Intelligent Control of Series FACTS Devices

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Intelligent Control of Series FACTS

Weakly damped power swings result
In unsecure power system operation.
Improvement of damping is done
By power system stabilizer(PSS )
Or Flexible alternating current transmission
Former improves damping by generator excitation
Latter by modulating the equivalent
Power angle characteristics of the system

Worldwide transmission systems are heavily loaded.

The optimized use of transmission systems investment
Is important to support social industry
Create employment and efficiently utilize scarce
Flexible AC (FACTS) Technology caters to to these needs.
It significantly alters the way transmission systems
Are developed and controlled along with improvements
In system flexibility asset utilization and system

Series and shunt facts

Flexible AC (FACTS)devices are classified
As shunt and series devices
Depending on the way these devices are
Thyristor controlled phase angle regulator(TCPAR)
Unified Power Flow Controllers(UPFC) are series
FACTS devices
Reactive power compensators energy storage
And braking resistors are shunt facts devices
Here in our work we will be dealing with TCPAR

It has been shown FACTS devices like TCPAR or UPFC

Can participate in the power system control in perfect
Both in steady state and transient states for power
Post disturbance swing damping
There is a little information available regarding the
Of the use of these devices on slow dynamic system
Accompanying the power and frequency regulation
After a long term imbalance of tie-line interchange power.
New FACTS based devices may be used for the
compensation of sudden load change devices

Some authors, use SMES (stored magnetic energy

storage) devices in order
To suppress frequency deviations through tie-line
power regulation
Also a case of using SSSC(static synchronous series
compensator) for frequency regulation is noted
Thyristor controlled phase shifter(TCPS) is expected to
An effective apparatus for tie-line power flow control
Of an interconnected power system.
So far only four papers related to TCPS application
In the load frequency control have been published.

The problem of the interconnection exchange was

First by Elgerd and a critical review of application
Of modern control theory to AGC by Carpentier
Various components of power systems are nonlinear
Operating point of a power system may change very
During a daily cycle.
However if the time horizon to be analyzed does not
A few minutes ,linearized models are used .

Series Facts Devices in Tielines

FACTS devices affect power interchanges and dynamics

of secondary control
Proper control algorithm and parameter selection at
regulator of series facts device
Leads to stable control of frequency and tie line
interchange process
Above process will be discussed with the help of thyristor
controlled phase angle regulator(TCPAR)
TCPAR acts as a fast phase shifting transformer from
power system view point
Thyristor tap changer can neither generate nor absorb
reactive power.
AC voltage source supplies or absorbs the requisite
reactive power in case of TCPAR

Thyristor controlled phase angle regulator



Fig 1.1 Power flow controller installed in a tie- line of an interconnected

power system


Schematic diagram of a TCPAR is shown.

An integral type regulator with negative feedback
Is placed in the main control path.
Task of regulator is regulating real power flow in
In which the FACTS device is installed.
Reference value is supplied from supervisory
control system
A supplementary control loop devoted to damping
Of power swings and improving stability is shown
In the lower part of the diagram .

State variable control using

nonlinear system model
Motivation for the work surveyed
Is to derive state variable control using a nonlinear system
Changes in operating conditions and network parameters.
Are taken care off by such a design
To achieve this goal the direct Lyapunov method is used
The problem with state variable control is that it requires
Estimation of all state variables (rotor angles and speed
deviation of all generators.
It requires wide area measurements(WAMS) and extended
communication links
To avoid WAMS control based on local measurement is
preferred .

Standard optimal control uses a linearized model
Valid only for a given operating point
Robustness of such system is limited within this
Control based on linearized system model is in
When system operating conditions change
Due to line or generator outages.
Moreover stressed power systems are known to
exhibit nonlinear behaviour.



(t)=f(x(t); f(0)=0; x(0

Where x is the n x 1 state vector ,u is the p x 1
input vector,and f(.)=
Is the n x 1 vector
All states of the system settle to a constant values
for a constant input vector u(t)=
System is said to be in equilibrium corresponding to
the input

The state trajectories converge to a point in state space
called the equilibrium point
At this point no states vary with time
If for any constant input vector u(t)=
There exists x(t)= Constant in state space
Such that (t)=0 for all t, then this point
Is called an equilibrium point
Corresponding to input
f(,t)=0 for all t.
The number of solutions depends entirely
on the nature of f(.) and no general statement is

response of system is said to be stable

In the sense of lyapunov at the equilibrium point

if, for every initial state)
That is sufficiently close to
Remains near
It is asymptotically stable at



Lyapunov based stability analysis is based on the concept

of energy.

Also on the relation of stored energy with system stability

Consider spring mass damper system
A corresponding state variable model is
= -k - B
Fig 1.2 A spring mass
damper system

At any instant , the total energy in the system consists

The kinetic energy of the moving mass, and the potential
energy stored in the spring



V(x)>0 when x0
This means that the total energy is positive
Unless the system is at rest at the equilibrium
point =0
Where the energy is zero
The rate of change of energy is given by
()=)= + = -B

Incremental model of a multi

machine system





FIG 1.3 Stages of developing an incremental model of a transmission line with a phase
shifting transformer
(a) one-line diagram ;(b) admittance model with transmission ratio;(c) incremental
model; (d) phasor diagram


1.3 illustrates the stages of developing
A model of a phase shifting transformer
Installed in a tie line
A booster voltage which is in quadrature with
Is injected in the transmission line using a booster
Where is the controlled variable


Booster voltage in quadrature to the supply
voltage is injected
In the
transmission line using a booster
Where is a control variable
From fig 1.3d we have: Sin===;cos =; = +
= =sin; cos =
=sin + )



The above equation can be projected as below

= sin - cos (t)
Where =
Of the power angel characteristics of the
transmission line
The values of variables at a given
operating point is ( )
Therefore = sin c
It can be seen the tie line flow depends

tie line flow depends on both the power angle
Also on the quadrature transformation ratio (t)
Taking into account in the vicinity of operating
=|= + |now we have
= ( c) - ( c)
From above equations we have
sin= c
Also sin= c
BY back substitution we have


c) + ]- ( c)

The following notation is now introduced

|= , =0 = c
=[(1+)( c) + ]= (1+) +

The variable corresponds to the mutual

synchronizing power
For the line ab calculated neglecting the booster
transformer .
corresponds to the synchronizing power when the
booster transformer has been taken into account

results to = -
This describes the incremental model of the
transmission line
There is an equivalent transmission line between
nodes a&b
A change in the flow in that line corresponds to
The change in voltage angles at both sides
Nodal power injection corresponds to regulation
Of the quadrature transformation ratio (t).
The power injections in nodes a and b are + a

Stages of developing incremental









Fig 1.4 Stages of developing the incremental model(a) admittance

model with a phase shifting transformer (b) incremental model;(C )
incremental model after elimination of nodes {Ll}

analyzing system frequency regulation
Changes in voltage magnitude can be neglected

We have P=H
Where P and are the vectors
Of the real power injections and voltage angles
Matrix H is the Jacobi matrix
It consists of partial derivatives
This equation describes the incremental model of
Including a phase shifting transformer in
incremental model

are the following node types:

G generator nodes behind transient generator

L-load nodes
a,b terminal nodes of a line with phase shifting
We can write P=H

because loads are modelled as constant
By partial inversion eliminating variables related
to nodes L
Further it can be transferred by partial inversion
= +
= - + EQN 2


Eqn 1 &2 describe the incremental model shown

Former describes how a change in phase shifting
Transformation ratio of a phase shifting transformer
Affects power changes in all generators
Latter describes influence of changes
In the transformation ratio on voltage changes
In terminal nodes of line with phase shifting
Where =-

Hence a power change in the ith generator can be

expressed as:

Where = Coefficients , can be treated as measures
Of distances from the nodes a and b to the ith generator
The swing equation describing increments in rotor
- -D
For I {G} .As the network equations are derived in matrix form.



M= - -D
Where M and D are diagonal matrices of inertia and
damping coefficients
, and are column matrices of changes in rotor angles,
rotor speed deviations and real power generations.
By back substitution we have
M=- - EQN 3
Here is the control function corresponding
To the transformation ratio change of phase shifting
affects rotor motions proportional to the

question is how should be changed

So that control of a given phase shifting

Improves damping of oscillations
The control algorithm of ) will be derived
Using lyapunov direct method
We can write total system energy V(, )= +
Total system energy can be expressed as sum of
rotor speed and angle increments
This corresponds to expanding v(, )= + in a
taylor series in the vicinity of an operating point

have v(x +x)= v(x) +(gradv) + x
Where H= is the hessian matrix
V=V(X +x)- v(x)= x=
For the potential energy HESSIAN MATRIX
Corresponds to the gradient of real power
Therefore also forms the Jacobi matrix of form

equations leads to

= also
= M
This is quadratic form made up of vector of speed
changes and a diagonal matrix of inertia
coefficients .
Total energy increment V= +
V= M +
This function is a lyapunov function since being a
positive definite

its time derivative is negative definite

== +
=M +M
Now it is useful to transpose eqn 3
M = - - D - eq 4
Substituting eqn 4 in right hand side of
Adding eq 4 and
We have = + =- -(t)
As matrix d is positive definite the function above
is negative definite

(t)=k forms the control law

fig 1.5 Block diagram of stabilizing control loop of a power controller

installed in a tie line
of an interconnected system

this control law the lyapunov function

Is given by =- Where k is the control gain

Taking into account =k
Where =This control law is valid for any location of phase
shifting transformer
When phase shifting transformer is located inside
The transmission line the control law can be
simplified as

following a disturbance in one of the subsystems.
There are local swings of generator rotor inside
each subsystem.
Also inter area swings of subsystems with respect
to each other
The frequency of local swings is about 1Hz
While the frequency of inter area swings
Is much lower usually about 0.25hz.
While investigating the interarea swings
The local swings can be neglected.

Modern power systems undergo significant

Increasing requirements for technical economical social
Environmental issues makes single technology
It is necessary to build a new power system generation
With possibility energy sources which can be a single
Of power from a few kW up to more than 10kW.
As well as large power plants with a capacity of

Frequency control with

heterogeneous generation structure
From the previous research it was found that
When generating source is composed totally
Thermal units it is worth noting that change of structure
Of one subsystems has an impact on the quality of the
Frequency control in the other subsystems operating
Synchronously it can be seen that performance index
Is highest for systems having individual subsystems
Saturated with wind generation

Wind farms are very unstable source of power

Wind energy used in wind turbines is not subject to control
Wind farms output varies mainly with change in wind speed
There are two modes for locally consuming wind power
One is grid parallel mode
In which wind power is connected to local grid
Which in turn is connected to regional grid
Support from regional power grid results in smooth
Operation and control when wind power is consumed like
Other is isolated power system with significant penetration
of wind power

A hybrid wind coal power system can keep stable

By adjusting the outputs of coal-fired generators
To respond to fluctuations of wind power during
steady state
Thermal power plants offers two forms of storage
Kinetic energy storage from the turbine alternator
shaft system
Virtual storage from the speed governor system

From et al luo it was seen that perturbation wind

To thermal plants is independent of transmission
Perturbation frequency deviations are identical at
every thermal generation plant
It is intended to use devices like TCPAR for large
wind penetration
With automatic generation control .
For a relatively large power system and see the
affect on stability and power oscillation damping .

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