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Ajinomoto company crisis organization in Indonesia

Background Ajinomoto

AJI-NO-MOTO being born for 100 years in Japan, loved for 40 years in Indonesia

It started from a big invention in Japan, in 1908; Dr. Kikunae Ikeda found the source of savory taste
extracted from seaweed stock (kombu).

The factory located in Mojokerto, East java, MSG is produced with brand name AJI-NO -MOTO which
is distributed to all over Indonesia

The establishment of Ajinomoto Group Indonesia

1969 : PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA was established
1970 : The Mojokerto Factory started operations
1970 : Begins marketing AJI-NO-MOTO
1982 : Begins marketing L-LYSINE
1986 : Begins marketing AJI-PLUS
1987 : PT Ajinex International is founded
1989 : PT Ajinex International starts operating
1989 : Begins marketing MASAKO (for retail)
1989 : Begins marketing TENCHO and Aspartame
1993 : PT Ajinomoto Sales Indonesia (ASI) starts operating
1999 : Begins marketing SAJIKU
2005 : Begins marketing SAORI

Background Of Product
Ajinomoto is leading Japanese's corporation producing food
seasoning, cooking oil, and pharmaceutical products. One of
the most known product is the mono sodium glutamate.
In Indonesia, AJI-NO-MOTO has been distributed for 40
years and become widely chosen in the kitchens of many
Indonesian mothers. From time to time product improvement
and innovations keep being developed, proven by various
seasoning products such as "MASAKO" flavoured seasoning,
"SAJIKU" ready-to-use (flour seasoning and seasoning for
special dish), and "SAORI" Oriental seasoning.


Halal certificate


Political conflict

l approach

Halal certificate
This sub point crisis recognize in crisis of
organizational misdeeds type in crisis of skewed
management values
For example : Ajinomoto's ingredients had been
changed from Bactopeptone to Bactosoytone without
consulting the LPPOM - MUI .

Legal-formation or multidimensional approach

This sub point crisis recognize in crisis of
organizational misdeeds type in crisis
Management Misconduct.
That is because the management from japan make
product not suitable for Indonesia as an islamic
country.The product is Haram.

Political conflict
This type in aspect crisis communication

The MUI and P.T. Ajinomoto-Indonesia had initially

agreed not to bring the issue into the open, but to
settle it secretly by withdrawing the products.
However, the haram decision was leaked by
another Islamic organization and the MUI was
forced to announce this publicly.

Crisis in Pt Ajinomoto Indonesia

Identifying Pre- Crisis ( Before crisis)

Ajinomoto at current level produces around 33% of
world monosodium glutamate.
Ajinomotos domination of the fermentation
technology in producing it product make it able to
thrive on was world's supplier of amino acid.
In fact, 78 % of Ajinomoto consist of glutamate,
which is considered to be harmful to human body

Identifying warning level

In December 2000, the legality of halal certificated
for Ajinomoto was expired.
Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) made a research on
the product, and later discovered that Ajinomoto
contains pig pancreas enzyme as catalyzer to
hydrolyze the soya protein to be bactosoytone. Thus,
the haleness was later being questioned.

Solution On this problem

PT. Ajinomoto will re-generate using tapioca flavor
materials as recommended (regulations) Food and
Drug Control Agency (BPOM) This is a long recipe
tapioca flavor.
Ajinomoto has guaranteed that all of its pork-tainted
products will be recalled from the market.
Ajinomoto apply Halal Assurance System (HAS),

How to prevent
The first prevent is adopt a focused approach
gather correct and relevant information
Effective communication is essential to overcome
crisis in the organization
Avoid unnecessary conflicts and
misunderstanding at the workplace


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