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Risk Assesment

Shivani, Matthew, Nasima, Nikita


Rain- Equipment can get wet. Affect MiseEn-Scene. Actors can get sick.

Strong Wind- Blow papers away. Equipment

can fall over. Could effect hair and make-up.

Cold The crews hands might become

numb which could lead to shaky hands
affecting the camerawork.

Darker earlier/less daylight


Camera/tripod might fall over because of

the crews incompetence.

Camera could run out of charge

May not be enough memory in the camera.

Condensation on the lens

Location 1: Coffee

Crew could fall over chairs/equipment

Coffee could be too hot/spill everywhere

Blocking/ people could be in the shot, walk

into equipment.

The general public might trip over


Location 2: Park

Trees might fall down, stay away from the


Dont trip over equipment.

Muddy, you could fall down or get

equipment dirty. Be careful.

Other members of the public, they could

run into you

Location 3:

Do not touch or break things on display.

We can get lost.

Be careful of members of the public.

You could lose equipment.

Location 4: Sky

Be careful when you are filming near stairs,

you may fall

Do not break the triple glazing glass, its


Dont go to the edge of the open section,

you may fall down

Dont get lost

Dont fall in the poisonous plants, you could

injure yourself

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