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What kind of influences and connections

are behind the film Bambi and how did
this affect the final product?
Anabel Saise


In the introduction I will initially set out with a strong opening sentence to
highlight the importance of history behind the film Bambi and how this will
affect the content of the essay, since basic history encompasses the nature of my
question. I will also list the people behind the production and direction of this
film as influence, before going into more intimate detail in the main body of the
essay. Basically I will bullet point what influences there can be before going into
more solid details. Besides this it could also be within nature to have some
inclusion of how modern connections may alter the receiving of information, in
perspective, I will try to bring the reader into the shoes of those who brought
Bambi to the big screen.

Main Body of Essay

How does the proximity of WW2 affect the content of this movie?

How did Walt Disneys personality affect how this film was made?

Talking about main influence of the film, the original Austrian publication.

Who is David Hand and what hand did he give in this film?

Miscellaneous information and trivia that equated the ideas in this film.


What I love about this film is that it conveys lifes most elementary experiences, such as a lighting storm or the first snow of winter, with
the imagery and sounds that re-evoke those emotions we may have felt in our childhood. The way the rain sounds dripping on leaves and
flowing into streams, or how the thunder rattles our bodies and lights up the sky. The excitement of stepping on snow or ice for the first
time, only to realize the bitter cold and harsh winds that associate it. This is all done delicately to show fear, to show joy, to show hunger, in
a way that is never overbearing or abrupt. It describes life in the lens of a child: an emotional roller coaster that pays more attention to the
little things, rather than, say, getting into college or a salary raise. (3)

This film has extra influence over its own audience in order to show us how we can empathize with these woodland creatures, which speaks
loads for the apparent experience of the director.

Children, for example, find death in the news far more disturbing than death in fiction television pg.288 (4)

The importance of conveying a message to children is very important for the film to do. After all, this is the intended audience that the
production was made for. When connected to realism, relating directly to both the child and their parent, the death of Bambis mother in the
film takes on a form that otherwise wouldn't have been as affective as just killing her off. This effect could have been directly to WW2,
when many children were evacuated and some forcibly split from their parents during a vital part of their lives.

Meanings are determined socially: that is, they are constructed out of the conjecture of the text with the socially situated reader. pg.80 (4)

Many people, through deeper study couldve found the same things I have through analysis of this films background, but at the time,
audiences found Bambi to be disagreeable in its content, particularly due to its subliminal anti-hunting message which wouldve been
particularly big at the time due to the tougher times, and hunting being a commodity. In more modern times due to the abundance of food
and opportunity this film content is more tolerable than it was. This can go to show how the value of influence can change over time as it is
introduced to different audiences.


Bambi turned out to the public as an anti-hunting campaign, but there is

more to the film than just that

WW2 was a very influential part of many artists work during that time, and
has been so for the rest of their lives.

Personal opinion of Bambi and nostalgic value, talking about memorable


Bibliography and Illustration List

(1)Taylor D Oh my Disney

(2)Wills M (2016) JStor

(3)Tae K (2013) taestful reviews

(4)Fiske, John. Television Culture. London: Methuen, 1987. Print.


(1) Poster from Poll Parrot Shoes


(2) Cover Art for Austrian book


(3) Film Image from Bambi 1942

(4) Film Image from Bambi 1942


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