Art Direction For TVC: Meredith Randell

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art direction for TVC

meredith randell
Who am I?
 Student
 visual artist: painter/photographer

 Public TV
 sponsorship & production

 TV news & documentary

 production, writer, producer, researcher

 Student/Graphic Designer
 Writer/Director/Graphic Designer
 Student/Producer

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What does this have
to do with art direction
for TVC?
Definition of site
 Production Design is a visual expression of an idea
 casino
− dress code
− who works there
− main activity: gamble

my work
 online virtual environment

 create a thematic look and feel which uses

non-hegemonic language and context
 who the character are
 what the characters do

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What is production design?
 defining overall look and feel of film
 design the sets or sites
 find locations or sites
 describe who the characters are visually
 reflect the genre
 indicate the action/activities

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What is look and feel?
 Big Chill
 Fight Club

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What did they tell us?
 location
 characters
 action

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What does this have
to do with art direction
for TVC?
Where do creative directors
and directors get their ideas?
other visual media:
 art,
 fashion
 print
 TV
 internet
 games
 film

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Art direction for TVC
until 6pm: I will;
 give you some categories,
 discuss some visual communication techniques, and
 show inspiring examples of impressive art direction in film,
which we will deconstruct using categories and techniques

6-7pm: I will give you a scenario and YOU are going to;
 come up with a concept for a TVC
 storyboard your TVC
 shoot your TVC using ‘in’ camera editing

7-8pm: WE will;
 have a look at 3 or 4 of your TVCs, and
 deconstruct using categories and techniques

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Key considerations
 purpose
 context
 audience

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TV is different from Print
 action
 because you can
 movement demands attention
 demonstration creates believability

 make it worth watching

 entertain
 engage emotions
 storytelling
 “Experience Economy”
 simplify concepts don’t dumb down

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Make it worth watching
 Funny
 Clever
 Slice of life
 Testimonials
 Demonstrations
 Problem solving/insightful
 Use a character
 Ronald

 Branding
 Music/Sound/Song

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Identify the key visual
 “money shot”
 hero image
 thematic image
 makes a lasting impression

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Aristotle’s rule of 3s
 Story: beginning, middle, end
 Idea: intro, expand, conclude
 Joke: grab, set-up, punch-line
 3 beats

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TVC categories
 spectacle
 ideas
 instruction/reconstruction

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 aesthetics of form, pattern and behavior
 anthropological distance
 ie. God-like

 lifestyle, group activities

 ie. teams

 examples
 Big ad

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 clever
 simplify big concepts
 don’t patronise
 examples
 Mucky country
 Hills
 Hands

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 visualizations of using products, or
 demonstration of consequences
 examples
 Camping
 Dave
 Domestic violence

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Deconstruction using ‘The 5 Cs’
 Composition
 Camerawork
 Continuity of shots
 Colour
 Can I make this better?

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(leading the eye around image)
 rule of thirds
 golden mean, golden rule
 exceptions - use of central focal points

 balance & symmetry

 ‘star’ of the show

 perspective & depth

 line, shape or form
 props

 framing
 spatial awareness
 inclusive, welcoming

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Camerawork (eyeline)
 must follow logic of piece
 whatever you do, make sure you can justify it
 easiest way is to be the camera

 reading of camera angles

 from above: insipid, small, unworthy
 on the eyeline: documentary style, neutral, mediation,
equal or confrontational
 from beneath: hero-pose, grand, positive, dominant

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Continuity of shots (strategy)

 drawing in:
 establishing shot to personal
ie. wide, mid, CU

 expanding out:
 personal to overview
ie. CU, context, wide

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 spatial awareness
 emotional awareness

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Can I make this better?
 see checklist

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 Kubrick
 Clockwork Orange
 Dr Strangelove
 2001
 Eyes Wide Shut

 Cao Jiuping
 Raise the Red Lantern

 Ridley Scott
 Alien
 Blade Runner

 Barney
 The Order

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But first
 demonstration of deconstruction
 visual design special feature for
‘The Exorcism of Emily Rose’ DVD

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 Clockwork Orange
 Dr Strangelove
 2001
 Eyes Wide Shut

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Cao Jiuping
 Raise the Red

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 Alien
 Blade Runner

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 The Order

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