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Rangkaian Penyelidikan Tindakan
(Action research networks)


Kertas kerja & hasil penyelidikan dibentang untuk

dikongsikan kepada peserta dibahaskan &
seterusnya diedarkan untuk tatapan peserta
Department or faculty research seminar (involved
staff/postgraduate students)
Seminar peringkat zon/kebangsaan pembentang
Seminar antarabangsa

Department or faculty research seminar

seminar series where members of staff and

postgraduate researchers are invited to
come and talk about research in progress'.

to get feedback on your research

Presentation of students assignment :

based on something like a journal article or
other relevant text or to discuss some
new material related to a topic, concept or
practical that has recently been introduced.

The objectives of a student seminar :

give you an opportunity to explore and

examine a theme or topic in reasonable depth
and then to give a presentation on it to the

inculcating presentation and leadership skills

among students

involving students to learn actively

offering the presenter student an opportunity

of interaction with peer students and staff i.e
you will 'manage' the discussion that follows by asking and responding to questions


assessing student while performing


an assessment of the presentation

to practise your organisational and

presentational skills

Organizing Seminars

organizing a seminar requires extensive

planning and preparation with most work
implemented at least a few months before
the actual event
much groundwork has been worked on
with the purpose of developing the right
atmosphere in addition to a beneficial
experience to partipants

Organizing Seminars
1. Establishing the theme of the event
2. Selecting a venue
3. Seminar Marketing and Publicity
4. Collaboration with sponsors
5. Managing People and working with
6. Actual Day Preparation, Registration,
Ushering, Feedback

1. Establishing The Theme Of The Event

a theme and purpose will drive the event

set-up, the target audiences or the
participants & the guests

Theme of a seminar eg. Amalan

Penyelidikan Teras Inovasi Pendidikan,

A seminar with a particular theme will

appeal to participants & also can be used
for publicity

It will correctly identify target participants

2. Selecting A Venue

highly dependent on the scale of the


determined by the number of

participants, the presence of any
guests of honor (such as royalty or
politicians), the activities during the
event, or if there are additional floor space
required for exhibition purposes.

typical seminar of about 100 200 can be

comfortably implemented in a hotel
seminar room (theater style setting or
classroom setting).
larger scale events with participant
numbers scaling between 500 1000 may
require a large hall, ballroom, auditorium or
a convention center.
location & quality standard of the venue is
also important especially if the event
involves the participation of VIPs.
explore the possibility of a few venues
and examine their location suitability,
level of services, ambience, and costs
before coming to a decision.

3. Seminar Marketing and Publicity

number of participants turning up for a

seminar is highly dependent on the strength
of marketing activities and publicity

Publicity: brochure, banners, posters,

website, newspaper & magazine
advertisements, radio and television

Press releases may also be sent in to major

newspapers, in order to create the awareness
of the upcoming event

4. Collaboration With Sponsors

Getting reputable sponsors to participate in an

event will help boost the creditability of the
event, as well as reduce costs.

Sponsors can also help with marketing, as they

also help publicize your event to their

Some sponsors also require a short message of

their company to be given to the participants
during the event. Others give away sample
products or door gifts to participants.

5. Managing People And Working With

Invite speakers who are of caliber and

reputation to the event, who will provide
the participants with relevant information
to their work, industry or business.

Prepare the speakers beforehand PP

presentation, logistic processes, timing,
expected audience size, additional
microphones to be used for question and
answer sessions.

require a good team of people handling tasks

on ushering, registration, customer service as
well as handling financials.
each person should be familiar with their
individual roles ensured through a
preparation of a detailed schedule of events
coupled with roles and responsibilities for
each person.
Ideally, the secretariat should control the
whole team and ensure that everyone is
carrying out their duties efficiently

6. Actual Day Preparation,
Registration, Ushering, Feedback

All seminar planning & preparations,

constituting 80% of total work involved,
cascade to the actual event which may
last only for a few hours or a few days

On the day before the event, visit the

venue to ensure that everything is in
order according the requirements and
specifications - microphones, projectors,
audio and video systems must be all
checked to be in excellent working order.

On the actual day, staff should be present at

the venue at least 1 hours before
commencement & ready to receive
participants half an hour before they are
scheduled to file in.
Registrations must be made at the door to
ensure authorized access.
Name tags, door gifts and event schedules or
booklets will be given out at this point and
ushers will show participants to their seats in
the event hall.

feedback forms should be distributed and

then collected from participants to
determine the satisfaction level on all
aspects of the event experience. This is in
order to receive pointers, ideas and advice
for future improvements.

Opening ceremony
Paper presentation (parallel
Question and answer

* break

Presenting your research :
Style and format
Content and delivery

Style and Format

Who will be invited and what is their likely

knowledge of your research project/area?

Will colleagues expect a PowerPoint

presentation or a more informal talk?

What proportion of the seminar will you be

expected to spend on presentation?
(usually 10-15 min) discussion?

Where will the seminar be held? Will you

have to book and set up the audiovisual
aids (laptop, data projector)?

Format for action research presentation:

Issue of concern & Research focus
Research objectives
Target group
Action strategy plan & implementation
Data collection, analysis & interpretation

Content and delivery

Research your content. Find ways to
enrich it and bring it to life: pictures,
diagrams, quotes, real-life examples,
anecdotes, and practical applications
Decide how you will organise your content
- according to a chronology, problem
presentation and solution(s),
rule/example, logical derivation,
relationships between topics / issues, etc.

Structure your talk carefully and make

this structure explicit to the audience:

Introduction: explain why the research

is being carried out and why it is
Content: tell the audience how you
have structured it (you could also
represent this visually) and tell them
when you are moving from one part of
the structure to the next

Conclusion: should summarise the two or

three key points and possibly pose a question
or comment on the future direction of the
research, to launch the discussion.
Run through your talk at least once before the
seminar. Test your PowerPoint presentation (if
using) and make sure that you aren't trying to
present too much information in the time
Visit the room before the seminar or arrange to
arrive early to test the equipment



Things to consider

Preparation (of handouts, visual

aids, overheads)

Are they necessary?

Clear and useful


Gain interest
Too long/short
Are objectives clear?


Appropriate to audience


Clearly articulate
Voice audible
Use appropriate intonation
Correct speed

General presentation

Use of appropriate humour?


To publish is to make content publicly known.

The term is most frequently applied to the
distribution of text or images on paper, or to the
placing of content on a website.

The word publication means the act of

publishing, and it also means any writing of
which copies are published, and any website.

Among publications are books, and periodicals,

the latter including magazines, scholarly
journals, and newspapers; newsletter, etc.


Publication" is a technical term in

legal contexts and especially
important in copyright legislation.

An author of a work generally is the

initial owner of the copyright on the
work. One of the copyrights granted
to the author of a work is the
exclusive right to publish the work.


In the United States, publication is defined

the distribution of copies or
phonorecords of a work to the public by
sale or other transfer of ownership,
or by rental, lease, or lending. The
offering to distribute copies or
phonorecords to a group of persons for
purposes of further distribution,
public performance, or public
display, constitutes publication.


is a tool designed for teachers in the field

as well as students
this tool enables researchers (the
teachers) to share their research and view
the findings of others.
done by providing an online template
that the researchers fill in to help them
record information about various aspects
of their research.


Thus a researcher can describe all aspects

of his or her action research project, take
notes and keep them all in one place,
upload their research instruments and data,
make a first draft of their final paper and
bibliography (if doing this for a class), and
share this information with others of their
choice (e.g., the public, their professor,
outside reviewers, someone at their

This makes it easy for a teacher or

professor to locate projects that are of
particular interest or which illustrate a
particular aspect of teaching.

Some examples:
CARN, the Collaborative Action
Research Network

Tutorial 15
In groups:
(a)Discuss why you need to make
your action research findings public.
Summarize discussion findings using radial
(b)Explain the different ways of making public
action research findings.

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