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BY : Ar. Manish Chitranshi

Baroque means:
Very fancy, elaborated,
Over decorated,
Over ornamented.

Cronology and geography

From the end of 16th century until
Geography: whole Europe+ America.
Characteristics of the period:

Religious and political conflicts

Geographical colonization
Scientific development
New astrological discoveries Sun
centre of Universe

Baroque Style
The word means imperfection
New naturalism that reflects the
scientific advances
Taste for dramatic action and

Colour and light contrasted

Rich textures
Asymmetrical spaces
Diagonal plans
New subjects: landscape, genre, still-life

Baroque Style
Variety within the style
Art at the service of power
Two main centres:
Rome: Popes authority
France: powerful monarchy

Influence of the Counter-Reform

Worry about plastic values

Architecture: Characteristics
Long narrow naves replaced by
broader or circular forms

Dramatic use of light

Architecture: Characteristics
Dramatic use of light

Large-scale ceiling frescoes

Architecture: Characteristics
Large-scale ceiling frescoes

Interior a shell for painting and


Architecture: Characteristics
Illusory effects

Ekialdeko Europan tipula-kupulak

Architecture: Italy
They evolved from the Renaissance
Movement toward grand structures with
flowing, curving shapes
Landscape was frequently incorporated
New elements as gardens, squares ,
courtyards and fountains.
Influence of the rebuilding of Saint Peter,
in which classical forms integrated with
the city.

Architecture: Italy
He made the Vaticans faade
His work destroyed partially
Michelangelos design
His work combined the dome with the
creation of an space where the Pope
could appear publicaly
Other works:
Santa maria della Vittoria
Palazzo Barberini

Vaticanos faade

Santa Maria della Vittoria

Palazzo Barberini

Architecture: Italy
He worked mainly in Venice
His design was selected for building
Santa Maria della Salute
It is building of central plan with a great
dome that became the symbol of

Santa Maria of Nazaret

Santa Maria della Salute

Ca Rezzonico

Architecture: Italy
He created a fusion of architecture, painting
and sculpture
He used false perspective and trompe-l oeil to
He used a palace faade that became a model
with massive pilasters above a rusticated base.
Saint Peters square

San Peters colomnade

San Peter Baldaquine

Architecture: Italy
His works spring from the contrast
between convention and freedom
He used tradition as a basis, but not as a
San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane
San Carlo Borromeo
Oratorio degli Fillipenses

San Ivos dome

San Carlo alle quattro fontane

Palacio Spada (trompe loeil)

Oratorio degli Filipensi


Architecture: France
It was elegant, ordered, rational and
It is a rectilinear model, closer to
It aimed at showing the power of
Louis XIV monarchy.
The main works are:
Louvre: Le Vau and Perrault
Versailles: Le Brun, Le Vau, Le Notre

Louvre palace

Versailles palace

Architecture: Central Europe

It began later due to the Thirty Years War
Austria developed the Imperial style with
Fischer von Erlach and Hildebrandt
In Germany, in the Catholic South Jesuit
models were followed while in the
Protestant North works were less
Palace architecture was important in the
whole area

Fisher von Erlach: Karlskirtche and Schnbrunn

Hildebrandt: Belvedere palace

Architecture: England and

In England is important Wren
Baroque was the style used to design
town planning
In Russia it is very decorative, in
quite traditional churches sometimes
made of brick; later it was imported
from the Low Countries and finally it
became an extravagant art.

Wren: Cambridge
Emmanuel chapel
Wren: San Paul
Cambridge library

Architecture: Spain
At the beginning it continued the pattern of
the Escorial
Decoration tends to concentrate just in the
The Rococo was the time of the development
of the Churrigueresque style, with
exaggerated decoration around the door
The Plateresque (last Renaissance that
imitates the work on silver) and the
Churrigueresque were exported to America,
mainly to Mexico.

Alberto Churriguera: Salamancas main


Jose Benito Churriguera: Salamancas

San Esteban convent altarpiece

French style for interior decoration
It developped mainly at the end of 1720
It was used in other countries as a
French Style
Galante: luxurious things
Contraste: asymmety
Chinoiserie: exotic character imitating
Chinese arts

Rococo comes from the French words

(coquilles) and evolved from the
baroque style. The Rococo style
embodies light
and beauty and is
inspired by nature, people, curved
lines and light colours. Items ranging
from mall scale ornamental pieces to
full scale architectural masterpieces.

Rococo Architecture

It caught the public taste

Small and curious buildings
Elegant parlours, dainty sitting-rooms and boudoirs
Walls, ceiling, furniture and works of metal as
Ensemble of sportive, fantastic and sculptured
Horizontal lines almost completely supressed
Shell-like curves
Walls covered by stucco
White and bright colours.


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