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Known as Lockjaw

What is Tetanus ?
Tetanus a bacterial disease marked by rigidly and
spasms of the voluntary muscles.
Tetanus is also known as lockjaw, its an infection by
clostridium tetany.
Clostridium tetany infects the brain and the nervous
system, also interferes with muscles by using other

How fast does Tetanus

Tetanus reproduces quickly when entering the body,
tetanospasmin spreads which causes symptoms in the
body. It takes 4 21 days for Tetanus to grow.
Since Tetanus is a bacteria, it adapts faster to its
environment and is able to reproduce much quicker inside
the body, it doesnt particularly have the be in the cell to
reproduce faster.

Muscle Symptoms
The symptoms may change from 4 days to weeks, even

months if necessary.
Muscle symptoms start when the muscle or muscles tend
to get stiff or hard.
Muscle symptoms can spread to the neck and the throat
causing dysphagia which means the struggle of
The back will start to arch back as if being in an exorcism,
when the muscles have been infected in the specific area,
This mostly happens to children that havent been immune

Symptoms of Tetanus
Most patients have the following symptoms

Bloody stools ( feces )

Sensitivity to touch

How does Tetanus enter the

body ?

Tetanus enters the body usually by broken skin.

Tetanus can also develop in
Animal bites
Skin burns
Abrasions and Lacerations
Infecting drugs or needles
Tattoos or body piercing, if not safely used.

Effects if not Treated

If treatment not given there is a chance your life could be

loss due to Asphyxia ( Suffocation )

Kidney Failure
Heart attacks
Septicemia ( blood poisoning ).

The Total of deaths per year

Fifteen percent of the patients were usually drug dealers
due to the fact they share needles which is one way to
contact tetanus.
On the other hand 75% of the patients that died with
tetanus were about 60 80 years old due to heart attacks.
The fatal ratio is about 18 % with the estimate of 115
people with the outcome of tetanus for the past 3 years.

Main Treatment
Vaccination is one of the main treatments used for
patients that have come in contact with this disease.
Shots are also required but wont do much effect because
its not strong enough.

Where did the disease come

The disease originally came from Egypt back in the 1700s

Other facts about the disease

Another fact about Tetanus is that it is cause by bacterial
toxic in the muscles when contact to cuts or wounds.
Elderly people have more chances dying than any child or
adult who has made contact with tetanus.
Recovery from Tetanus IS NOT immune to the human
body when cured by vaccination.

Questions to audience
How come some people show late symptoms to Tetanus
when made contact?
Why is vaccination most likely the only cure for Tetanus ?
Why isnt Tetanus immune to the body after vaccination ?

1 )
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3 ) http://
4 )
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All websites most created by FDA or U.S. National Library

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