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Once there was a

man named
Johnathan who
existed on a
countryside in a
poor village. He
lives with his
family who hunts
animals for a
living in order to

One day, Johnathan had a

hunger for duck meat and
went out to hunt them at a
local lake. He saw a
immense, obese, juicy
duck swimming in a river
eating bread that an old
lady was feeding. Not
knowing what the old lady
was capable of, he quickly
took his spear out and
aimed it on the duck, but
sadly he missed. In total
misperception, the old
lady started to say words
that Johnathan couldnt

Johnathanpolitely asked
the lady what she was
saying, um, excuse me,
what are you saying?
Asked Johnathan, but the
old lady wouldnt reply. She
looked up from the ground
and said, Hunting animals
is no good, you will now
feel what the animals are
feeling, she then walked
away seeming humiliated
of what she just witnessed.

Thinking the lady was out of her

mind, Johnathan attempted to
hunt the duck a second time.
Suddenly, things started making
no sense. Johnathans feet started
to emerge making them look like
webbed feet. He started to shrink
into a miniature size that he
couldnt explain. A beak started to
form out of his mouth, feathers
grew in places they shouldnt be
and his arms turned into wings. He
now understood what the old lady
meant when she said, Hunting
animals is no good, you will now
feel what the animals are feeling.
Johnathan was now cursed.

Hours went by and Johnathans family

started to worry as he did not return home
for so long. Johnathans oldest son, Roger,
was the bravest of all the kids. Roger
decided to go out and look for his father.
Roger searched and searched but he was
unsuccessful. Half an hour went by and
Johnathans oldest son grew increasingly
worried. He tried to contemplate where his
father would be. Suddenly, he came to the
realisation that his father mentioned he
would go to a lake to hunt for ducks. As a
result, Roger went to venture to the lake.
Discovering nothing, Roger thought he
had to, at least, do his father justice and
bring back a duck so the family can eat.
Johnathan saw his son and flew as fast as
an eagle to see his son. Son, its me your
father, please help me I'm cursed! said
Johnathan to his son.

random duck quacking as

duck do. Not deliberately
knowing that it was his
father, he found the
nearest stick and tried to
hunt the duck for the
family to eat. Roger missed
and only got the ducks leg.
From that day on,
Johnathan was stuck as a
duck and forced to sleep on
one leg.

The moral of this story

is to never take
advantage of animals
and treat them as you
would like to be


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