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gy Century

PowerPoint Lecture by:

Melissa Rowland-Goldsmith
Chapman University

Chapter 1 Contents
1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What
Does It Mean to You?
1.2 Types of Biotechnology
1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21st

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1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It

Mean to You?
Biotechnology using living organisms, or
the products of living organisms, for human
benefit to make a product or solve a
Historical Examples
Fermentation: to make bread, cheese, yogurts,
alcoholic beverages (e.g. beer, wine).
Selective breeding: improved crops and
Use of antibiotics: penicillin
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1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It

Mean to You?
Example of Biotechnology Selective Breeding


Normal zebrafish

"Casper, a transparent
zebrafish made
by selective breeding

What feature of Casper makes it a "model organism" to

study migration of cancer cells compared to wildtype fish?
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1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It

Mean to You?
Based on this tree,
can you become
successful in the
biotech industry
only studying
The Biotechnology Tree: Different Discipline
Contribute to Biotechnology. The basic
sciences are the foundation or roots of all
aspects of biotechnology. The central focus or
truck for most biotechnological applications is
genetics engineering. Branches of the tree
represent different organisms, technologies,
and applications that stem form genetic
engineering and bioinformatics, central aspects
of mist biotechnical approaches.
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1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It

Mean to You?
Modern Examples
Gene cloning
Genetic engineering
Recombinant DNA technology
Human Genome Project

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1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It

Mean to You?
Example of "modern" biotechnology:
recombinant DNA technology started modern biotech
as an industry

Examples of applications

development of disease-resistant plants

food crops that produce greater yields
"golden rice" engineered to be more nutritious
genetically engineered bacteria that can degrade
environmental pollutants

Work in groups to come up with more

examples of applications
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1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It

Mean to You?
Look at the two chromosomes and determine which
chromosome has more than one gene involved in
promoting breast cancer. Explain your answer.

Now use the link to further study the diseases involved in these

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1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It

Mean to You?
Most drugs are developed to combat diseases
affecting humans Why?
Which disease has the most drug candidates? Why
does that disease have more drug candidates than
hepatitis C?

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1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It

Mean to You?
Use genetically modified cultured cells to
make protein of interest

Using genetically Modified Cultured Cells to Make a

Protein of Interest. Genes of interest can be introduced
into bacterial or mammalian cells. Such cells can be grown
using cell culture techniques. Recombinant proteins isolated
from these cells are used in hundreds of different
biotechnology applications. In this example, mammalian
cells are shown, but this process is also commonly carried
out using bacteria.
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1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It

Mean to You?
Products of Modern Biotechnology
Example of proteins created by gene cloning
called recombinant proteins

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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Microbial Biotechnology
Agricultural Biotechnology
Animal Biotechnology
Forensic Biotechnology
Aquatic Biotechnology
Medical Biotechnology
Regulatory Biotechnology

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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Microbial Biotechnology manipulation
of microorganisms such as yeast and
Create better enzymes
More efficient decontamination processes for
industrial waste product removal
Used to clone and produce large amounts of
important proteins used in human medicine

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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Agricultural Biotechnology
United Nations Food and Agricultural Org.
predicts by 2050, we will need to feed a world
population of 9.1 billion! This requires raising
food production by approx. 70%!
Work in groups to brainstorm a few
solutions to better feed the world by 2050.

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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Agricultural Biotechnology
Plants more environmentally friendly that yield
more per acre (genetically engineered)
Resistance to diseases and insects
Foods with higher protein or vitamin content
Drugs developed and grown as plant products
These better plants ultimately reduce
production costs to help feed the growing
world population

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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Agricultural Biotechnology
Work in groups to discuss how you can
use this technology in a third world
country to create a better corn crop (main
crop in that country) that contains all of
the 22 essential amino acids.

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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Will improved crops that are created to
satisfy world hunger reduce available
land for biofuel crops? Discuss in

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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Animal Biotechnology
Animals as a source of medically valuable
Transgenic animals

Animals as important models in basic

Gene "knockout" experiments
Design and testing of drugs and genetic therapies

Animal cloning
Source of transplant organs
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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Animal Biotechnology
transgenic animal: way to achieve large
scale production of therapeutic proteins from
animals for use in humans
Female transgenic animals express
therapeutic proteins in milk (contains genes
from another source)
Example: human genes coding for clotting
proteins can be introduced into female goats
for production of these proteins in their milk
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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Animal Biotechnology
Gene knockout:
Disrupt a gene in the animal and then look at what
functions are affected in the animal as a result of
the loss of the gene
This allows researchers to determine the role and
function of the gene
Since humans are similar to rats and mice, gene
knockout studies in rats and mice can lead to
better understanding of gene function in humans.

Work in groups and give an example of a

gene you would like to knockout in mice.
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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Forensic Biotechnology
DNA fingerprinting

Inclusion or exclusion of a person from suspicion

Paternity cases
Identification of human remains
Endangered species
Tracking and confirmation of the spread of disease

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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Forensic Biotechnology

Based on DNA results

from this gel, did the
defendant commit this
crime? Explain based
on the gel results.
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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

The use of biotechnology to process and
degrade a variety of natural and manmade
Particularly those that contribute to environmental

Example stimulated growth of bacteria that

degrade components in crude oil
1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska
2010 Deep Water Horizon spill promoted research
into natural oil-degrading organisms and enzymes
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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Bioremediation adding nutrients to stimulate
growth of bacteria to clean up oil spill
Bioremediation in
Action. Strain of the
Pseudomonas were
used to help clean
Alaskan beaches
following the Exxon
Valdez oil spill.
Scientists on this
Alaskan beach are
applying nutrients that
will stimulate the
growth of
Pseudomonas to help
speed up the
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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Aquatic Biotechnology
Aquaculture raising finfish or shellfish in controlled
conditions for use as food sources
50% of all fish consumed by humans worldwide

Genetic engineering
Disease-resistant strains of oysters
Vaccines against viruses that infect salmon and
other finfish
Transgenic salmon that overproduce growth hormone

Bioprospecting: rich and valuable sources of new

genes, proteins and metabolic processes with
important applications for human benefits
Marine plankton and snails found to be rich sources of
antitumor and anticancer molecules
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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Aquatic Biotechnology
Why create transgenic salmon overproducing
growth hormone?

Two different salmon
How does this modified salmon help humans?
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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Medical Biotechnology
Involved with the whole spectrum of human
Preventive medicine
Diagnosis of health and illness
Treatment of human diseases

New information from Human Genome

Gene therapy

Stem cell technologies

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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Stem cells grown in lab and then treated with
different chemicals to allow them to develop into
specific kinds of tissues needed for transplant
Current use: stem cells are used for diabetes;
spinal cord injuries
Work in groups to come up with a list of
other diseases you have read about in the
newspaper or heard on the news that
scientists are testing with stem cells.
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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Medical biotechnology
Genes are headline news items

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1.2 Types of Biotechnology

Regulatory Biotechnology
Quality Assurance (QA)
All activities involved in regulating the final quality of
a product

Quality Control (QC)

Part of QA process that involves lab testing and
monitoring of processes and applications to ensure consistent
product standards
Together QA and QC ensure that biotechnology products meet
strict standards for purity and performance

Why as a consumer should you care about a

product undergoing intense regulations?
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1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21 st

How will medical biotechnology change
our lives in the years ahead?
Human Genome Project
Research on the function of human genes and
controlling factors that regulate genes

Human proteome
Collection of proteins responsible for activity in a
human cell

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1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21 st

How will medical biotechnology change
our lives in the years ahead?
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
Single nucleotide changes (mutations) in DNA
sequences that vary from individual to individual
These variations are the cause of some genetic
diseases (sickle cell anemia)
SNPs will help identify genes involved in medical
conditions including arthritis, stroke, cancer, heart
disease, diabetes, and behavioral and emotional
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1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21 st

Example of SNPs and breast cancer
Identification of SNPs in BRCA1 and BRCA2
genes involved in promoting breast cancer led to
development of better targeted treatments for
people who have those specific gene mutations
Can you think of how this knowledge might
be useful for someone who is not already
diagnosed with cancer? (Hint: think of your
basic knowledge of genetics.)
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1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21 st

Example of how we can benefit from the human
Single Nucleotide
genome project
Polymorphisms. A small
piece of a gene sequence for
three different individuals is
represented. For simplicity,
only one strand of a DNA
molecule is shown. Notice
how person 2 has a SNP in
this gene, which has no effect
on protein structure and
function. Person 3, however,
has a different SNP in the
same gene. This subtle
genetic change may affect
how this person responds to a
medical drug, or it may
influence the likelihood that
person 3 will develop a
genetic disease.

Based on the figure, why doesn't person 2 develop a

genetic disease due to the SNP (G T)?
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1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21 st

How can you test one person's DNA for
many different SNPs?
Microarray (gene chip)
Isolate DNA from patient
Apply this sample to a microarray which
contains many DNA sequences
Compare patterns of DNA binding between
patient's DNA and DNA on microarray to
reveal patient's SNP patterns

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1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21 st

How will medical biotechnology change
our lives in the years ahead?
Pharmacogenomics is customized medicine
Tailor-designing drug therapy and treatment
strategies based on the genetic profile of a patient
Do microarray analysis and then design drugs against
genes that are mutated for an individual patient

A snapshot of the small molecules produced during
cellular metabolism
Glucose, cholesterol, ATP, and signaling molecules
Can distinguish between disease process and
physiological adaptation
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1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21 st

How will medical biotechnology change
our lives in the years ahead?
Applications that
incorporate extremely
small devices
Small particles that
can deliver drugs
to cells

Nanobiotechnology in Action. Nanoparticles

containing chemotherapy agents can be
specifically directed to target cancer cells by a
coat of tumour-specific proteins bound to the
target cells. In this way, chemotherapy agents
that cannot pass through the cell membrane
can be release inside these target cancer cells.
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1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21 st

Gene therapy technology
Replacing or augmenting defective genes with
normal copies of the gene
Still have barriers to overcome before this
technology becomes safe and effective
Obstacles include:
How can normal genes be delivered to virtually all cells
in the body?
What are the long-term effects of introducing extra genes
in humans?
What must be done to ensure the proper protein is made
after the genes are delivered to the body?

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1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21 st

Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is
emerging technology to silence genes that
are involved in disease progression

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1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21 st

Stem cell technology
Stem cells are immature cells that grow and divide to
produce different cell types
Most stem cells are from embryos called embryonic
stem cells (ESCs) but they are controversial since the
process involves death of an embryo
Some stem cells are from adult cells (ASCs)
Either type of stem cell can be coaxed to grow into cells of
interest to replace damaged tissue or failing organs (liver,
pancreas, retina)

Work in groups to explain why scientists are

doing more research using embryonic vs.
adult stem cells.
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1.3 Biotechnology in the 21st Century

ESCs can give rise to many types of
differentiated cells

Embryonic Stem Cells

Can Give Rise to Many
Types of Differentiated
Cells. Embryonic stem
cells (ESCs) are derived
from embryos of earlystage foetuses; they are
immature cells that can
be stimulated to
differentiate into a
variety of cell types.

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1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21st

How will medical biotechnology change
our lives in the years ahead?
Regenerative medicine
Genetically modifying stem cells of patients to
treat genetic disease conditions
In future scientists will be able to
1. Isolate adult stem cells from a patient with a
genetic disorder
2. Genetically manipulate these cells by gene
therapy approaches
3. Reinsert the cells into the same patient to help
treat their genetic disease
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