Muscular and Nervous Tissue

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Muscular tissue

Muscular tissue
provides for all body
Contracting muscles
cause body parts
to move.
The three types of
muscle tissue are
skeletal, smooth,
and cardiac

Skeletal muscle tissue

Named for its location- it is
usually attached to the
Skeletal (voluntary) muscle
fiber is striated, and is
under the control of the
individual's will.
When muscle fibers are
stimulated by an action of a
nerve fiber, the fibers
contract and relax.
This interaction between
muscle and nervous fibers
produces movement

Smooth Muscle Tissue

These muscle fibers are
smooth, or nonstriated, and
Smooth muscle tissue is found
in the walls of hollow
organs, such as the
stomach, intestines, blood
vessels, and urinary bladder.
Smooth muscle tissues are
responsible for the
movement of food through
the digestive system,
constricting blood vessels, and
emptying the bladder

Cardiac Muscle Tissue

This is a unique tissue found
only in the walls of the
It shows some of the
characteristics of smooth
muscle and some of skeletal
muscle tissue.
Its fibers , like those of
skeletal muscle, have crossstriations
However, like smooth
muscle tissue, it is

Nervous tissue
Nervous tissue is
specialized to react to
stimuli and to conduct
impulses to various
organs in the body
which bring about a
response to the
It consists of two
pr9inciples type of cell :
Neurons and neuroglia

A neuron is a nerve cell
that is the basic building
block of the nervous
There are three basic parts
of a neuron: the dendrites,
the cell body and the axon.
It convert stimuli into
action potential (nerve
impulses) and conduct
these potential to other
neurons, to muscle tissue
or to glands.

Glial cells support
neurons by providing
support and nutrition.
There are several
different types of glial
cells: astrocytes,
microglia, ependymal
cells, radial glial,
satellite cells and
schwann cells.

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