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-His journeys and experiences
Report of:
Karen Nicole F. Estal and Jamille Anne D. Estolas

- Paciano and Uncle Antonio

May 1,1882
- left the Philippines without
permission from his parents; a
secret only to his parents but not
to his friends and other relatives
- Rizal was the only indio on the


May 9, 1882
- arrival of Rizal in
- Stayed at Hotel dela
- He received royal
to centers, museums and

Hotel dela Paz

-Transferred to

- befriended the
Frenchmen on
board so he
could improve
his French

May 14, 1882

- arrived at Punta de Gales(New South Wales)
Then on May 18, to Colombo, the Senegalese capital
- rented a coach and hired a guide for the trip from
Colombo to the Cape of Guardafui
- Experienced seven days of stormy weather
- Entered the Red Sea

June 2, 1882
- arrived at Suez Canal
- quarantined for 24 hours
- Blocked by the remains of a
damaged ship;delayed for four
- Arrival at Fort Said
- Rizal thus traveled for 47 days
or about 1 months
A photograph of the Suez canal
from Rizals album

June 15, 1882
- did not have a good impression
- lodged at Calle De San Pablo at
Fonda de Espana
- Summer vacation; could not enroll
*Amor Patrio- His first essay wrote in
Europe at 21 y/o
- Signed as Laong Laan- prepared
long since or predestined
- published in the no. 20,August 1883
* He was invited to every forum that
tackled the conditions of the


(October 3,1882)

- to continue education
- opportunity to expose the realities in
the Philippines
- Circulo Hispano- Filipino had been
founded; with 30 members,20 were
-- Rizal contributed to their
- Rizals pension arrived irregularly
which made him very homesick
- For his mother: Me Piden Versos(
They ask me for verses)- recited the
poem during New Years Eve
reception of Madrid Filipinos


(June 9,1885)

- at 24 yrs. old, a full surgeon

- to specialize in ophthalmology (for his

- he stopped at Barcelona to visit his friend,

Maximo Viola, a medical student from San
Miguel, Bulacan

- Worked as assistant to Dr. Louis de Wecker

for 4 months

- October 1885-latest part of January 1886,

Rizal learned the techniques in eye
operation esp. cataract operation

- Proficient in French and Italian

- went to studio of Juan Luna,to improve his
talent in painting
*Rizal had already completed one-fourth of his
first novel, Noli Me Tangere


(February 7)

- arrived in 1886
- Boarding house with German Law students,
made him a member of Chess Players Club
- Few days later, transferred to a boarding
house near the University of Heidelberg
- Worked at University Eye Hospital under
direction of Dr. Otto Becker(German
- In Germany, I see only militarism, and
there are potatoes everywhere. At night, I
eat potatoes and cold meat
- mornings: ophthalmology, afternoons:
studying German language
- February 14, 1886-visited the interior of the
famous castle in Heidelberg
- To the Flowers of Heidelberg

Wilhelmfeld ( a small town

near Heidelberg)-June 9, 1886
- To honor the invitation extended
to him by Rev. Karl Ullmer
whom Rizal met once
- a three-month summer vacation
- developed a bond of friendship
- Studied the German country life
and practiced speaking German
with the Ullmer family
* June 1886- Rizal left Wilhelmfeld
for Heidelberg


(August 15, 1886)

- Rizal attended lectures on history

and psychology at the University
of Leipzig
- became a friend of Prof. Ratzel
(famous German historian) and Dr.
Hans Meyer
( anthropologist)
- Rizal translated Schillers William
Tell from German to Tagalog
He also translated Hans Christian
Andersens fairy tails into Tagalog

Dresden (October 29)

- visited Palacio Japonais and other interesting
- He met Dr. Adolf B. Meyer, a naturalist at Dresden


(November 1)
- He met Dr. Feodor Jagor, a German scientist,
traveler and author of Travels in the Philippines
- Introduced to Dr. Rudolf Virchow, a German
anthropologist and his son, Dr. Hans Virchow, a
professor of descriptive anatomy
- Dr. Wilhelm Joest, a noted German geographer
* frugal life in Berlin
--assistant in the clinic of Dr. Schweigger, a wellknown German ophthalmologist;
at night, attended lectures in the University of Berlin;
leisure time- touring around, observing the peasants.
* Finished the manuscript of Noli Me Tangere on
February 21, 1887
--after publication, Rizal and Viola agreed to visit
places in Europe
-left Berlin by train on May 11, 1887

- Rizal and Viola went to the regional floral

Visited Dr. Adolph Meyer
In the Museum of Art, they beheld the
painting of Prometheus Bound
Leitmerizt, Bohemia- for the first time,
Rizal met Blumentritt, an Austrian linguist
and director of Ateneo de Leitmeritz,
Blumentritt, Rizals very close friend;
started when Rizal sent a book, Aritmetica
to Blumentritt (friendly exchanges)
Blumentritt called Rizal as the greatest
Filipino & the greatest of the Malayan

Prague ( May 18,1887)


Met Dr. Wellcolm, a professor in University of Dresden

- visited the tomb of Copernicus( the famous atronomer),Museum of

Natural History, Bacteriological laboratories, famous cave where San
Juan Nepomuceno was imprisoned

Vienna, Austria
- May 20,1887 at Hotel Metropole and visited interesting
places in the city
- left on a river boat

Lintz ( May 25, 1887)

- beautiful Danube river
- Barges loaded with products and boats with families living on them

- May 27, 1887-traveled to Munich to personally taste its
beer( the best beer)
- Ulm Cathedral, the tallest building in all of Germany & the
world then,with hundred steps
- Waterfalls of Germany(the most beautiful in Europe)

Geneva, Switzerland( June 6, 1887)

- crossed Leman lake in Geneva
- 15 delightful days in Geneva
- Upon reaching the city, Rizal received news from his friends in Madrid
of the deplorable conditions of the primitive Igorots, who were
exhibited in the Madrid exposition wearing scanty clothing(G-strings)
and donning crude weapons and who had become an object of mockery
by the Spanish press and people.
- Relayed such sentiments to Blumentritt on June 6,1887

Italy ( June 27, 1887)

- visited Turin, Milan, Venice, Florence
- Rome, the Eternal City/ City of Ceasars
- visited Vatican(City of the Popes/ Capital of Christendom)on
the feast day of St. Peter and St. Paul; for the first time
- St. Peters Basilica, its rare works of art
- St. Peters Square, colorful papal guards


Copies of Rizals Noli Me Tangere were smuggled into the Philippines
Reasons to return:

Epidemics were ravaging the islands

His father was being deprived of property
To operate on his mothers cataracts
He received sad news about his fiance, Leonor Rivera
Sailed( Suez Canal) on July 5, 1887; reached Manila on August 3


homecoming on August 8
Rizal opened a medical clinic
His fame spread; called as Doctor Uliman
900 pesos earned in a few months
Opened a gymnasium
However, failed to see Leonor Rivera

A few weeks later, Rizal received a letter from Governor

Gen. Emilio Terrero, requesting him to bring a copy of
Noli Me Tangere to Malacanang Palace
Terrero admired the novel however, he sent a copy to the
rector of the University of Sto. Tomas
---- The Commission of Censorship w/ 3 members of the
faculty on
August 30,1887 reported that the novel has been found heretical,
impious and scandalous from the religious perspective, and antipatriotic and
subversive from the point of view of the Spanish Government
- Terrero provided him a bodyguard, Jose Taviel de


Started when Governor-Gen. Terrero ordered an investigation of the friar
states to remedy the agrarian problems relating to land taxes and tenant
Rizal helped in gathering facts and grievances against the hacienda
- The hacienda of the Dominican order consisted of the lands and the whole town of

- The profits of Dominican order continually increased because of arbitrary increase in

the rentals paid by tenants

- The hacienda owner never contributed for the town fiesta, education of tenants
children and for improvement of agriculture

- The tenants were dispossessed of the said lands

- High interest charged for delayed rental payments and when not paid, the hacienda
management confiscated their tools and home


Gov. Terrero told Rizal that it was best for him to leave the country
Rizal departed from Calamba weak with fever; with cousins and brother-inlaw
- left Manila on February 3, 1888
2 reasons to leave:
--his presence was jeopardizing the safety and happiness of his family and
--he could fight his enemies better and further when hes in a foreign land
* Himno al Trabajo ( Hymn to Labor)- poem to workers of Lipa

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