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Compare/Contrast Poems

By Emily Ramirez

Song and poem used

Stitches by Shawn
How do I love thee? By Elizabeth Barrett

One similarity is both poems have to do with love. Stitches is about getting over a heartbreak. Some
evidence that shows this is, And now that I'm without your kisses I'll be needing stitches. The
speaker is stating that they are no longer being loved by a certain individual so the speaker is going
through pain. How do I love thee? Is about wanting to love. Some evidence that supports this is,
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. The speaker is wanting to show how they will love
someone and that they want to love someone.
Another similarity is both poems use assonance. Stitches repeats the letter E in many of its lines. For
example, Needle and the thread, Gotta get you out of my head Needle and the thread, Gonna
wind up dead How do I love thee? Repeats the letter E as well. For example, I love thee to the
depth and breath and height.

Images that Represent the Similarities

One similarity is both poems have
to do with love. The heart signifies
the love that both poems represent.

Another similarity is both poems use


One difference is Stitches uses a negative connotation. For example, But no one's ever left me quite
this sore. In this line Shawn Mendes uses sore as a form of pain, not discomfort. Whereas, How do
I love thee? Uses a positive connotation. For example, I shall but love thee better after death. The
speaker is saying that they will love someone after death, which could represent hope in a strange
and twisted way.
Another difference is the speaker for Stitches is a teenage boy that is trying to get over a heartbreak.
Some evidence that supports this claim is, I thought that I'd been hurt before, but no one's ever left
me quite this sore This quote shows that the speaker is hurt. Whereas, in How do I love thee?
The speaker is a woman that loves someone. Some evidence that supports this claim is, I love
thee to the depth and breadth and height

Images that Represent the Differences

One difference is Stitches uses a
negative connotation. Whereas, How
do I love thee? Uses a positive

Another difference is the

speaker for Stitches is a
teenage boy that is trying to get
over a heartbreak. Whereas, in
How do I love thee? The
speaker is a woman that loves

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