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Ancillary Product Research

Romance Genre Poster

1. One Main image which dominates the majority of the poster usually the main
characters within a two shot

2. Colour scheme follow pinks, reds and neutral colours which connote to the
theme of romance

1. Presentation of the title always bold and the most noticeable font on the poster

2. Quotes, taglines, reviews allows the audience to be ensured that the film is
worth the watch, can also give a small insight to underling themes within the film.

1. Typography the typography typically depicts connotations of romance, this
includes the Colour scheme as well. Within recent years with regards to romance
genre films the typical presentation of font has changed to more bold rather than
italics. This is to create more of an impact as romance films are intense with
regards to the dis-equilibrium.

Release dates to inform the audience on when they are being released. Gives
them something to look forward to and creates a hype about the film.

Production/distribution companies/ the Bill the mentioning of the companies

involved within the film

One large dominant

image which posses
the majority of the
poster. This image
subverts typical
stereotypes of a
typical romance film. It
suggest the female
has dominance in
comparison to the
male who usually
possess dominance
within a conventional

A pun for a tagline

manipulates the highly
identifiable catchphrase
with regards to females at
weddings further insight
to the content of the

Shows capital
actors names

Mise en scene due to the

shots entirety we are able to
analyze mise en scene
regarding costume. This
exposed that they are abiding
typical stereotypes with
regards to gender. With the
female in a skirt and heels and
the male in a suit and tie

The Bill credits to who

produced and distributed the

Holding a ring,
defies typical
stereotypes of a
male proposing
give element
to the narrative
Bold, eye catching title.
(romantic comedy
therefore connotes both
elements to this genre)
also possess a red colour
scheme to establish the
relation to romance
Also in the central
reservation of the poster,
which makes it more
noticeable as well as its
typography is in a bold

The action of the female is of

her looking down away from
her partner; things brings
forth the ideas of a break
within their relationship, her
body language is also quite
close off which also coveys
One main Colour
parts of her personality. This
scheme soft blue,
allows the audience to get
the female is also
some elements of the
wearing a blue
narrative, showing she may
blouse. There is a
not be as involved or devoted very neutral pallet
into their partnership due to
else where across
the comparison of the male.
the poster
This subverts typical
accusations as a female is
usually known to be the
problematic individual as they
are seen as needy and
One large dominant
image of a two shot
exposes that there is
a relationship
between the two

The Bill credits within the

film to give
acknowledgement to who
helped make the film
become apparent

Tagline to highlight
main ideas an themes
within the film; this
allows the audience to
see if they would be
interested in watching
the film
The male is also subverting the
masculine stereotype as he
appears to be putting all his
attention on to the female. Is
body language is also very open
exposing his nature. Having his
eye closes suggests that he is
nave and un aware of the lack
of emotional connection that
they possess; therefore this use
of imagery highlights an insight
to the storyline.
Actors Capital names
Large title in central
reservation of poster
makes it more
noticeable typography
is in italics which
conforms to typical
connotations of a
romance genre

Conclusion to my Research
With regards to my research within film posters as a whole, I have been able to
identify what elements I need to feature when producing my ancillary product. As
my film is a romance genre piece I have also identified what other elements I need
to include to succeed with regards to conforming to the conventions of a romance
genre film. These mainly follow Colour schemes and channeling to my audience
main ideas, characters and themes of my film to give them a taste of what they are
in store for. By doing so is a device to convince them to go the further mile and see
my film; which is again another reason why I have decided to match a poster and a
trailer together with relevance to methods of production.

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