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Office Performance &

Commitment Review
(OPCR) Form

All heads of offices shall accomplish their

respective OPCRs
OPCRs must officially identify and declare the
targets for the rating period
OPCRs must be in accordance with the over-all
strategy map and commitments of the agency
Once these are reviewed and finalized by the
PMT, all OPCRs must be signed and approved by
the contracting parties

Categories of Functions
Strategic Priorities these are outputs that implement
and deliver the mandates of the agency as identified
its strategy roadmap, OPIF, etc.

Core Functions these are functions that deliver the

main services and products of the agency

Support Functions these are functions that provide

necessary resources to enable the agency - its offices

and units - to effectively perform its mandate

Upon approval of the OPCRs, these shall be

cascaded to all employees for their reference in

the preparation of the Individual Performance
Commitment Review (IPCR) forms

All OPCRs must also detail the Success Indicators

(SI) for all strategic/core/support objectives
targeted for specific rating period

SIs are pre-set standards of work outputs or

accomplishments consisting of:
(1) performance measures (key performance indicators,
key performance measures)
(2) performance targets for each performance measure
(3) possible scenarios of outputs/accomplishments
pertinent to tasks, initiatives, projects and programs to
be undertaken
(4) corresponding scores/marks for these predicted
As much as possible, all possible scenarios must be
considered and given equivalent score/mark in the
determination of the SIs.

General Rules
In OPCR, the office shall compute the budget per

program/project by expense account to ensure that

budget allocation is strategy driven

The Office shall also identify specific division/unit/group

and individual as primarily accountable for producing a
particular target output per program/project/activity

Amendments to the OPCR may be allowed during the

rating period to accommodate legitimate intervening

tasks/ad hoc tasks and other superseding tasks subject
to review of the concerned PMT and approval of top

Determining Performance Measures

Quantity percentage, quota, number of reports,
number of MOAs signed, amount of collections,
number of employees oriented
Timeliness turnaround time (in minutes, hours,
days, months, etc.), cycle time, claim processing
time, response time, target date or deadline,
product development rate, delivery time, etc.
Effectiveness customer satisfaction rate,
employee satisfaction rate, employee engagement
index, capability index, customer positive feedback,
quality hire, ARTA compliance

General Rule on
Performance Measures
Performance Measures need not be many.

Only those that contribute to or support the

outcomes that the organization aims to
achieve shall be included in the OPCR

Determining Targets
Address the need of the identified customer/s

(internal or external) of the office and/or equivalent

to (if not exceeding) the customers expectations

Be aligned and synchronized with the strategic

goals and objectives of the agency

Be higher than what was achieved during the

previous appraisal period (for previous

achievements which were not yet the highest
targets to be possibly achieved

Be challenging enough to raise the bar of

agencys performance excellence

Consider the resources available and the

geographical, environmental and cultural/societal

limitations of the office

Reinforce and foster the culture of teamwork

among individuals and work units

Sources of Targeting
Historical data
Client Demand
Targets from past PMS (OPES, PES, etc)
Management Instructions
Future Trend

Individual Performance
& Commitment Review
(IPCR) Form

All employees shall accomplish their respective

IPCR to establish the individual performance

commitments for the rating period in accordance
with the targets contained in their respective

The IPCRs must contain the SIs for all

strategic/core/support targeted for the rating

period by the employee corresponding to the
parameters of his/her respective supervisors

These SIs shall serve as basis for the individual

employees scoring of performance outputs and


Upon finalization of the IPCR, the employee and the

supervisor shall sign the document to establish that

the performance targets indicated therein were
discussed and mutually agreed upon

The employee shall only sign the IPCR when prior

discussions and agreements with his/her supervisor

have been made

Categories of Functions
Strategic Priorities these are outputs that implement
and deliver the mandates of the agency as identified
its strategy roadmap, OPIF, etc.

Core Functions these are functions that deliver the

main services and products of the agency

Support Functions these are functions that provide

necessary resources to enable the agency - its offices

and units - to effectively perform its mandate

General Rules
All employees must submit their respective IPCRs
within the timeline set by PMT, specifically before
the start of a particular rating period

Non-submission of IPCR carries administrative

sanctions pursuant to provisions of CSC-MC 6, 2012

Ratings Dimensions &

Ratings Matrix

What gets measured

gets done
- Peter Drucker

What is Rating Dimension?

Under SPMS, there are 3 dimensions that must
be used to measure each and every Success

These 3 dimensions are Efficiency, Timeliness

and Quality (E-T-Q)

However, some agencies also use the dimension

of Quantity (Q) as accepted and independent
dimension especially for some targets

Quality or Effectiveness means getting

the right things done. It refers to the degree

to which objectives are achieved as
intended and the extent to which issues are
addressed with a certain degree of

Timeliness measures if the targeted

deliverable was done within the scheduled

or expected timeframe.

Efficiency is the extent to which targets

are accomplished using the minimum
amount of time or resources.

General Rules
Under SPMS, not all SIs have to be measured using all
the available dimensions

The use and appropriate application of rating

dimension for each SI depends on the nature of the

targets, to be reviewed and approved by the Head of
Office and concurred by the PMT

Thus, there are SIs that carry only 1 dimension or 2

dimensions or all dimensions depending on the final

discussions and agreements of concerned parties,
including PMT

Rating Ranges
(CSC-MC No. 13, series of 1999)
Very Satisfactory

(5) =
(4) =
(3) =
(2) =

130 % and UP
115 % to 129 %
100 % - 114 %
99 % - 51 %
= 50 % and

General Rules
Historically used and validated in past CSC performance

management systems
Harmonized with the rating ranges of the Results-Based
Performance Management System (RBPMS) as adopted by
the Inter-Agency Task Force on RBPMS
This may not be applied as absolute rule (hard and fast
rule) for all SIs especially for targets adhering to existing
laws, rules, regulations and guidelines
At the end of the day, the determination of rating ranges
per SI depends on the appreciation and decisions by PMT
to protect the integrity, validity and sanctity of each
performance target

Monitoring &
Coaching Journal (MCJ)

Regular monitoring of employees performance is

mandatory under SPMS

It is the responsibility of every Head of Office, the
Planning Office, the Human Resource Department as well
as the whole PMT to ensure that a sustainable monitoring
mechanism is in place and functional during the SPMS
This could be done on a weekly, monthly or quarterly
prior to the 3rd cycle of the SPMS to protect the integrity
and sanctity of the accomplishments
This facilitates easy tracking of progress on all identified
targets vis--vis the performance of individual employee

Role of the Manager/Leader

Monitors the work activities or accomplishments of

employees on regular basis (monthly, quarterly,

semi-annually, etc)
Addresses the factors that either help or hinder
effective work performance
Designs tracking tools or monitoring strategies
Acts as enabler/coach/mentor rather than a mere

Timely steps are taken to keep targets on track
Office goals are met in the most effective manner
Necessary support systems and resources are

Enabling environment is fostered to improve
team performance
Employees potentials are managed, developed
and maximized

Monitoring/Coaching Journal
All supervisors must maintain a journal using the

MCJ Form to record the conduct of monitoring and

coaching which shall contain the following:
Date of the monitoring/coaching moment
Brief Statement or Purpose of the
Name of person/coachee
Critical incidents discussed
Agreements/actions taken/next steps
Both the coach and the coachee shall affix their
signatures in the space provided by the form

Best Practice in CSC

Established Monitoring Tool per each SI
Regular quarterly assessment meeting among

Directors & Division Chiefs

Monthly submission of A Coaching Journal

Staff Development

The SDP - or the Professional Development Plan as

termed in SPMS - serves as a guide in documenting and
surfacing the strengths and areas for development of
employees in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude

The SDP is essential form that must accomplished by the

supervisor especially for those employees who
underperform during a specific rating period

Heads of offices must ensure that SDP provides timely

and appropriate developmental interventions for those
employees getting unsatisfactory/poor performances

The SDP aims to improve or correct performances of

employees with Unsatisfactory and Poor performance

ratings which must be outlined clearly, including
timelines, and monitored to track progress

The results of the performance evaluation shall serve

as vital inputs to Heads of Offices in identifying and
providing the kind of interventions needed, based on
developmental/competency gaps identified

Best Practices at CSC

Formation of Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Completion of Competency Assessment per

Identification of Core, Organizational, Leadership
& Technical Competencies
Online Competency Assessment Report (thru
the support of PAHRODF)
Online Leadership Assessment Report (thru the
support of PAHRODF)

Competency-Based IDP of CSC

Uses 4 Scaling Levels Basic, Intermediate,

Advanced and Superior

Surfaces the strengths as well as the gaps and
areas for improvement of employees
Identifies customized intervention programs for
Meant to assist the employee meet the required
competency level of current position
Meant to prepare the employee meet the required
competency level of the next higher position

On Performance
Management Team
Pursuant to CSC-MC No. 6, Series of 2012

Functions of PMT
1. Targets Setters
2. Ratings Validators
3. Performers Identifiers
4. Appeals Facilitators
5. Policies & Guidelines Gatekeepers
6. SPMS Advocates & Game Changers

Functions of PMT

Sets consultation meetings with all Heads of Offices to

discuss the office performance commitment and rating
system and tools
Ensures that office performance management targets,
measures, and budget are aligned with those of goals of the
Recommends approval of the office performance and rating
system and tools
Acts as appeals body and final arbiter
Identifies potential top performers for awards
Adopts its own internal rules, procedures, and strategies to
carry out its responsibilities


Executive Official to be Designated by the Head

of Agency
as Chair
Highest Ranking Human Resource Officer as
Highest Ranking Planning Officer as Member
Highest Ranking Finance Officer as Member
Representative from an Accredited Employees
as Member

PMT Secretariat

The Planning Office usually sits and functions as the PMT

Monitors submission of Office Performance Commitment and
Rating Form (OPCR) and schedule the review and evaluation by
the PMT
Consolidates, reviews, validates, and evaluates the initial
performance assessment based on accomplishments reported
against success indicators and budget against actual expenses.
Conducts an agency performance planning and review
conference annually.
Provides each office with the final office assessment as basis
in the assessment of individual employees.


Assistant Commissioner PMT Chairperson

Director IV, Office for Strategy Management (OSM)

Provides assisstorial role to the Commission in the
assessment of
performance levels of offices, facilitates
the Annual Performance
Review of the organization and
acts as secretariat to the PMT.

Director IV, Office for Financial & Administrative

(OFAM) Member
Reviews and ensures a strategy-driven strategy

Director IV, Human Resource Policies and Standards Office

(HRPSO) - Member, Reviews SPMS and other performance
management policies/guidelines and recommends their
enhancement to the

Director IV, Human Resource Development Office (OPMD) Member

Reviews IPCR and recommends appropriate interventions
( i.e. training, learning and development, rewards and
President, PINTIG Union - Member
Represents the interest and voice of the CSC rank and file

On Target Setting
Offices submit targets to Office for Strategic
Management (OSM)

OSM reviews, analyzes and aligns submitted


OSM recommends changes, if necessary, and

alignment of measures and even standardizes

targets applicable to offices

OSM ensures that performance targets and measures

as well as the budget are aligned with those of the
organization and that work distribution among offices
is rationalized. Should modification be necessary in
the submitted OPCRs, the PMT shall inform the
concerned head of office of the proposed changes

PMT reviews thru panel deliberation. Invites

concerned office to justify the targets and enlighten

their proposed targets

PMT votes on what to recommend for final approval of

the Commission

On Rating Offices
OSM consolidates monthly reports and quarterly

assessment tools regularly submitted by offices

OSM makes initial rating per office
OSM recommends to PMT the initial ratings of
PMT issues provisional rating to each office
Offices are given a reasonable time to either
validate, accept or make counter-comments on the
initial rating of each office thru submission of
verifiable output/documents/evidences

PMT may call office for calibration of initial


PMT conducts voting and final grading/ranking of


PMT makes recommendation to the

Commission/Head of Agency for approval of office


PMT as Appeals Body

Non-submission of OPCR & IPCR to PMT within the specified

time period will be ground for:

Employees disqualification for performance-based
personnel actions
Administrative sanction for violation of reasonable office
rules and regulations and simple neglect of duty for
supervisors or employees responsible for delay or nonsubmission of the office and individual performance
commitment and rating report
An Office/Unit or individual employee can file an appeal
with the PMT within ten (10) days from the date of receipt of
their performance evaluation rating

The PMT shall decide on the appeals within

one (1) month from receipt of such appeal

Officials or employees who are separated from

the service on the basis of Unsatisfactory or Poor
performance rating can appeal their separation
to the CSC or its Regional Office within fifteen
(15) days from receipt of the order or notice of



Civil Service Commission
Office of the President Field Office

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