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Task 2



1.Analyse the front cover of NME,

September 2009
Masculine, strength(bold)
Denotation-graffiti, streets, hip
hop, freedom, youthfulness.
Joy-anchors the
Gold chain- rap culture, black
Typography-sans serif, bold, big
Typography on a slant echoes the
slant of the image=informal, off
centre, not following the
grid=reflects Dizzee Rascal's
personality(rule breaking).
Man=informal slang, rule
Listing names of musicians and
grounds=content on the acts,
informative, useful information
Long shot(compressed)=trainers,
part of his image.

The contents being red make it easier
to inform the audience about what is
contained the magazine.
The main image is linked to the text
that is below it. This would
particularly attract people who listen
to the artists listed.
The colours used are masculine and
bold. They stand out on the page and
follow the colour theme.
The contents page has included the
masthead from the front cover, to
follow the theme.

Double page

The layout on this page is neat and

straight. Information is given on the
right hand side.
The main image is not covered by
any text, the musician is clearly
shown on the right hand side page
on its own. It is a medium shot and
is centred in the middle of the
One of the main colours used is
black, this can be seen as a
masculine colour. However it stands
out for the readers.
The masthead is slanted, bold and
looks like graffiti. This links with
dizzie rascals behaviour and music;
The text on the right hand side is
transparent, this makes the article
look more aesthetic. However if this

How the magazine connects

The masthead is shown in the front cover and contents page to

follow the theme and to inform the readers what magazine it is.
Red and black is used on all three pages. This is also following the
conventional scheme for NME. It is bold for the audience, it is
masculine which could be aimed at the audience who enjoys NME.
Some of the typography and cover lines are slanted. This echoes
the behaviour of the musician on the front cover and also the
genre of the magazine. R n B can be seen as quite derogatory
and informal, like the text.
A picture of dizzie rascal is previewed on the front cover for the
audience to give them an in sight as to what will be shown in the

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