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Public Safety

By: SPOI Alex DJ Diocales
PSSLC 2013-03

Personal Safety
Be wary of suspicious person around you.
Be sensitive to signs of threat arising

from your personal circumstances.

Immediately inform your member of your
family about the imminent threat.
Call for assistance at the first sign that
something unusual is happening.
Call for help by sounding a motor horn or
blowing a whistle.

Personal Safety

Inform your trusted neighbor when you

plant to go out of town for a period of
When walking alone, always keep on alert on your

Avoid talking to strangers.

During night time avoid walking in dark

Carry a noise making device, such as a
whistle, and used it if you fell you are in

Personal Safety

Avoid observable patterns of

which would enable a potential
attacker to
. Predict your future movements.
. Construct a plan base on it
. Intercept you on conditions

Personal Safety
Do not conduct a transaction except:

. With properly accredited

. In place of business during the
prescribed hours; and prescribed
. In the presence of colleague or
member of your family or other
trusted person.

Personal Safety
Do not stay overnight in places which isolate

you from person able to give or summon

Do not accept any gifts from strangers.
Do not give personal information when
asking on the telephone.
Do not wear expensive jewelries, cell phone
or lot of money that can attracts criminals.

Home Safety
Control the key to your residence.
Refrain from giving your key to others.
Immediately have the lock cylinder changed
on any lock should you misplace or lose a key.
Use strong door chains/ bar on outer door/
Lock window and door before you retire for
the evening.
Check visitor before opening the door through
the peephole or window.

Home Safety
Turn on lights outside if you leave your

residence unoccupied at night.

Light the paths leading to your house or
Let your trusted friend or neighbor check
your residence .
Post emergency number by each telephone
in your home.
Used extreme caution if an unsolicited
package is delivered to you residence.

Home Safety
Report obviously unattended or

suspected abandoned vehicles to the

Know your neighbors. Develop rapport
with theme and offer to keep an eye on
each other home.
Install an alarm system to provide
additional security to your homes.
Know your helper. Check their
background in records.

Home Safety

. Do not enter your residence if you know a

or intruder is inside.
. Do not open the door arbitrarily check first
who the person is.
. Do not open the door if you are suspicious
of someone.
. Do not allow others to duplicate your keys
without your permission.
. Do not leave a key under the mat, in the ail
box or other obvious hiding places.

Home Safety
. Do not leave the house with all the
lights switched off. At least one light
should to be lighted when nighttime
. Do not switch the inside light on when
answering the front door after dark.

Cell Phone Theft Prevention
. Buy cell phones only from
authorized dealer.
. Record your cell phone serial
immediately after purchase.
. Always place your cell phone in your
or bag where it is not visible.

Anti Theft
. Set your cell phone in silent mode when you are in
public places and inside public vehicles.
. While outside, go to a place where you are more
. Always walk in wall lighted places. When walking
alone, be on guard for persons following you
walk towards areas where there are people in case
you might need help.
. Keep your bag, with your cell phone inside, close
to your body.

Anti Theft
. When inside vehicles, be alert for snatchers; be
suspicious of passengers who come in three or fours
and who position themselves behind/beside the
driver, near the door, and one posing among the
. If you fall victim to snatchers, report the incident
to the police and call your cell phone providers
immediately about lost cell phones.
. Always cooperate with the police and barangay
. When buying a pre owned or second hand cell
phone, ask for the complete kit and receipt of the
previous owner.

Anti Theft

. When in public places, refrain from

displaying your cell phone unnecessarily.
. Never lend your cell phones your cell
phones to strangers who may approach
you to make emergency calls.
. Do not resist hold up men or snatchers.
Do not panic. Follow their instructions
and remain calm enough to remember
their description and the directions they
took in escaping.

Anti Theft
. When inside establishment do not leave
your cell phone lying around a table, on
top of a cabinet or even on a chair beside
. When paying purchased items in stores
or supermarkets, do not leave your cell
phone on the counter. Place it in your
bag or pocket.

Bomb Threat Dos and


. Always keep on eye for suspicious

looking object.
. Familiarize to an Improvised Explosive
Device (IED). Never handle a suspected IED
. Be exceptionally observant in your
surrounding for any thing out of place.

Bomb Threat DOs and

. Evacuate all the women and children
immediately to a safe distance.
. Open all windows and doors.
. Remove all volatile substances and
unstable articles like fuel and
electronic devices.
. Put sand bags around the suspected
object. The height of sand bags should
be three times the height of suspected

Bomb Threat DOs and

. Inform the fire brigade, the
hospital and emergency services.
. Handle the package alone if you
are duty bound to handle object.

Bomb Threat DOs and

. Do not spread rumors.
. Do not touch, disturb, or
rearrange the suspected object.
. Do not try to submerge the
suspicious looking object in the water.
. Do not try to open or puncture
the suspicious looking object.
. Do not try to be a dead hero.

Earthquake Safety
. Develop a family emergency plan and practice
it regularly.
. Identify an out of area phone contact person
to call and check.
. Assemble an emergency supply kit: Include
food, water, clothing, prescription medications
and first aid supplies, a battery operated radio a
flash light, extra batteries, sturdy shoes and
personal toiletries.
. Quake proof your house by securing heavy
furniture and objects.

Earthquake Safety
. Do not panic, remain calm, do not jump
from the building.

Earthquake Safety
If Inside A Building:
. If you are near an exit, leave the building as
soon as possible. Put your arms over your head
to protect yourself against possible objects
falling from above.
. If you cannot reach the exit quickly or if you
are in high rise building stay inside.
. DROP COVER & HOLD. Sit or lie beside or
underneath sturdy furniture. Cover as much as
of your head and upper body as you can. When
shaking stops get up and move out of the

Earthquake Safety

Earthquake Safety
If Outdoors:
. Move to an open area away from all
structures, especially buildings, bridges
and overhead power lines.
. If in a moving vehicle stop in an open
area away from all structures especially
bridges, overhead power lines and
. Stay as low as possible inside the

Earthquake Safety
. Stay calm. Allow some time for objects
to fall before moving.
. Move cautiously and check for unstable
objects and other hazards above and
around you.
. Check yourself for any injuries.
. Help those around you and provide first
. Listen to the radio or watch local TV for
additional information and safety

Earthquake Safety
. Inspect gas, water and electric lines for
any damage and leaks. If in doubt, shut
off main switch.
. Evacuate immediately if you smell gas
and you are not able to shut it off.
. Stay out of damaged buildings.

Typhoon Safety
Before The Typhoon:
. Prepare foods that need not be cooked.
. Keep flashlights, candles and battery
powered radios within easy reach.
. Examine your house and repair its unstable
. Harvest crops if ready.
. Secure domesticated animals in a safe place.
. Should you need to evacuate, bring clothes,
first aid kit, candles/flashlight, battery
powered radio, food, etc.

Typhoon Safety
. Stay inside the house and always keep yourself
updated with the latest weather report.
. If safe drinking water is not available for at least
20 minutes. Place it in a container with cover.
. Keep an eye on lighted candles or gas lamps.
. Do not wade through floodwaters to avoid being
electrocuted and contracting diseases.
. Stay away from low lying beaches or other
locations which may be swept away by high tides
or storm waves. If your only passage to high
ground is over a road likely to be under water
during a severe storm, then leave early.

Typhoon Safety
. Check everything that maybe blown away or turn
loose. Flying objects are dangerous during typhoons.
. Do not use gas or electrical appliances that have been
. If there is a need to move to an evacuation center,
fallow this reminders:
. Evacuate calmly
. Closed the windows and turn off the main power
switch of your home;
. Put important appliances and belongings in a high
ground; and avoid the way leading to the river; and
. Leave areas where potential landslide may occur.

Typhoon Safety

Typhoon Safety
After the Typhoon:
. Make sure that the house/building is
already safe and stable when you enter.
. Beware of dangerous animals such as
snake that may have entered your house.
Watch out for live wire or outlet
immersed in water and report damage
electrical cable and fallen electric to the

Fire Safety
. Find a way for everyone to sound a family
. In case of fire, time is critical. Just get out.
. Roll out of bed.
. Practice evacuating the building blindfolded.
. Feel the door before opening them. If a door
is hot, leave it and find another way.
. If clothes catches fire, dash to a safe area,
drop to the ground, and roll.

Fire Safety
. Install smoke detectors.
. Check all electrical installation
. Check gas stoves burners, hose,
regulators and LPG tanks for leaks.
. Keep children away from flammable
liquids, lighters and matches.
. Ensure that you have a pre fire plan at
your residence or office.
. Always take extra precautions while

Fire Safety
. Strictly obey the no smoking signs.
. Maintain proper housekeeping to
eliminate fire hazards.
. Check fire protection gadgets or devices
of appliances and equipment regularly.
. Be fire safety conscious.

Fire Safety

Fire Safety
. Avoid electrical overloading.
. Unplug all electrical appliances if not in
. Avoid smoking in bed.
. Do not leave lighted mosquito coil
. Never leave lighted candles unattended
. Do not throw lighted cigar or cigarette
butt on dried leaves and garbage.


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