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All About Russia!

By: Jasmine Richey

Russias Capital City

Russias capital city is Moscow.
Moscow is situated on the Moskva River.

Language and Religion

The language of Russia is Russian. It is spoken by 96% of
the population.
The modern Russian language evolved from the Old
Church Slavonic language.
The most popular foreign languages in Russia are English
and German.
70% of Russias population practice Russian Orthodox
Christianity and 14% of the population practice Sunni

Tourist Attraction: Assumption

Cathedral in Vladimir
The Assumption Cathedral was dedicated to the Virgin
Mary by Andrew the Pious in 1158.
The cathedral was the most important church of
Medieval Russia.
The cathedral is 6-pillard and 5-domed and has a high
bell tower.

Tourist Attraction: Gorky Park

Gorky Park was created in 1928 by combining Golitsyn
Hospital and Nezkuchny Palace.
The park is 300 acres and has numerous play areas, rides,
and Ferris wheels. Guests can also horseback ride and
bungee jump.
Guests can go on boat rides and cruises on the Moscow
River that flows through the park.

National Cuisine
Pelmeny are small dumplings filled with spiced ground
meat which would be a main dish in Russia.
Blini is a traditional Russian buckwheat pancake that is
eaten in huge quantities the last week before Lent

Stereotypes by Americans
Stereotype: Russians are not cultured.
Truth: Russians have very clear ideas about art, music,
and cuisine.
Stereotype: Russians have a chilly exterior.
Truth: Russians hold outsiders at arms length until
motives are assessed, then they go in for the bear
hug and cheek kissing

Never give a Russian woman a yellow flower, this is a sign of
infidelity and means the relationship will not last.
During exam day a person should not make their own bed, wear
anything new, or cut their fingernails.
Whistling inside your house or car is like whistling away your

Hand Gestures
A flick on the neck: this is an invitation to drink

Russian Figa: this means you get nothing

Business Culture: Etiquette &

Body Language
Similarities to U.S
Shake hands and maintain
eye contact in beginning and
end of meeting
Give out business cards
Stand 2-3 feet apart in
Backslapping and hugs
common in social settings

Differences to U.S
No smiling while shaking
Men do not extend hand to
woman for handshake first
Business cards printed with
Russian on front and home
language on back
Remain pokerfaced

Business Culture: Relationship

Similarities to U.S
Usually build relationships
through conversation at
beginning of meeting and
social events
Discuss their own worldfamous literature, art, and

Differences to U.S
Russians love a good debate
about politics
Quite a few scam artists/
mafia members who claim to
have quality business for

Business Culture: Communication

Similarities to U.S
First business requests will be
refused and invitation to
negotiate will arise
If someone accepts first
business offer they are seen as

Differences to U.S

Indirect communicators
Test visitors patience by
creating scenes, barging out
of rooms, and threatening to
walk away from deals

Business Culture: Power Structures in Decision

Similarities to U.S
Companies are very
Decisions are frequently made
by a small group of senior
Lower level executives can
influence final decisions

Differences to U.S
Executives see contracts as
records of shared
understanding rather than
legally binding contract

Internet Penetration Rate

Russias internet penetration rate exceeds 70% aged 16
and up.
The top four social network sites in Russia:
1. Vkontakte: 55 million monthly users
2. Odnoklassniki: 45 million monthly users
3. MoiMir: 40 million monthly users
4. Facebook: 23 million monthly users

Individualism vs. Collectivism

Russia scores only 39 on the individualism scale while the U.S.
scores a 91.
Russia is more a collectivist country meaning they reinforce a
greater reliance on the group, and greater concern for everyone
The U.S. is a more individualized county meaning we reinforce our
reliance on ourselves, and encouraged a greater concern with our
own selves rather than the group.

Large or Small Power Distance

Russia scores a 93 on the power distance scale while the U.S.
scored a 40.
Russia has a large power distance meaning all individual's in their
society are not equal and power holders are very distant in their
The U.S. has a small power distance meaning we play down the
importance of inequalities of power and wealth as much as

Strong or Weak Uncertainty Avoidance

Russia scores a 95 in the category of uncertainty avodaance while
the U.S. scores a 46.
Russia has a strong certainty avoidance since they avoid risk and
uncertainty as much as possible, and only embrace absolute
The U.S. has a wek certainty avoidance since we avoid absolute
truths and do not feel threatened by behavior and opinions that
are different from our own.

Masculinity vs. Femininity

Russia scores a 36 on the masculinity scale while the U.S. scores a
Russia has a feminine culture meaning they distinguish gender
roles to a lesser degree and attach more importance to roles
associated with females, such as relationship-oriented activities
and interpersonal sensitivity.
The U.S. has a masculine culture because we delineate gender
roles and attach more importance on roles associated with males,
such as assertiveness and independence.

Current Events in Russia

Pino Pinellis work is being displayed at the Moscow Multimedia Art
Museum until October 23, 2016.
Veterinarians in Novosibirsk are Russias first veterinarians to make
prosthetic leg for cats on October 14, 2016.

Alessandro, M. M. (2016, October 14). Pinelli's Unique Brand of Analytical Painting on
Show in Moscow. Retrieved October 16, 2016, from
B. (n.d.). Blackboard Learn . Retrieved October 10, 2016, from
Bucher, R. D. (n.d.). Diversity consciousness: Opening our minds to people, cultures, and
opportunities (4th ed.). Pearson.
Hofstede, G. (n.d.). Geert Hofstede. Retrieved October 10, 2016,
Veterinarians in Novosibirsk Are Russia's First to Outfit Cat With Two Prosthetic Legs.
(2016, October 14). Retrieved October 16, 2016, from

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