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Concepts and Operational

Theoretical Assumptions

Concepts can be:

One dimensional and have only one value. (For example if you only
interview women, gender = women).
Some concepts have multiple subparts or categories. (Gender =
Male or Female).
Classifications are partway between a single concept and a theory.
For example, we could breakdown the concept of empowerment as
an outcome of intervention into at least three dimensions
improvements in self-efficacy, successful self-advocacy, and
involvement in the political process.
All standardized scales breakdown concepts into multiple subparts
that are summed up to construct the scale and used to describe a
single concept.

In qualitative research:
We use simple concepts.
We describe the concept that will be measured.
We do not go into detail about how it will be measured
(observation, interviews, content analysis) except to
define how the research will be conducted, sampling
methods, and the time and place it will be conducted.
We may however, place some structure on how we
collect data (for example, a set of interview questions will
often be developed).
For data analysis, we do develop conceptual
classification systems after we collect data for analyzing
our data.

In quantitative research:
We construct operational definitions that include:
1) A detailed definition of the concept
2) Information about the scope of the concept
3) Detailed information about how the concept will be
measured. Standardized, structured methods for collecting
data are described. The concepts will contain several different
values or categories (variables).
We also derive our concepts from previous theories. We examine how
previous researchers have defined the concept. One approach to
research, meta analysis, examines how operational definitions vary
from study to study and how these definitions influence the findings.

Examples of concepts:
Qualitative: Perceptions of domestic
violence; interactions between clients and
workers in a public agency. Hmong beliefs
about birthing practices.
Quantitative: Depression; Self-Efficacy;
Support for Candidate; Drop-out Rates.

Concepts are:

Used to express an abstract idea.

Often related to other concepts.
Contain a definition of the concept.
Contain some information about the scope of the
concept. For example, we can define social work
students in a variety of ways all MSW students,
all students in this class, etc.)
Can be found through experience, observation, or
from previous theories or empirical research.
Dictionary definitions can also be used to define

To create an operational definition we need to both

define the concept and state how we will measure
Depression: A state of excessive sadness or
hopelessness, often with physical symptoms
(Oxford American Dictionary, 1980).
As measured using Becks Depression Inventory
You should also include the target population
(scope) in the operational definition. For
example, depression among adolescent girls,
age 13-18.

Are statements linking cause and effect.
Express ideals about how society
should work or does work.
Have been empirically tested and
Provide different explanations for
different phenomena. The choice of
theory is up to the researcher.

Everyone will not simply agree

with each theory. Quantitative
researchers review different
theories about one
phenomena and then choose
one theory to test.

Theories in quantitative research

Determine independent and dependent
Determine hypotheses.
Are used to construct standardized
research instruments
Help guide how data is analyzed
(statistical methods)

Theories in qualitative research:

Determine how the research is conducted.
Determine (to some extent) the research
questions addressed
Can be used after data is collected to
analyze the data or explain the findings.

In qualitative studies, some theoretical frameworks

can be viewed as biases

This is true of all theories and research

In qualitative research, it is expected that
such biases or theoretical frameworks be
fully described by the researchers.

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