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Digital Graphic

Katie Hair

Shape Task

Shape Task

What did you like about your image?
For the first image, I liked how symmetrical I was able to make the
dog look and how the use of shadow around the mouth made the
image look a little more 3D. I like the sloths overall shape and how
I was able to give it some personality through facial expression
using the warp tool. I varied colours more when creating the sloth.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would concentrate more on using different shades and tones of
colour in order to make the dogs features stand out more and look
more 3D. Regarding the sloth image, I would like to add more detail
using warped shapes in order to give the animal more texture.
Although I used a wider range of colours when creating the sloth
image, I would improve by incorporating some darker tones in
order to make the sloth look more realistic.


What did you like about your image?
I liked the use of shading and tones, especially around the
hand as this area was the most difficult to rotoscope. I
feel that the shapes and colours used in my image
accurately depict the original image in the desired semirealistic cartoon style.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would improve it by adding more detail to the image by
rotoscoping smaller areas of the original image and
building up the layers with various shades of colour. This
applies especially towards the hair as I could add different
tones of blue over the base colour to give it more texture.

Film Quotes

What did you like about your image?
The colourscheme of the image is good as the colours complement
eachother along with the themes of the programme that the quote
was taken from. I also like the shape of the person with a sword as it
was very carefully rotoscoped and I was pleased with the outcome.
The blood splatters in the background of the silhouette stands out
but does not detract from the main section of the image.
What would you improve if you did it again?
To improve the film quote image I would possibly move the name
from whom the quotation came from the bottom right hand corner
as it doesnt fit in with the rest of the image. I may also move the
second part of the quotation to outside of the silhouette and
increase the size of both sections to make the font stand out more.

Text Based

Text Based

Text Based

What did you like about your image?
I liked how different I was able to make the same words in one
font look each time I experimented. I particularly like the distorted
ones as they are bold and interesting to look at. I like the last text
based image with the clipping mask as I was able to personalise
the text and make it look quirky with the puppet warp.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to repeat this task I would use a clearer image as a
clipping mask. I would also spend a lot more time experimenting
with different features of font and how colours look with different
styles and effects (Eg drop shadow). I would also like to explore
further into gradients, strokes and inner shadows and how they
look on a variety of different fonts.

Comic Book

Comic Book

What did you like about your image?
I like the heavy contrast between black and white in both
images that make the features of the person in the image
stand out more. I also like how the background layer of the
first comic book image is a much bolder colour than the actual
image as it makes the woman look more intense and striking.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would use more layers of colour and utilise various shades of
each colour to increase detail and make the character appear
in a more comic book style. This applies especially to the
second image as overlaying soft colours to the black and white
would follow closer to the desired art style and add more
interesting elements to the image.

Photo Story

What did you like about your image?
I liked the comic book style of each character and
the use of colour to highlight important features
of the story.
What would you improve if you did it again?
In future Id take all my photographs in a
landscape format and take more consideration
over page layout. I would use more colour and
make each image the same colour tones and


What did you like about your image?
I like the inky style of my illustration and how the
colours go nicely with one another.

What would you improve if you did it again?

I would work on the proportions of my character
to try and maintain the cartoon style I wanted to
achieve. I would spend longer colouring and aim
to make my drawing neater in future.

arrative Environment

What did you like about your image?
I like the reflection of the ceiling that gives the impression
that the floor is made from a shiny material. The use of
inner shadows on shapes and overlapping layers made
part of the spaceship look semi-realistic as it give the
effect of depth.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would aim to improve the windows of the spacecraft as I
feel they could be smoother shapes and the wall behind
them could have a more metallic texture. Id like to
improve the chairs and monitor screens as they are of a
different style to the rest of the image and it detracts from
the overall affect that the image has.

Initial Ideas

Grimm Fairy Tales
Positives 4 Characters
Simple Storyline
Mill / Castle settings
Happy ending
Negatives Moderately dark
Fairly long / Needs
The girl who
always cried
4 Characters
Two settings
Moral story
Dark theme

The Four Dragons

Asian Folktale
Positives 5 main
Good moral for
Short story
Happy ending

Idea Generation



The Long Dragon

The Yellow
The Pearl Dragon
The Black Dragon
The Emperor
The people are
never actually
seen but

Style / Look:

Semi-realistic cartoon
style. I would like the
background to be in soft
jewel shade colours and
the dragons to be of the
same colours but slightly
brighter. As Dragons have
many different depictions,
I would like to incorporate
both the eastern and
western style dragons.
The Long Dragon and the
Yellow Dragon will be in
the style of the eastern
Dragon while the Pearl
Dragon and the Black
Dragon will be more like
the western dragons.

Ancient times
The Sky, The sea and
The mountains.
When looking down
at the people, the
dragons each sit on
a mountain with the
village in the valley
between the four

The Four Dragons

I will create the initial
character designs on paper
and scan them into
Photoshop. From there I
intend to create geometric
style characters using shape
and warping based on my
initial sketches. The
backgrounds will be simple
but have a sense of depth
eg the mountains are higher
I would like the images to
than the ground.
be the main focus of my
book so I will use a large,
basic font. This will make it
easier for children if they

I will shorten the story so that it
ends when the dragons give the
people rain and the crops grow
back. This ending is slightly
happier than the original and is
more suited to children.

Mood board

(Found on

Mood board Character


8 Pages, 25 x 25 cm
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In ancient times, there were no rivers or lakes, only land and sea and the weather
was controlled by a god known as the Jade Emperor. Four dragons live out in the sea
together, they are known as The Long Dragon, The Pearl Dragon, The Yellow Dragon
and The Black Dragon. One day, the dragons decide to go for a fly and are racing
each other through the clouds when they hear cries from the land below. The cries
are coming from the people who are praying the Jade Emperor to send rain. The
dragons see that the crops have died and the people have no food or water and feel
sorry for them, so they decide to go to the temple in the clouds to speak to the Jade
Emperor and ask him to send rain. The Emperor says he will send rain and the
dragons return to their home in the sea. Days pass and when the dragons next
venture out, the people are still thirsty as there has been no rain. The dragons
decide to take matters into their own hands and collect water from the sea,

Production Methods
I have decided to use a combination of shape and warping to create my
storybook. I have chosen this production method as it enables me to create
a simplistic but interesting setting and develop my work with a variety of
different techniques once the initial shapes are in place. For the
backgrounds I will use simple shapes to create the outlines of the setting
and use various colour shades and overlay tools to create texture and make
the page more detailed. This method of production also allows me to make
an uncomplicated yet stylised set of characters that the children can
engage with. I would also like to incorporate some of my own work by
scanning drawings into the computer and building shapes over the image to
a geometric style version.

My audience is children of the 3-6 year old age bracket as it is a

short story with a happy ending. My story will be engaging for
children to read or to listen to it as the images will be entertaining
for them to look at. My story isnt targeted at a specific gender
which will create a larger target audience for my book. The book is
aimed at English speaking readers. The book is for children of
families of all social classes.

What are the strengths of the proposal?

What areas of the proposal need further work?

The proposal is very detailed and explains what the

book is going to be about and how it is going to be

The audience section could be a little more


What are the strengths of the idea generation?

What areas of idea generation could have been

further developed?

There are a lot of images, all of which are centred

around a specific theme. There is also ideas for
colour themes and images that show what the
book will look like when it is finished.

The idea generation could include examples of font

choices/ideas from Photoshop or dafont

What are the strengths of the proposal?

What areas of the proposal need further work?

Detailed storyline with a happy ending

Detailed production method
Wide range of audiences

Programs is spelt wrong

What are the strengths of the idea generation?

What areas of idea generation could have been

further developed?

I like the idea of eastern and western dragons

instead of just one
The geometric / low poly style chosen
There are a lot of images
There are colour swatches for the art which is

Page 23 needs a better layout

Could include what fonts you want to use

What are the strengths of the proposal?

What areas of the proposal need further work?

A very Detailed story overview. The production

method was also clearly detailed and given some
time and effort. Every action has a reason behind it
which is good.

When it comes to the audience talk a bit more

about why you think the kids will like it at these
specific ages. Just add a bit more detail.

What are the strengths of the idea generation?

What areas of idea generation could have been

further developed?

Its very detailed

A clear plan of what your doing when it comes to
your main idea.

Your idea generation around other stories seems to

be lacking some detail about it.

Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
I have a lot of images in my idea generation, all of which have a
specific theme and Ive included examples of my desired colour
scheme. I have included reasoning behind all of my ideas and tried to
include as much detail as I can. I need to add more detail to the
audience section of the proposal and I havent mentioned fonts or text
style at all so I need to address that. I need to add to my initial idea
generation of other stories.
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
I agree that I need to expand on the audience section of the proposal
and that I need to add to my initial idea generation of other stories I
have read. I will write a section about font in my idea generation.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
I dont feel like font is a hugely important factor within my personal
storybook as Id like the images to be the main factor of attention (But
I will mention this in my idea generation).

Original Script

Once upon a time, there were no rivers and lakes on earth, but only the Eastern Sea, in which lived four dragons: the Long Dragon, the
Yellow Dragon, the Black Dragon and the Pearl Dragon. One day the four dragons flew from the sea into the sky. They soared and dived,
playing at hide-and-seek in the clouds.
"Come over here quickly!" the Pearl Dragon cried out suddenly.
"What's up?" asked the other three, looking down in the direction where the Pearl Dragon pointed.
On the earth they saw many people putting out fruits and cakes, and burning incense sticks. They were praying! A white-haired woman,
kneeling on the ground with a thin boy on her back, murmured,
"Please send rain quickly, God of Heaven, to give our children rice to eat."
For there had been no rain for a long time. The crops withered, the grass turned yellow and fields cracked under the scorching sun.
"How poor the people are!" said the Yellow Dragon. "And they will die if it doesn't rain soon."
The Long Dragon nodded. Then he suggested, "Let's go and beg the Jade Emperor for rain."
So saying, he leapt into the clouds. The others followed closely and flew towards the Heavenly Palace. Being in charge of all the affairs in
heaven on earth and in the sea, the Jade Emperor was very powerful. He was not pleased to see the dragons rushing in.
"Why do you come here instead of staying in the sea and behaving yourselves?"
The Long Dragon stepped forward and said, "The crops on earth are withering and dying, Your Majesty. I beg you to send rain down
"All right. You go back first, I'll send some rain down tomorrow." The Jade Emperor pretended to agree while listening to the songs of the
The four dragons responded, "Thanks, Your Majesty!"
The four dragons went happily back. But ten days passed, and not a drop of rain came down. The people suffered more, some eating bark,
some grass roots, some forced to eat white clay when they ran out of bark and grass roots. Seeing all this, the four dragons felt very sorry,
for they knew the Jade Emperor only cared about pleasure, and never took the people to heart. They could only rely on themselves to
relieve the people of their miseries. But how to do it? Seeing the vast sea, the Long Dragon said that he had an idea.
"What is it? Out with it, quickly!" the other three demanded.
"Look, is there not plenty of water in the sea where we live? We should scoop it up and spray it towards the sky. The water will be like rain
drops and come down to save the people and their crops," said Long Dragon.
"Good idea!" said the others as they clapped their hands.
"But," said the Long Dragon after thinking a bit, "we will be blamed if the Jade Emperor learns of this."
"I will do anything to save the people," the Yellow Dragon said resolutely.
"Then let's begin. We will never regret it," said Long Dragon.
The Black Dragon and the Pearl Dragon were not to be outdone. They flew to the sea, scooped up water in their mouths, and then flew
back into the sky, where they sprayed the water out over the earth. The four dragons flew back and forth, making the sky dark all around.
Before long the sea water became rain pouring down from the sky.
"It's raining! It's raining! The crops will be saved!" the people cried and leaped with joy.
On the ground the wheat stalks raised their heads and the sorghum stalks straightened up. The god of the sea discovered these events
and reported to the Jade Emperor.
"How dare the four dragons bring rain without my permission!" said the Jade Emperor.
The Jade Emperor was enraged, and ordered the heavenly generals and their troops to arrest the four dragons. Being far outnumbered, the
four dragons could not defend themselves, and they were soon arrested and brought back to the heavenly palace.
"Go and get four mountains to lay upon them so that they can never escape!" The Jade Emperor ordered the Mountain God.
The Mountain God used his magic power to make four mountains fly there, whistling in the wind from afar, and pressed them down upon
the four dragons. Imprisoned as they were, they never regretted their actions. Determined to do good for the people forever, they turned

Story breakdown

1. There are four dragons

2. They go flying
3. They spot a waterless
town in the valley and
want to help
4. They visit the Emperor
5. Days pass and still no
6. The dragons make rain
from the sea
7. The town is happy again
8. The Emperor finds out
and imprisons them
under mountains
9. The dragons turn into

1. There are four dragons

2. They go flying
3. They hear cries from the
4. They learn that there has
been no rain
5. They visit the Emperor and
ask for rain
6. Days pass and still no
7. The dragons make rain
from the sea
8. The town is happy again
1. There are four dragons
2. They go flying
3. They find a town where there is no rain
4. They visit the emperor to ask for rain but he says no
5. They make rain from the sea
6. The town is happy again
7. The emperor finds out and punishes them by placing
mountains on them
8. The dragons become rivers

Draft Script
Once upon a time, there were four dragons that lived in the sea. They were known as The Long Dragon, The Pearl
Dragon, The Black Dragon and The Yellow Dragon.
One day, the dragons decided to go out for a fly and went high above the sea, racing and playing together in the
soft blue sky. First one to the mountain wins! announced The Yellow Dragon and they set off through the clouds.
Suddenly, The Black Dragon stopped and called out to his friends Do you hear that sound?. They did voices
could be heard from below the clouds. Its coming from down there! The Long Dragon cried, pointing towards the
valley far down below.
The dragons flew down, each perching on a mountain top and peering through the mist. Below the clouds there
was a town where the people were calling out. Oh Emperor, please bring us rain! The crops are dying and we
have no food!
After hearing the peoples calls, the four dragons were determined to help and flew to the palace of the Emperor,
high up in the clouds. They pleaded with him to let the rain fall so the people of the valley would have food but the
Emperor refused.
We have to do something! said The Pearl Dragon, safely back on her mountain, We have to save the people!.
The other dragons agreed, but they couldnt think of how to help. I know! Shouted The Black Dragon We could
take our water from the sea and bring it to the land!
So together, the dragons flew to the sea and swallowed all the water that they could carry. We should spray it over
the valley like rain! decided The Long Dragon. And thats what they did, showering the water from the sea over the
town and the crops.
The people cheered and cried with happiness as the crops began to grow again Youve saved us!. After seeing
what the dragons did, the Emperor gave in and let the rains fall once more. The townspeople were so thankful of
the dragons that they built a statue in their honour and regularly left gifts for them. The Dragons returned to the sea
and lived happily ever after.

Final Script
Once upon a time, there were four dragons that lived in the sea. They were known as the long dragon, the pearl
dragon, the black dragon and the yellow dragon.
One day, the dragons decided to go out for a fly and went high above the sea, racing and playing together in the
soft blue sky. First one to the mountain wins! announced the yellow dragon and they set off through the clouds.
Suddenly, the black dragon stopped and called out to his friends Do you hear that sound?. They did voices
could be heard from below the clouds. Its coming from down there, the long dragon cried, pointing towards the
valley far down below.
The dragons flew down, each perching on a mountain top and peering through the mist. Below the clouds there
was a town where the people were calling out. Oh Emperor, please bring us rain. The crops are dying and we
have no food!
After hearing the peoples calls, the four dragons were determined to help and flew to the palace of the Emperor,
high up in the clouds. They pleaded with him to let the rain fall so the people of the valley would have food but
the Emperor refused.
We have to do something. said the pearl dragon, safely back on her mountain, We have to save the people!.
The other dragons agreed, but they couldnt think of how to help. I know! Shouted the black dragon We could
take our water from the sea and bring it to the land.
So together, the dragons flew to the sea and swallowed all the water that they could carry. We should spray it
over the valley like rain. decided the long dragon. And thats what they did, showering the water from the sea
over the town and the crops.
The people cheered and cried with happiness as the crops began to grow again Youve saved us!. After seeing
what the dragons did, the Emperor gave in and let the rains fall once more.
The townspeople were so thankful of the dragons that they built a statue in their honour and regularly left gifts for
them. All was well again and the dragons returned to the sea and lived happily ever after.

Mood board Developed Ideas

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