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A quick reminder:
NCPAC = NATO Countries Public Affairs Community
Established in 2009
Encompasses the Chief PAO (military personnel) in General Staff and Ministry of
Defence of 28 NATO Nations
Born from the need to fill the gap between MC/IMS (NATO HQ) and Capitals
(military line)
Two-way exchange of information:
From the HQ:
Training Opportunities
PA related events
Sharing of information related to PA Policy and STRATCOM
From the Capitals:
Feedback from local Media on current affairs
Sharing of training opportunities
Sharing of PA related events
Comments/needs on PA related issues

What is the NCPAC

A website where you can securely:
read the last NATO-related news
add/view pictures and video materials
discuss with PAA representatives
share media lines, talking points, documents
advertise PA events
search for training opportunities
vote, contribute with materials

Website access levels

How to access the private area

Level 1?

Type in your browser (Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, etc.) the following
A window will pop, asking for username and password
Insert username: ncpactest, password nat0ims! and press the tick on
remember password.
Please do not share these credentials with anybody.

How to access the private area

Level 2?

To access these options you should insert a

password and username in the right box (you can
use username test and password test for 1 week)

Test the platform

If you just want to evaluate the platform, you can login with username test and
password test here.

From this point on you will have full access in the system with the test account for
understanding how the platform works.

The Test account

For every account (including the TEST Account), you can feel free to
change the contact details from the user menu (marked with blue) or
anything else. The system works very similar to Facebook.

Once you
logged in, you
can see the
media lines
from these 2

You can click on 4

a topic to see
what folders and
documents it

By clicking the Media Lines
symbols you will enter this
page. Here you can search by
words, sentences, dates and

Here you can have any description of the folder

currently in, or email addresses

You can click on

the folder to see
the content


Subscribe* to
the article

Here you will

see the latest
media lines
The category of
the article

The author of
the document

Title in
format. Click to
extend article
The summary
of the

* If you are interested in a topic e.g.. Afghanistan, you can press subscribe and you will be
notified via mail when media lines change or new items on the topic appear

Bigger font
Now you can see
the full text
because you
clicked on the
media line title

Email it


Other Media Lines by same author
Leave a Comment

Using the rating button you can give 1 to 5 stars to a media line (1 bad 5 useful)

By pressing the
email button a new
box will appear for
sending the media
line via normal email

If browsing by topic is not
enough, you can also search
media lines and talking
points by dates, keywords,
events, names, and
categories. Just insert the
text in the box and press

You can add videos or any

materials in the system.
You can also find links to
them in the actual media
lines and talking points, or
even as comments to a
media line.


Media lines and talking
points can have photo
galleries attached or
special images from
conferences or events.


To access the NCPAC Media Lines and Talking

Points section, go to
When prompted, insert username ncpactest,
password nat0ims!, 2 times in the window that
pops out.
Then you can follow the steps in this manual to
use the platform. You can login with username
test and password text in the right box, to see
the ML&TP, for the next 1 week (until
23.04.2010). After that, you can request a
personal username+password, by sending an
email to

Privacy & Passwords

The NCPAC private section is protected (to read/write) against

unauthorized users. Do not share the passwords given in this
presentation, or any other personal password set in the system
All content uploaded online is shown only to the people who know
the entry credentials (username ncpactest, password nat0ims!), the
exact website address ( and the
account/personal passwords, as set individually.
After the 1 week, to obtain a personal password, which grants you
access to the ML/TP, you need to email IMS PAA via

NB. The website is protected with a set of multiple layers against

misuse and abuse. If the entry credentials are typed in incorrectly
for 3 times, the system will blacklist your IP. If this problems occurs,
please email us at

Final comments

The present PPT will be available for download at:

You can feel free to ask a question via email at All the questions with answers (but
no names) will be published online on
and will be searchable
Feel free to explore and operate with the platform. Daily
backups are performed therefore there is no risk of loosing
For any general information about the NCPAC and related
issues, please contact

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