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Why is
it so
OSTEO System Normal Functions

Body’s chemical bank for regular

deposits and withdrawals of calcium,
phosphorus and even trace minerals.

Bone marrow is manufacturing facility

for blood cells.

Body’s protective armor for most vital

organs: heart, lungs, liver, brain, etc.

Body’s structural segway for flexibility

and motion.
OSTEO System Normal Functions

Detoxification of heavy metal


Sound Management - the auditory

system is designed to detect several
aspects of sounds.

Acid-based balance – contains large

stores of buffer, to effectively balance
the pH changes that occur in the body.
The Challenge

 10 Million Americans
have Osteoporosis.
 34 Million Americans

have low bone mass.

 66 Million - joint related issues.
TOTAL: 110 Million

Studies indicate our teenage youth are at risk for osteoporosis…

Athletes, mothers, older men and women.

 “They will not fall and break their bones, they will break their
bone…and fall.”

 The skeletal
system gets
replaced (10 times in
the average lifetime – 5
times before age 20)
Bone loss

Age is implicated as the leading cause of

diminishing bone mass.

Approximately 34 million Americans over the age

of 50 are estimated to suffer from decreased
bone density.*

Long-term nursing care is the fate of 30% who suffer a hip

fracture. For females, 20% die within 1 year.

* Sources: Office of the US Surgeon General, US Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention
What does it
mean to you

 Height loss
 Impingement of nerves
 Decreased organ function
 Decreased mobility
 Fear of activity
Supplements offer limited
 Nutritional supplements can supply
the raw materials that are needed for
bone regeneration. Calcium sources:
greens, milk, fortified foods,
supplements, etc.

 That is only part the process. These

materials need to be absorbed
into bone tissue and converted to
usable form.
Supplements - limited
 With calcium supplementation alone, much of the ingredients
will never reach the intended destination.

 A large proportion of ingested calcium is excreted, because

the body only consumes enough for its immediate needs.

 Research suggests that dietary calcium is not readily used in

metabolic processes.

 Calcium may be making you sicker… hardening of the

arteries and high blood pressure. Source: NewsMax

 Calcium supplementation has been blamed for kidney stones.

OSTEO System Limitations

Most Prescription Drugs and

Nutritional Supplements:

 have limited ability to promote

bone mineral density (BMD).

 may slow down bone resorption

(loss) but can’t form new bone mass

 by slowing down bone resorption

(loss) cause several side effects

 lack target site-delivery systems to

avoid chemical build-up.
Of course this is the worst possible side effect. The
number of occurrences in osteonecrosis of the jaw is a
small percentage.
RISKS of Osteo
 seizures
 jaw decay  anemia
 disabling pain  blood clotting disorders
 esophageal cancer  decreased joint mobility
 altered taste  pain in the muscles, joints and
 numbness or bones
 mental irritability  eye problems
 chest pain  skin rash
 difficulty swallowing  gastrointestinal abnormalities
 heartburn  inflammation of the esophagus
Normal functions of bone tissue

Bone Resorption (Loss)

Osteoclasts excavate small pits in bone
and release calcium for body functions

Bone Markers
Fragments of excavated bone collagen are
released into biological fluids

Bone Formation
Osteoblasts deposit new collagen to fill
excavated pits on bone

Bone Health
When resorption / formation are in balance
there is no net change in bone mass
Osteoclast cells are very important cells!

Every organ in our bodies require calcium to function.

Osteoclasts are cells

that excavate the bone
and release calcium in
the form of biological
fluids necessary for all
bodily/organ functions.

Modern pharmaceuticals stop this cell

from functioning creating negative
side effects for the rest of the body
Osteoblasts are cells that
deposit new collagen to fill
excavated pits, forming new

Returning homeostasis to the bone is imperative!

When resorption / formation are in balance there is no net

change in bone mass – healthy functioning bones

Osteodenx brings homeostasis to the bones by restoring osteoclast

and osteoblast action with patented syno-portin technology
A worldwide team of scientists and technicians
directed by Dr. A. S. Narain Naidu are
responsible for bringing OsteoDenx to
A.S. Narain Naidu, Ph.D. (Medicine), has served as
professor on the faculty of universities in Europe, Asia and
the United States. He is a fellow or member of numerous
professional and scientific societies, and a research
consultant to public health agencies and major
pharmaceutical and medical enterprises worldwide.

Dr. Naidu is a member of the advisory panels of several

multinational corporations, an invited speaker at universities
and scientific organizations, and a prolific author responsible
for many published works. His research on food safety and
toxic shock syndrome has brought international recognition,
and his discoveries are the basis for the founding of four
successful biotech companies. He holds several patents in
health-related applications.
research and development
Supports physical processes
Recognized by science
The OsteoDenx Difference.

 patented transport system

 natural replenishment of
calcium and other minerals

 targeted transport system

 Helps in biochemical
*These statements have not been evaluated by theconversion and absorption
Food and Drug Administration.
 Supports the optimal balance of minerals
within bones and joints
 Maintain bone density
 Support the structure and integrity of joint
 This technology is based on 20-plus years
of scientific research
 Results published in leading medical and
professional journals.
» VegeCap™
» Daily serving

One OsteoDenx capsule per day provides a

measured, specific amount of essential
support for bone health.
Capsules are all-vegetable VegeCaps,
without gelatin or other animal byproducts.

Best absorption occurs when taken with

Lactoferrin Gold 1.8

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

-Ben Franklin
Absorption of nutrients
through the digestive
system is important.
Lactoferrin Gold offers
maximum absorption
through the digestive
system, while Osteodenx
uses a targeted delivery
system to ensure absorption
from the digestive system
into bones.
 Absorb and utilize iron and trace
 Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and
antiparasitic activities with no issues
of microbial drug-resistance
 Even eliminating toxic compounds and
free radicals, and maintaining
 Inhibits harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi
and parasites
 Neutralizes toxic and allergic
 Dramatically increases antioxidant

Optimum calcium for bone health

CalDenx supports the maintenance

of healthy bones.* It provides
nutritional support that offers
calcium, vitamin D and magnesium
to aid in calcium absorption and
metabolism, as well as boron and
folate.* In combination with Nikken
OsteoDenx, CalDenx can be part of
a daily regimen to defend skeletal
Peer Review Studies


Bone Resorption (LOSS)

Serum NTx levels (nM BCE)


down bone loss by
25% compared to
15 Control Group
D a y -0 D a y -1 5 D a y -3 0 D a y -6 0

N-telopeptide – bone collagen marker

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Peer Review Studies


Bone Formation


Serum BSAP levels (U/L)


increased new bone

formation by 43%
30 compared to Control
Group [within 15
D a y -0 D a y -1 5 D a y -3 0
D a y -6 0 days].

Bone-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Lactoferrin: A Novel Bone Growth Factor
(Clinical Medicine & Research)

Old weak bone
yellow marrow

After Osteodenx
Young strong bone
With healthy
2009 Jan 27.
 Promotes formation of new

 Promotes bone formation.

 A ribonuclease-enriched
lactoferrin supplement studied
here, (market name OsteoDenx)
demonstrates significant
reduction in resorption and
increase in formation, towards
restoring the balance of bone
turnover within 6 months.
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