Anti Cyberbullying

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Our Presentation on Cyberbullying

for Cloverhill Middle School

By Madaline Jones, Hannah Childress, Jessica Hinnant, and
Courtney Utt

Our Audience
Our intended audience for this
assembly are middle schoolers. We
feel that middle school is an active
place for cyberbullying and where it
begins. Our hope is that the
information that we give will shed
light on this issue and will speak to
the students of Cloverhill Middle and
bring awareness of cyberbullying.

Rationale for topic and how it is

relevant for intended audience
We have all been or witnessed cyberbullying in our
school years.
This topic is fairly new and does not always get
addressed like it should or taken as serious as one
needs to take it.
Recent events show that cyberbullying is becoming
more and more of a problem within schools and it
seems to start mainly in middle school.
It something not easily spotted.
Some people have taken their lives because of the
pressures cyberbullies can inflict on them on the
internet and in person.
No child should have to endure this pain!

How Our Event on Cyberbullying Will Layout

Our event is going to be an assembly that is open to middle schoolers of Cloverhill
Middle. This event will take place from 10:30 am until 12:00 pm so all middle schoolers will
be able to go the assembly and get out of class. There will be snacks, small gifts, a banner
they can sign, a video shown, and guest speakers. The event will start off with some general
messages that will explain what the day will consist of. This will probably take about 10
minutes. The principal will also like to give some remarks and she plans to talk for about 5
minutes. We will then show a 5 minute video on what cyberbullying is and how it is like a
virus that spreads to person to person called The Cyber Bullying Virus. We will also have
one guest speaker that went through cyberbullying and another speaker that is a parent of a
child that was cyber bullied and took their own life. They will talk about 15 minutes each.
Lastly, we will have a question and answer session with the speakers for the students to
participate in. This activity will be allotted 20 minutes. The rest of time will be a buffer time
and time for the students to sign the banner, get a wristband and have some snacks.

Human Resources
Principal and Teachers
Guest Speakers
Two Technology Facilitators
Monetary Resources
Donations from local businesses
PTO fundraising

Proposal for Acquisition of Resources

-We will ask the PTO for the funds
to buy the wristbands that the
students will receive after they
pledge not be a cyberbully.
-We will also ask local businesses
along with the PTO for donations so
we can pay for the banner for the
pledging and a small thank you gift
for the guest speakers.


To raise awareness about the effects
cyberbullying has on adolescents
and their families.
To encourage students to speak up if
they or someone they know is
being affected by cyberbullying.
The ultimate goal would be to put
an end to cyberbullying, but we
know that thats not possible from
just a short assembly, so we are
focusing on educating our students
and encouraging them to pledge
against cyberbullying.

Standards That Were Reached Within This Project

NC Digital Teaching and
Learning Competencies
Our event falls under NC
Digital Teaching and
Learning Competencies
Digital Citizenship

ISTE Standards for

ISTE Standards for
Teachers would be met in the
Promote and model digital
citizenship and responsibility
category as a result of this

Minutes of each out-of-class meeting conducted

for this project
First meeting we met
face to face at LeesMcRae College on
Junior Day for 30

Second face to face

meeting was at Surry
Community College
after we were finished
with our classes and
this meeting was for
30 minutes.


between each
meeting were group
messages being sent to
confirm we were on the
same page. This ended
up taking up more than
an hour altogether.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2011). ISTE National

Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for All Teachers. Retrieved from
Litwiller, B. J., & Brausch, A. M. (2013). Cyber bullying and physical bullying in
adolescent suicide: The role of violent behavior and substance use. Journal of
Youth and Adolescence, 42(5), 675-84.

North Carolina Technology Competencies for Educators. (2016). About the nc

Digital Learning Competencies for Classroom Teachers.
Ockerman, M. S., Kramer, C., & Bruno, M. (2014). From the school yard to cyber
space: A pilot study of bullying behaviors among middle school students. RMLE
Online, 37(6), 1-18. Retrieved from
STRUTT Central. (2012). Cyber bullying virus. STRUTT Central.

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