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Clean air act

June 23, 1999 Enactment of RA 8749

July 2, 1999 CAA Publication
July 17, 1999 Effectivity of the CAA
Nov. 7, 2000 IRR approved as DAO 2000-81
Nov 10, 2000
IRR publication
Nov. 25, 2000

Effectivity of the IRR

Salient Features
the Philippine Clean air act of

Designation of airsheds for more effective

and systematic planning and coordination
( attainment or non-attainment for criteria
A multisectoral Governing Board shall be
created for each Airshed to formulate
policies, common action plan and coordinate
functions and actions
Adaption of the emission charge system
based on concept of polluters must pay

Salient Features
the Philippine Clean air act of

Fees, imposed as part of the emissions

permit or vehicle registration renewal shall
be collected from both stationary and
mobile sources
Establishment of an Air Quality
Management Fund to finance containment
or clean-up operations or restorations/rehab
activities, research monitoring

Salient Features
the Philippine Clean air act of

Requirement for program and project to put up

Financial Guarantee Mechanisms for immediate
response, clean up or rehabilitation of areas that may
be damaged
Air quality Standards (Emissions and Ambient) are
explicitly provided under the act, subject to DENRs
review and revision
Existing industries w/c could not comply w/ standards
are given 18 months grace period for establishment
of an Environmental Management System

Salient Features
the Philippine Clean air act of

Privatization of Motor Vehicle Inspection,

testing (PETCs) and repair centers:
All Motor vehicles shall undergo emission
testing prior to renewal of registration
Vehicles which fail such tests shall be
required to undergo repair at the centers
and be retested

Salient Features
the Philippine Clean air act of

Prohibition on incineration, defined as

the burning of municipal, biomedical and
hazardous wastes which process emits
toxic and poisonous fumes

Salient Features
the Philippine Clean air act of
Improvement of Fuels:
Elimination of lead in gasoline by Jan.
All ULG should have aromatics content
of 45% and Benzene content of 4% by
Jan. 2001
All ULG should have aromatics content
of 35% and benzene content of 2% by
Jan. 2003
Automotive diesel sulfur content: 2%

Salient Features
the Philippine Clean air act of

Provides for venue for citizens suit where

any citizen may:
File civil, criminal and administrative
action against any violator or public
official who neglects his performance
Provides heavier Fines and Penalties for
Violators of the Act and its IRR

Fines and Penalties

Stationary Sources
A Fine of P 100,000.00 for everyday of
violation of standards until such time that
standards have been complied with
Shall be increased by at least 10% every 3 years
to compensate for inflation and to maintain the
deterrent function of the fine
Penalties for gross Violation: Imprisonment of
not less than 6 years but not more than 10
years at the discretion of the court

Fines and Penalties

Mobile Sources
Exceedance of exhaust emission limits:
1st offense: P 1,000.00
2nd offense: P 3,000.00
3rd offense: P 5,000.00 + seminar on pollution
control management
If 3rd offense was committed within a year from
the commission of the 1st offense: suspension of
MVR for 1 year

Fines and Penalties

Ban on smoking:
Imprisonment of 6 months and 1 day to 1
year; or a fine of P 10,000.00
Open Burning:
A fine of not < P10,000.00 but not> P
100,000.00; or 6 years Imprisonment

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