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Kinds of Conjunction:
1.Coordinating Conjunctions.
2.Correlative Conjunctions.

A coordinating
conjunction is a word that
joins words, phrases or


1. and joins two similar ideas and add a new idea.


a. I like candy. I like cake.

b. Most children like cookies. Most children like milk.

She spoke angrily about the war. She spoke

bitterly about the war.
d. Susan raised her hand. Susan snapped her
e. Amber reached the station. She met the ticket


2. but joins two contrasting ideas.

a. The shoes are old. The shoes are comfortable.
b. Tom is tall. Paul is short.
c. Dave likes reading. He doesnt like Math.
d. Joe waited for the train. The train was late.
e. Tom studied a lot. He didnt pass the test.


3. or joins two alternative ideas or shows two choices.

Examples :
a. Would you prefer coffee? Would you prefer tea?

b. You can eat your cake with a spoon. You can eat
your cake with fork.
c. You can sit at the front. You can stand at the back.
d. You will have to meet the doctor. Your illness will
grow worse.
e. Leave home early. You will be late.


4. so shows the consequence or result of something.

a. He was very hungry. He ate all the cake.
b. Debby is tired. She fell asleep.
c. Ive drunk six cups of coffee today. Ive got a

d. I am a vegetarian. I dont eat any meat.

e. We need to arrive early. We can get a good

Correlative Conjunctions
a correlative conjunction is a paired
conjunction that links words,
phrases, and clauses.

1. Both and
both .. and combines two parallel elements.
Examples :
a. The teacher is here. The student is here.
Both the teacher and the student are here.
b. My mother is doing yoga. My father is doing yoga.
Both my mother and my father are doing yoga.
c. Mario joins English Community. Juno joins English
Both Mario and Juno join English community.
d. I speak English at home. I speak Sundanese at home.
I speak both English and Sundanese at home.
e. The city suffers from air pollution. The city suffer
water pollution .
The city suffers from both air and water pollution.

2. Either or
either or is used when you want to convey a
Examples :
a. My mother is here. My sister is here.
Either my mother or my sister is here.
b. Alex washed the dishes. His sister washed the
Either Alex or his sister washed the dishes.
c. My sister speaks loudly. My sister speaks quietly.
My sister speaks either loudly or quietly.
d. Ill take chemistry. Ill take biology.
Ill take either chemistry or biology.
e. William is studying. William is reading a book.
William is either studying or reading a book.

3. Neithernor
This conjunction is used when you want to negate two
a. Danny isnt here. Adam isnt here.
Neither Danny nor Adam is here.
b. My mother didnt go to university. My father didnt go to university.

Neither my mother nor my father went to the

c. I dont like Stephen. I dont like Peter.
I like neither Stephen nor Peter.
d. This book is not interesting. This book is not accurate.
This book is neither interesting nor accurate.
e. He will not come here. He will not send a representative.

He will neither come here nor send a representative.

4. Not only .. but also.

not onlybut also joins sentences that demonstrate
two ideas.
Examples :
a. My mother is here. My sister is here.
Not only my mother but my sister is here.
b. He is funny. He is intelligent.
He is not only funny but also intelligent.
c. I am studying math. I am studying chemistry.
I am not only studying but also chemistry.
d. She is singing. She is dancing.
She is not only singing but also dancing.
e. They need food. They need shelter.
They need not only food but also shelter.
Not only do they need food, but they also need shelter.

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