Risk Factors of Breast Cancer: Dr-Zainab A. Al-Dubisi

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Risk Factors of

Breast Cancer
Dr- Zainab A. Al-Dubisi
 Introduction.
 Epidemiology.
 Risk Factors.
 Recommendations.
 References.

 Breast cancer is the commonest female cancer.

 The 2ndmost common cancer death in women.

 The main cause of death in women ages 45- 55.

 1/2cases can be explained by known risk factors.

 15% are associated with +ve family history.

Understanding the risk factors for
breast cancer permits us to identify
women at increased risk and intervene
to modify risk, both individually and
Epidemiology in KSA
 The recent data collected was in 2004 that by
Saudi Cancer Registry (SCR)
“Cancer Incidence Report in Saudi Arabia 2004”

 It constitutes 11.5% of all cancers in Saudi.

 Breast cancer in female accounts for 22.4% of all newly
diagnosed cancer in female
 The ASR was 15.4/100,000 for female population.
The five regions with the
highest ASR

 Eastern region at 22.6/100,000.

 Riyadh region at 19.4/100,000.
 Makkah region at 19.1/100,000.
 Jouf region at 17.5/100,000
 Qassim region at 12.6/100,000.
Epidemiology in U.S
 The incidence of breast cancer
increased during the 1980s but leveled
off in the 1990s and declined between
2001 and 2003.

 The current incidence is estimated at

around 120/100,000 women.
 approximately 182,460 American

women are diagnosed with breast


 40,480 die from the disease .

 The incidence of breast cancer is
highest in developed countries:
North America & Western Europe.

 Lowest incidences seen in:

South America, Africa and parts of Asia.
Survival rate
 The 5-year breast cancer survival rate 98%
for stage I cancer
16% for stage IV cancer
 85% after 5 years
 71% after 10 years
 57% after 15 years

 52% after 20 years

Risk Factors of Breast Cancer
 Endogenous factors:
produced within or caused by the

 Exogenous factors:
Produced out side the body…
Endogenous factors
 Age and gender.
 Family history and genetic factors .
 Race and ethnicity.
 Benign breast disease.
 Personal history of breast cancer.
 Hormonal & reproductive Factors.
 Bone & breast Density
Age & Gender
 They are the strongest risk factors.

 It is 100x > in female than male.

 Annually, in U.S 182,460 women

diagnosed with invasive breast cancers
versus1900 in men.

 Breast cancer is rare in women< 25 y.

 Incidence increases with age, with a

plateau in women aged 50-55 y.

 At age 75-80, the incidence decreases.

Family History
 +ve family History is seen in 15-20 % of
women with breast cancer.

 The risk associated with having an

affected 1st or 2nd degree maternal or
paternal relative .
 The lifetime risk is up to 4 times higher if
a mother or sister are affected.

The risk increased if:

 1st degree relative affected by 1.80 fold.
 2 affected 1st degree relatives, the risk
is increased 2.93 fold.
The risk ratios were highest for women
with young affected relatives.
Risk increased
 2.9 fold for a woman whose relative was
diagnosed before age 30.
 1.5 fold increased if the affected relative
was diagnosed after age 60.
Medline ® Abstracts for References 188
of 'Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer
 BRCA1, BRCA2,p53, ATM, and PTEN
mutations are associated with higher

 Ataxia telangiectasia heterozygotes are

at 4-times increased risk

Medline ® Abstracts for References.19, 189

of 'Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer
Race and ethnicity
Compared with US women:

 Individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish

descent have a 2x greater risk.

 Japanese and Taiwanese woman have

1/5 the risk.
 The highest rates occur in whites; that is
133 /100,000
 The rate in blacks is 118/ 100,000
 Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders is
 American Indians/Alaska natives is
70/ 100,000 Medline ® Abstracts for References
of 'Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer
Benign breast disease
:Proliferative lesion

without atypia (complex fibroadenoma,-1

moderate or florid hyperplasia, sclerosing
adenosis, intraductal papillomas) relative risk
. )1.3 to 2

with atypia (atypical lobular hyperplasia,-2

atypical ductal hyperplasia) (relative risk 4 to 6)
:Nonproliferative lesions

Single (fibrocystic change, solitary papilloma,-1

simple fibroadenoma) are not associated with an
.increased risk for breast cancer
Muliple may increase the risk for breast cancer-2
.modestly (1.8% at 10y-one cohort study)

 Medline ® Abstract for Reference 25

of 'Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer'
 In Pt with personal Hx of:

 Invasive breast cancer the risk of developing

invasive breast cancer in the contralateral
breast is 1.5% yearly.
 In situ lesions the 10-year risk of developing a
contralateral invasive breast cancer is 5%
Medline ® Abstract for Reference 27
of 'Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer'
Other Pathology
 Risk is increased with Hx of ovarian
cancer, endometrial cancer,

 Risk is decreased with cervical cancer.

Hormonal/Reproductive Factors
 Factors increasing the number of
menstrual cycles increase the risk,
probably due to increased endogenous
estrogen exposure..
(1) Menarche < 13 years.
(1) Nulliparity
(2) 1st pregnancy > 30 years.
(4) No breastfeeding.
(5) Menopause > 50 years.
…Breast feeding
 protective effect has been shown in
multiple case-control and cohort
 The magnitude of which is dependent
on the duration of breastfeeding, and on
the confounding factor of parity.

Medline ® Abstracts for References 69

of 'Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer
 Bone & Breast density
 Bone density: In multiple studies,
women with higher bone density had a
higher breast cancer risk.

 Breast density: dense breast tissue is

independently associated with an
increased risk of breast cancer.
Medline ® Abstracts for References
of 'Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer
Exogenous factors

 Exogenous hormones .
 Weight.
 Socioeconomic Status.
 Exposure to ionizing radiation.
 Environment factors .
Hormonal Therapy
 Long-term use of HT is associated with the
highest risk. In contrast, short-term HT
appears not to increase the risk of breast
cancer significantly
 The use of combined estrogen plus
progesterone is associated with an increased
relative risk of breast cancer
 Obesity: Increased risk is probably due
to adipose conversion of androgens to
 Women> 80 kg have 25 % higher risk
compared to those weighing< 60 kg , after
adjusting for height .

 BMI >33 kg/m2 has a 27% increased breast

cancer risk compared to those with a BMI
<21 kg/m2.
Dose the height considerer factor for
?breast cancer

Yes, it dose
 Increased height has been associated with a
higher risk.

 Women > 175 cm tall were 20% more likely to

develop breast cancer than those < 160 cm.

Medline ® Abstracts for References 33,34,45

of 'Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer
Seven prospective cohort studies 2000-sep-15
Socioeconomic class
 Women of higher socioeconomic
status are at greater risk for breast
 It is independent factors that may
reflect differing reproductive patterns

Medline ® Abstract for Reference 28

'of 'Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer
Physical Activity
Regular physical exercise appears to
provide modest protection against breast
cancer particularly in premenopausal

Medline ® Abstracts for References 46-48

'Epidemiology and risk of breast cancer

Red meat  An association between intake of

(>5 servings per week) and premenopausal
breast cancer .

Fat intake has significant impact on

breast cancer risk that was suggested
in a meta-analysis of studies of both
premenopausal and postmenopausal
Alcohol intake
It is associated with an increased risk of
hormone receptor-positive breast.

Medline ® Abstracts for References

'Epidemiology and risk of breast cancer

There is no strong evidence for an effect of

intake of vitamin E, C or beta-carotene on
breast cancer risk
The data are conflicting on vitamin A and
breast cancer.

Medline ® Abstracts for References 203,204f

Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer '
Environmental Factors
 Organochlorines include polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCB's), dioxins, and
organochlorine pesticides such as DDT
are persisting in body tissues for years

Medline ® Abstracts for References 203,204f

Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer '
Ionizing radiation
 Ionizing radiation on the chest at a young
age.10-14 yrs

 Risk is seen up to 45 years & no risk after


Medline ® Abstracts for References 203,204f

Epidemiology and risk factors for breast cancer '
Primary cancer prevention evidence

1-Maintain a healthy weight throughout life

A - Consistent (Level 1) evidence that

overweight and obesity are significant risk
factors for cancers of the breast
2-Adopt a physically active lifestyle

A - Consistent (Level 1) evidence indicates

that physical activity offers significant
protection for cancers of the breast
3-Consume a healthy diet, with an emphasis
on plant source

B-Limited-quality evidence suggests that

plant-based diets that have high amounts of
fruits, vegetables and whole grains are
protective for some cancers
4-Limit consumption of alcohol

A - Consistent (Level 1) evidence exists that

high alcohol intake is associated with
significantly and linearly increased risk of
breast cancer.
.Swanson’s Family Medicine Textbook

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