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Do Now: Phenakistoscope

Read the handout: Science Scoop

Summarize in your own words how it works
on back of the small worksheet
Anticipated Timeline
10/31- Take home to test
11/2- Project Due

Do Now (10m)
Phenakistoscope: How to, Worksheet ( 20 m)
Work alone on the worksheet then work together

Rubric & Examples: you will be the judge (15 m)

Steps (5 m)
Brainstorm Sheet (15 m)
Clean & Turn in (10 m)

SWBAT develop an understanding of how animation works.
SWBAT summarize how to make a phenakistoscope

Essential Question
Why are the slits important to help us see the animation of a

Circle or star the question you are looking for
Each person is in charge of 1 question during the video
Blue/Orange: simple
Purple/ Yellow:



1. Draw the first frame

2. Window to trace - draw the next frame
with a small change
3. Flip papers to test


Verbally share your answers & write it on the sheet
We will review it as a class, correct the answers
Write the answers into your sketchbook

1. Neatness
2. Planning
3. Use of Time
4. Creativity

You will judge based off the rubric
Be prepared to explain why


1. Brainstorm
2. Draw the Frames
3. ?? How do you think well create the frames on the
phenakistoscope neatly??
4. Glue & Cut the Manilla Folder
5. Pencil & Thumbtack

Brainstorming sheet
1. Looping the animation is when the animator makes the
animation repeat smoothly
2. Read the Steps on the PHenakistoscope handout
3. Draw at least 3 different ideas (use the back if you need)

Done Early?
Add colors

1. Everyone write your names on your project
2. Orange: collect your tables project and bring it up
3. Blue & Purple: put all materials back in the proper spot
4. Yellow: Gather the trash on and around the desks

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