seminar dialogue discussed.

Step four- Teacher facilitates general discussion and student performace.

Students share ideas and input and reflect on their contributions to the
Socratic Seminar Model

Socratic Seminal Model in the Classroom

Benefits of the Socratic Seminar Model

Develops factual, conceptual, procedural, and

metacognitive knowledge

Builds on prior knowledge

Fosters communication among and with peers

Promotes student exploration of important and complex


Empowers students

Develops 21st Century ideas.


This model has traditionally not be used with technology but there are
numerous ways technology might be incorporated into aspects of the model.

Planning-Finding materials to explore. Search engines and online databases

are excellent tools for finding rich material.

Implementation-Present materials in visual format. It can be helpful for some

learners with visual representation. Presentation software such as keynote,
PowerPoint, and SMART notebook are very useful tools when projecting the
Socratic Seminar for all students to see.

Assessment- Record and Replay. Audio and Video capture technology tools
might be used for assessing the different skills displayed by each individual
learner. Communication skills and body language can be captured to assess
how each student contributed during the model.

Differentiation of the model

Content- Students might either read or listen to the

Pledge of Allegiance

Process-Interacting face-to-face is difficult for many

learners. Some teachers find it useful to microblog
opening up the opportunity for students to use tablets,
and computers to interject questions and ideas during the

Product-Students performance can vary during the

Socratic Seminar model. Therefore, student might
measure their performance using a rating scale or writing
open ended reflections

Socratic Seminar Example

Twitter and Blog

Jeanne Ting Chowning @jchowning


Laura Grachan @lauragrachan


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