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Introduction to

Watercolor Painting
We will practice and master the various
stroke techniques that can be used with this
media. We will created an art piece with this
media using the practiced techniques.
Super Second Grade Frameworks:

Describe ways line combinations are used to communicate
(e.g., line variations as in thick, thin, dashed, broken, rough, smooth)
Experiment with color mixing
Investigate actual, tactile, and implied (visual) textures (e.g., texture rubbings)
Standard 6: Creative Processes
Students shall demonstrate creativity using a wide variety of media, techniques, processes, and
tools to develop expressive
works of art and design.
Develop detailed representational and imaginative drawings using mark making skills with
various wet and dry media
Produce artwork that involves problem solving (e.g., brainstorming, practice, drafts, sketches,
Select subject matter, symbols, and/or ideas to communicate meaning.
Terrific Third Grade Frameworks:
De scr ib e ways lin e comb inat ions ar e u se d to commu nicat e
(e .g ., line var iat io ns a s in thick , thin, d a shed , brok en , roug h, smoot h)
Expe rim en t w ith co lor m ixin g
Inve stiga te actua l, tact ile , a n d imp lie d (visua l) t e xtures (e .g ., te xtu re
rubb ing s)
Standard 6: Creative Processes
Stud en ts sha ll d e monstrat e c re at ivity using a w id e var ie ty of m e d ia ,
te ch niq u e s, proces se s, a n d too ls to d e ve lop e xpr e ssiv e
works of art a nd d e sig n.
De vel op d e ta ile d represe ntat io na l and imag in at ive draw ings u sing mark
mak ing skills w ith var ious w e t and dry m e di a
Produc e artwork th at invo lve s prob le m solv ing (e .g ., bra instorm in g ,
pract ic e , drafts , ske tc h es , mod el s)
Sele ct sub je ct matt e r, symbo ls, and/or ideas to commu nica te m e a nin g .
Fantastic Fourth Grade Frameworks:
• VA.5.4.1
• Describe ways line combinations are used to communicate
• (e.g., line variations as in thick, thin, dashed, broken, rough, smooth)
Experiment with color mixing
Investigate actual, tactile, and implied (visual) textures (e.g., texture rubbings)
Standard 6: Creative Processes
• Students shall demonstrate creativity using a wide variety of media, techniques,
processes, and tools to develop expressive
• works of art and design.
• VA.6.4.1
• Develop detailed representational and imaginative drawings using mark making
skills with various wet and dry media
• VA.6.4.5
• Produce artwork that involves problem solving (e.g., brainstorming, practice, drafts,
sketches, models)
• VA.6.4.6
• Select subject matter, symbols, and/or ideas to communicate meaning.
Famous Fifth Grade Frameworks:
• VA.5.5.1
• Describe ways line combinations are used to communicate
• (e.g., line variations as in thick, thin, dashed, broken, rough, smooth)
Experiment with color mixing
Investigate actual, tactile, and implied (visual) textures (e.g., texture rubbings)
Standard 6: Creative Processes
• Students shall demonstrate creativity using a wide variety of media, techniques,
processes, and tools to develop expressive
• works of art and design.
• VA.6.5.1
• Develop detailed representational and imaginative drawings using mark making
skills with various wet and dry media
• VA.6.5.5
• Produce artwork that involves problem solving (e.g., brainstorming, practice, drafts,
sketches, models)
• VA.6.5.6
• Select subject matter, symbols, and/or ideas to communicate meaning.
Stupendous Sixth Grade Frameworks:

• VA.5.6.1
• Describe ways line combinations are used to communicate
• (e.g., line variations as in thick, thin, dashed, broken, rough, smooth)
Experiment with color mixing
Investigate actual, tactile, and implied (visual) textures (e.g., texture rubbings)
Standard 6: Creative Processes
• Students shall demonstrate creativity using a wide variety of media, techniques,
processes, and tools to develop expressive
• works of art and design.
• VA.6.6.1
• Develop detailed representational and imaginative drawings using mark making skills
with various wet and dry media
• VA.6.6.5
• Produce artwork that involves problem solving (e.g., brainstorming, practice, drafts,
sketches, models)
• VA.6.6.6
• Select subject matter, symbols, and/or ideas to communicate meaning.
watercolor stroke technique: loaded
brush strokes and texture with
watercolor technique work: dry brush texture/fanning
watercolor technique work: texture by scratching
watercolor technique work: splattered with brush, diffuse color,
wet on wet diffuse color.loaded brush strokes and texture
with brush
watercolor crayon resist exercise ; crayon and watercolor on
watercolor landscape painting exercise, using various learned brushstroke

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