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Nuclear energy

by :
Achmad thesa widhaswara


Dani wijayanto


Muhammad Fridho Setyawan


Nuclear fission is the
process of splitting a
nucleus into two nuclei
with smaller masses.

Nuclear fusion is the
combining of two nuclei
with low masses to form
one nucleus of larger

How a nuclear reactor works

U fissions by absorbing a neutron and producing 2 to 3 neutrons,
which initiate on average one more fission to make a controlled chain


Normal water is used as a moderator to slow the neutrons since slow

neutrons take longer to pass by a U nucleus and have more time to be

The protons in the hydrogen in the water have the same mass as the
neutron and stop them by a billiard ball effect

The extra neutrons are taken up by protons to form deuterons


Boron control rods are inserted to absorb neutrons when it is time to

shut down the reactor

The hot water is boiled or sent through a heat exchanger to produce

steam. The steam then powers turbines.

U is enriched from its 0.7% in nature to about 3% to produce the

reaction, and is contained in rods in the water

Nuclear Electricity Production by Countries and Regions in Gigawatts

(World Total 350 Gigawatts) and percent of electricity

97 Trend: declining
North America Region
63 Increasing
21 Being phased out
U. K.
Western Europe Region 126
44 Increasing
Asia Region
66 Increasing
Eastern Europe Region
Former Soviet U. Region 34

Fission product nuclei

Why nuclear used?


Nuclear Energy is energy in the form of stored energy , which can be removed
as a result of the interaction of particles with or within the nucleus . Nuclear
energy is one of the kinds of energy . Nuclear energy is released as a result
effort of particles to get a more stable condition . Nuclear reactions can
occur fission and fusion

Nuclear energy is low cost source energy, renewable. But if wrong uses it is
most danger.

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