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The portfolio
A. Definition
. Is a purposeful collection of samples
of a students work that is selective,
reflective, and collaborative;
. Demonstrates the range and depth
of a students achievement,
knowledge, and skills over time and
across a variety of contexts;
. Has student involvement in
selection of portfolio material as
part of the process;

Is a visual presentation of a students

accomplishments, capabilities, strengths,
weaknesses, and progress over a specified
B. Purpose
Document typical student work and progress;
Provide a comprehensive view of the students
progress, efforts and achievements;
Reflect growth and progress but may serve
different purposes during the year;
Provide a focus for student reflection on their
own learning;
Build a students confidence in his/her abilities
as a learner

Promote an ongoing process where students

demonstrate, asses and revise in order to
improve and produce quality work.
C. Characteristics
Tracks student progress on a variety of
assessments over a period of time;
Promotes the skills of student selfassessment and goal setting;
Has a stated purpose and intended audience
which are important to the entire process;
May include entries that the student and
teacher consider as important
representations of learning;

Can provide a focus for a conference or an

interview involving the student, the teacher
and parents;
Provides the opportunity for students to
practice, assess, and select their own work.
D. Teachers Role
Makes regular formative assessments during
the portfolio process to determine individual
needs and progress toward specified learning
expectations in order to provide further
Provides regular feedback to students
regarding their performance related to prestated criteria in order to help the students to

Determines or negotiates with the students

the purpose for the portfolios, the criteria for
selections and the time frame for use.
Reads the reflections and comments on the
students assessment of personal learning.
E. Considerations
Is developed collaboratively by teachers and
students, including shared development of
the purpose of the portfolio and criteria for
selecting samples for inclusion;
Requires standardization regarding what is
included if the portfolio is used for evaluate

Recording devices provide various
means of organizing the recordings of
information about student achievement.
Teachers can choose or develop
recording devices w/c suit the teachers
style, the students and the activity or
learning being assessed. These are:
1. Anecdotal record
2. Checklist
3. Rating scale
4. Rubric
5. Learning log

The Anecdotal Record

A. Definition
. Is a short narrative describing both a behavior and the
context in w/c the behavior occurred;
. Should objectively report specific and observed
. Describes students performance in detail and in writing.
B. Purpose
. Provide an ongoing record of written observations of
student progress;
. To record objectively, significant observations that are
not part of a formal assessment w/c might otherwise be
forgotten or remembered incorrectly;
. Record observations of unanticipated performances,
behaviors, incidents, or events.

C. Characteristics
Provides rich portraits of an
individual students achievement;
Records observations w/c have
special significance and cannot be
obtained from other classroom
assessment strategies;
May appear unstructured since this
tool is used to record spontaneous,
unexpected demonstrations and/or
behaviors, statements;
Records information on a form w/c
specifies the learner, the date of

Shows information collected over time and

carefully analyzed in order to make accurate
judgments about student achievements;
Provides a mechanism to recognize patterns
of student growth over time.
Is often used to document a students
behavior for later reference.
D. Teachers Role
Determines w/c observations are to be
considered significant and important;
Pre-plans the general format of the form
with labels;
States in clear, concise language exactly
what is observed;

Should record information while the event or

behavior is fresh in the teachers mind;
Records incidents with a purpose;
Establishes a systematic procedure for
collecting records on all students, ensuring
that no individual is overlooked.
E. Considerations
Is time-consuming to read, write, and
Is often used in conjunction with other
assessment strategies;
Records interpretations or recommendations
separately from the description of the
students performance.

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