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Bridge Design

Tyrus Charley

The Different types of bridges

Beam Bridge- Constructed of horizontal beam supported by pier
where the disperse downward.
Truss bridge- Is a bridge made from a series of steel triangles. The
bridge load is given into the triangles and is given to the top and
given downward.
Arch Bridge- Was used during the Roman time period with stone in
modern times is now made up of steel concrete. The energy load is
disperse in the middle and bottom legs.
Suspension Bridge - It is a bigger bridge known for the even most
infamous bridges. This bridge energy load goes from the long steel
wires to the beam and down the beam.

Beam Bridge
The beam is a bridge constructed of horizontal beams
aided by piers at the end.
The weight is dispersed down into the piers below.
The more spread out the weaker the beams and piers
These bridges hardly spread out more than 250 feet.

Truss bridge
It is made up of triangles to aid the bridge.
The bridges are assembled with a series of steel bars.
The energy load is given off to the steel bars that lead
to beam and Is than transferred down to the pier.

Arch bridge
It is said to have great natural strength.
Bridge was used during the primitive Roman empire
The modern bridges are made up of steel and concreate
and can now span 800 feet.
The way the bridge works is all the energy from the load
is transferred into the middle and into the pier as well.

Suspension Bridge
This bridge is known for infamous bridges
It is made up steel and is supported by steel wires that
connect to the beams
It can span to colossal lengths to 2,000 to 7,000 feet. It
is the longest bridges The Way the bridge is by the
cables transfer the load to the beams and it moves to a
pier but in the middle it goes upward and downward to
decline the reaction

Compression (squeezing) is a force that squeezes a
material together. When a material is in compression it
often becomes shorter

Stretching Tension is a force that stretches a material

apart it becomes longer

Bending is a straight parrael material that becomes
curve either by one side squeezes together and the
other side stretches apart

Sliding is a shear force that will cause parts of a material

to slide past another in opposite directions

This is when a torsion is an action and twist a material
The bridge in 1940 Tacoma Narrows Bridge Where the
twisting force is

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