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How, if at all, has the rise of the

Digital Society affected social


What is social cohesion?

Social cohesion is a term used in social policy,sociology and
political science to describe the bonds that bring people
together in society,particularly the context of cultural
diversity.Social cohesion is a multi-faceted notion covering
many different types of social phenomena.

The Age of Information

Information technologies have woven
themselves into the fabric of our everyday
lives, so much that we often call our digital era
the Information Age. While the concept of
information has been around for millennia,
there are profound shifts happening in the ways
we think about and practice information in our
digital society.

Dimensions of Social
There have been various efforts to
determine the dimensions of social
Social ties and differences

Social Cohesion vs The Digital Society

The information and knowledge society requires
citizens to be ever more digitally literate. In both
formal and informal environments, education has a
prominent role in promoting inclusion and social
integration and helping citizens to develop the
competences they need to access, record, edit,
publish and share online content autonomously,
judiciously and responsibly. At the same time,
governments should provide the resources needed to
make this possible.

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