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Design & Layout of Foodservice

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Overview

Introduces the roles and responsibilities of each

member of the foodservice design project team
Describes the sequence of steps involved in the
design of a foodservice facility
Introduces the work typically performed by a
foodservice consultant in the design process
Discusses how the costs of a new or renovated
foodservice facility are estimated

The Project Team


Owners Representative
The Architect
The Engineers
The Foodservice Facilities Design
The Interior Designer
The General Contractor
The Foodservice Equipment Contractor

The Owners Representative

Typical Roles and Responsibilities

team members (architect,

foodservice consultant, etc.)
Determining operational goals for the
Setting the budget and obtaining funds for
the project
Evaluating the design for the project
Accepting or rejecting recommendations of
equipment, furniture, etc.

The Architect: Typical Project Roles

and Responsibilities

the work of the design team

(engineers, consultants, interior designer)
Preparing and submitting design drawings
and specifications for the project
Managing the bidding and contract
negotiation process
Coordinates and inspects the construction

Potential Architectural
Team Members

Principal in Charge: markets the firm and negotiates

the contract with the Owner; the individual ultimately
in charge
Project Manager: responsible for the design process
on a day-to-day basis; coordinates the work of the
other team members
Design Architect: works closely in the planning and
schematic design phases to set the overall direction
of the design
Site Architect: has a temporary office at the job site
and coordinates and supervises the construction

Criteria for Selecting an Architect


experience with similar projects,

including foodservice facilities
Relevant experience of the proposed team
(engineers, consultants, etc.)
Chemistry the expectation of a positive
and productive working relationship
Ask for references, and contact them!

The Engineers:
Roles and Responsibilities

engineers design the systems that

supply electricity as needed in the facility
Mechanical engineers design the plumbing,
heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning
systems within the facility
Structural engineers design systems to
support the structure of the building and to
protect its integrity
Civil engineers design site improvements
necessary for a facility

The Foodservice Consultant:

Typical Roles and Responsibilities

Assists the Owner in identifying operational goals

and objectives
Works closely with the Architect to determine space
Designs the foodservice areas and lays out
equipment within them
Recommends equipment to the Owner
Prepares drawings and specifications for the
foodservice-related parts of the project
Coordinates construction of the foodservice areas,
including an inspection of the completed facility

Common Foodservice Consulting


Market and Financial Feasibility Studies as described

in Chapter 1
Master Planning and Programming to determine what
approaches, systems, and design concepts will best
meet the Owners objectives
Facility Evaluation to pinpoint strengths and
weaknesses of existing foodservices and recommend
Foodservice Facilities Design (as described in the
previous slide)
Operations Analysis to identify inefficiencies and
recommend improvements

The Interior Designer: Typical

Roles and Responsibilities

the foodservice operation its

distinctive visual character and theme
through the design of interior spaces, the
selection of colors, and the specification of
furniture and finishes.
Focuses on the public or customer parts of
the facility, rather than on the kitchen or
storage areas

The General Contractor: Typical

Roles and Responsibilities

responsibility for the construction of

the facility in accordance with the plans and
specifications prepared by the design team
Selects sub-contractors to perform specific
parts of the construction work, coordinates
their progress, and monitors their
Works with the Architect and Owner to
resolve problems encountered in the
construction process

Alternatives to a General Contractor


Manager (a firm) is involved as

part of the design team, advising on
construction costs of design alternatives;
also coordinates the actual construction.
Design-Build is a construction firm that
employs its own architects, engineers, and
consultants, and so handles all aspects of
the project from inception through design to
opening day

The Foodservice Equipment

A dealer

who markets foodservice

May be a sub-contractor hired by the
General Contractor or may be a prime
contractor hired by the Owner
Furnishes and installs the equipment as
designed and specified by the Foodservice
Design Consultant

The Design Sequence









analysis, to determine the amount of

area required for each of the functional
areas of the foodservice operation
Determination of adjacency what
functional areas need to be located next to
each other?
Preparation of a Foodservice Program
Statement, a narrative description of the
requirement of each functional area, used
by the design team

Adjacency Matrix (Portion)


D.S. R.S.


Dry Storage

Refrigerated Storage


Final Preparation

The larger the number, the more

important it is for the two functional
areas to be located adjacent to
each other

Final Prep and
should be

Example of a Bubble Diagram

Solid arrows are flow of food, dashed arrows are flow of waste

Foodservice Program Statement

Elements Partial Example
Room/Area #


Room/Area Name


Relationship to other

Near dining room and kitchen

Description of Use

To wash all utensils, serving pans,

china, glassware

Square Footage

420 (39 square meters)


Walls Floors Ceilings


Schematic Design (Phase I)


the shape of the building, the

entrances and flow patterns, and the
location of the dining rooms, kitchen, and
other major components of the foodservice
Typically prepared, presented to the Owner,
and revised several times
A preliminary estimate of the cost of
construction is typically prepared near the
end of the schematic design phase

Schematic Design Example

Design Development (Phase II)

The team fleshes out the design of the project

through increasingly detailed drawings
Alternative systems are evaluated through value
Foodservice equipment selections are made in
consultation with the Owner
Detailed floor plans, utility drawings, elevations and
sections are prepared
Preliminary specifications are prepared
Cost estimates for the project are revised and

Example of a Design Development

Floor Plan (Partial)

Example of a Utility Spot Drawing

(Electrical - Partial)

Example of a Utility Spot Drawing

(Mechanical - Partial)

Example of an Elevation Drawing

(Pot Sink with Collector)

Construction Documents (Phase III)

Drawings showing construction of the new or

renovated facility, including all site work, structural
systems, rooms and other spaces, utility systems,
equipment, finishes, and details
Specifications describing the materials and
products, the standards of workmanship, the
methods of fabrication and construction, the
applicable code requirements, and the methods of
installation, cleaning, and testing
General conditions of the contract defining terms,
assigning responsibility, establishing payment
schedules, describing how changes are to be
handled, and listing the specific project conditions

Types of Specifications

specifications identify all the

important characteristics of the material or
Proprietary specifications identify the
product by reference to a manufacturer and
model number, and require the contractor to
provide that item and no other
Performance specifications. Establish
performance criteria that are relatively
independent of the specific description of
the item

Bidding & Contract Negotiation

(Phase IV)

Putting the project on the street

Interested contractors prepare proposals following
the requirements of the documents
Questions regarding the requirements are
addressed by the design team
Bids are due by a deadline (4-8 weeks for
foodservice equipment)
Bids are evaluated for conformance to the contract
The successful bidder (often the lowest qualified
price) is identified and a contract is negotiated

Bidding & Contract Negotiation

(Phase IV)
Foodservice equipment contractors often propose
substitutions and alternates to what was specified
in the bid documents

Substitutions are proposals to provide materials, products,

equipment, or systems from a manufacturer other than the
one named in the specifications
Alternates are proposals to provide materials, products,
equipment, or systems different from what was described
in the specifications, generally at a significantly lower price

Substitutions and Alternates are evaluated by the

Foodservice Design Consultant, who makes a
recommendation to the Owner regarding their

Construction Coordination
(Phase V)

Review of the shop drawings and equipment

submittals prepared by the Foodservice Equipment
Coordination with the Architect and contractors where
questions arise in the construction process about the
foodservice installation, often through job site
Review of proposed changes to the work
Examination of the construction progress and
installation of the foodservice equipment
Preparation of a punch list identifying where the
work fails to meet the requirements of the contract

Implementation & Training

Benefit employees by:

Explaining the intent of the design

Learning the most efficient and effective ways of
using the new facility
Demonstrating the proper use and maintenance
of new equipment

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