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Georgiadis Moenga

The capital city of Mexico is

Mexico City

Primary language and religion

The primary language in Mexico is Spanish

In Mexico they dont have the official religion because the constitution gives
the rights to separate churches and state. but many people attends roman
Catholicism which could be the main religion.

Tourist Attraction1

Mexico City known as the capital city of Mexico is one of the tourist
attraction for people who like to travel.

Tourist Attraction2

Cancun has become more attractive to the international visitors per year
since 1970s because of its new airports, hotels, and many more facilities.

National cuisine

Tortillas filled with soft cheese and meat is now

the most Mexican food that is often eaten and
more admired in many families.

Tortillas plate is made from corn which called in

Spanish Maize.

Stereotypes by Americans

Being illegal immigrants

unableto speak the English language


Sweeping a single (non-married) person's feet is considered rude because it is

like you never want them to get married or have a chance at marriage.

Hand gestures

Codo-meaning stingy

Asustado-meaning Afraid

Business culture


Shake hands

Holding a middle finger up in the air.

Keeping distance from one other.

Hugging in Mexico it takes longer time than America.

Relationship building


In Mexico in building relationship in business you have to say yes or no

and why.

Truth is expected.

majority of time discussing general topics, waiting the final moments

of conversation to bring up the matter at hand (expensive waste of

Staring too much is rude.

Eye contact is consider as a good manner.

women should not invite a male counterpart for a business dinner

unless other associates or spouses attend.

Communications style in decision making



Must attend business meeting we is set.

Its consider rude throwing documents on the table when negotiating.

prefer to avoid overt disagreements in saying no or I will get to you.

it is highly considered vulgar when using O.K hand gesture.

U.S you must make business decision very fast.

Power structures in decision making



Easy to meet top people in the government.

Lot of process to meet the government officials.

Internet penetration rate and most popular

social network sites in the country


Facebook is the most social networks that is used between this two

Mexico Facebook users are 28 million this year.

United States Facebook 42.4%

Is that U.S is growing very fast and has more developed than Mexico
because of the economy.

YouTube 24.3% in U.S.

Individualism versus collectivism

Mexico is more collective than individualism.

Collective means people works together with a group, family and extended

United States is more individualism than collective

Individualism means people look after themselves and their direct family

Mexico is 30% individualism.

United States 91%.

Large or small power distance

Mexico is large power distance.

Large power distance means that people accept that everybody has a place
and needs no further justification.

United states is less power distance.

Small power distance means that everybody is equal.

Mexico is 81% large power distance .

United States 40% small power distance .

Strong or Weak Uncertainty Avoidance

Mexico is strong uncertainty avoidance.

Uncertainty Avoidance is the way that the society deals with facts if the
future can never be known. They usually try to avoid things they thank that in
cant happen.

United states is weak in uncertainty avoidance even when people try to avoid
it. But many try to not avoid.

Mexico is 82% uncertainty avoidance.

United State is 46% uncertainty avoidance.

Masculinity Versus Femininity

Mexico is more masculinity.

Masculinity is that society is controlled by competition, achievement, and

success. For example, schools systems and way to organization in life.

Men are consider as man of the house.

Women are consider as housewives.

United states in less but not tool less from Mexico which means U.S do play
almost the same as Mexico.

Mexico is 69% masculinity

U.S is 62% masculinity

Current events

A decade of failure in war on drugs. Drug trafficking is the main problem that the
government is trying to end. Some people in Mexico believe that drug trafficking
is a way to survive.

The wall is a fantasy because the wall isnt going to work to keep people coming
in. the wall cant finish all the problems.

work cited

Howard F. Cline - Director, Hispanic Foundation, Library of Congress,

Washington, D.C., 1952 71. Author of Mexico: Revolution to Evolution, 1940
1960 and others

Nana, Battah. February 27,2013. cultural misconceptions. senior Public

Relations at Kent State University.

Wright, Ruby. "Mexican Tradition and Beliefs." Babble. N.p., 10 Oct. 2012.
Web. 16 Oct. 2016.

Blackboard. "Blackboard Learn Tm." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2016.

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