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Unity in the Paragraph

Reading books is a great hobby. Coming from great minds books are
generally the storehouse of wisdom. Reading books helps us to grow
intellectually. Reading gives us ideas and ideas change the world.
Reading is also helpful in making us more articulate and
spontaneous in expressions. These days, however, the habit of
reading books is declining. Children today prefer watching television
to reading books.Television charms them with striking
images.Somebody has correctly called it an idiot box.After all, what
is there to watch on television? In the name of entertainment, it
offers us loud and meaningless programmes.The so-called family
serials are horrible to sit through, and idiotic masala movies are
repeated endlessly.On television, you cant even watch the news; for
more than the information, what you get is sensationalism.

Reading books is a great hobby.Coming from great minds, books

rea generally the storehouse of wisdom.Reading books helps us to
grow intellectually.Reading gives us ideas and ideas change the
world.Reading is also helpful in making us more articulate and
spontaneous in our expressions.These days , however, the habit of
reading books is declining.Children today, prefer to watch
television to reading books.Television charms them with striking
images. So unlike books, it captures the attention of the young
minds immediately.Reading requires concentration and effort.
Alternatively, television offers them entertainment, though loud
and meaningless, without demanding any effort from them in
return.Moreover, books generally do not offer to their readers the
sensational stuff that the television so readily supplies in order to
capture the attention of young innocent minds.

2. Coherence
I really appreciate the idea of arranging a trip to Srinagar for our school
children.Certainly it is a wonderful idea.Srinagar is a beautiful place
and our students must be able to see that before they leave the
campus.Since the journey is a long one, we can arrange a good,luxury
bus for our students.They can watch mesmerizing sights on the way.
The whole trip may consume some ten days or more.With their exams
slated in March next year,there is nothing much to worry about losing
precious time.And seeing a beautiful place like Srinagar is no wastage
of time whatsoever.Staying our students should also not be a
problem.We have good hotels in Srinagar.We can book one good
one.After all the students belong to good families and no student
would mind sparing a couple of thousands for a trip to Srinagar.With
sporadic violence and militancy, it is no longer a safe place but.
Though March Is far off, dont you feel that they will miss the crucial
ten days on the their run up to the board exams?

I appreciate the idea of arranging a trip to Srinagar for our

school children.Srinagar is a beautiful place and it would
be nice if our students could see the mesmerising sights
before they leave the school campus.However, with
sporadic violence and militancy, it is no longer a safe place
for such adventures.Moreover, for the students appearing
for the board exams next year, a ten day trip might be a
little too long.Regarding other arrangements however,
there does not seem to be much to worry about.For the trip
a luxury bus can be arranged and students can be lodged in
a good hotel there. Since most of our students come from
well off families, they would be able to bear the cost of
expenses the proposed trip is likely to incur.

.The explanation is the writersrationale of his/her

thinking about the main idea.Paragraph development
continues with an expression of the rationale or the
explanation that the writer gives for how the reader should
interpret the information presented in the topical sentence
of the paragraph.

3.Adequate development
Formulation of the controlling idea,
explanation of the controlling idea, if
possible with examples makes a paragraph
complete.The controlling idea is the
expression of the main idea or the focus of
the paragraph in a sentence or collection of
sentences.Paragraph development begins
with the formulation of the controlling idea.

Descriptive persuasive
All that you have to spare is a mere Rs 500 per
month to buy a lifelong pleasure that comes from
travelling and seeing unseen places.Just pay
peanuts and let us do the rest.For almost nothing
the company takes care of all your travel
arrangements; gets the booking of your travel
tickets done through our agents; fixes hotels for
you and arranges tour guides

Expository descriptive writing

One of the most compact and the best performing oven-toaster
grill(OTG) continues to perform life-long for the satisfaction of its
owner.The OTG is fitted with special and powerful sheathed
heaters made of chrome nickel tube for fast, even cooking.Special
pilot lamps are provided to give an indication of upper lower
heater.A special toughened see- through glass window allows the
owner to actually observe the food being cooked.Comact and
graceful, the OTG is specially designed to save fuel, time and

Descriptive narrative
Narrative e.g
When I entered the room, it seemed unusually
quiet.They were all sitting there.Not
speaking. Just looking down, with their
heads buried in their knees.More than the
surprise, it gave me a shock, and a wave of
trepidation swept over me.

Argumentative writing
Loyalty is one of the most debatable and complex issues in human
life.Generally regarded as a great attribute,loyalty stands as a firm
evidence of a persons socially approved demeanor.In delicate
phenomena like friendship and marriage, it is seen as a single
most important yardstick to judge someones trustworthiness and
dependence.This, however, is not the only side of the coin.At
times loyalty becomes a crippling factor in our lives.It stops
people from realizing their true potential.Particularly in the life of
the creative individual, maintaining loyalty to the system seems
like an unnecessary appendage.This is so because the creative
souls tend to think beyond the existing frame.History is replete
with examples where the creative peoples imagination has
challenged the existing codes and have preferred listening to their
inner urge rather than sticking to a patterned existence. Hence
the creative souls see loyalty only as a disruptive force.

Analytical writing.
In a highly stratified society like India,there are
numerous differentiations apart from those
concerning caste and class.Gender is now
recognised as a more pervasive and distinct
category of social stratification.The literacy rate of
tribals is not only low but also shows a high level
of gender disparity.During 1971, female literacy
among tribals was 4.85percent at the all India
level and only 0.49 percent in Rajasthan.Despite
massive efforts by the govt and non governmental
agencies,it was still 19 percent of the all India
level and just 4.42 percent in Rajasthan.

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