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The Adrenal medulla

The main secretions of the adrenal medulla are

the catecholamines epinephrine, norepinephrine,

and dopamine
Also secrete some peptides
The adrenal medulla is in effect a sympathetic
ganglion in which the postganglionic neurons have
lost their axons and become secretory cells.

Two cell types can be distinguished morphologically:
an epinephrine-secreting type that has larger, less

dense granules
a norepinephrine-secreting type in which smaller,
very dense granules fail to fill the vesicles in which
they are contained

In humans, 90% of the

cells are the epinephrinesecreting type and 10% are

the norepinephrinesecreting type

The plasma level:

In plasma, about 95% of the dopamine and 70% of the

norepinephrine and epinephrine

In recumbent humans, the normal plasma level of
free norepinephrine is about 300 pg/mL

The epinephrine found in tissues other than the adrenal

The plasma free dopamine level is about 35 pg/mL
Half the plasma dopamine comes from the adrenal
medulla, whereas the remaining half presumably comes
from the sympathetic ganglia or other components of
the autonomic nervous system.
The catecholamines have a half-life of about 2 minutes
in the circulation.

The Receptors: Epinephrine and norepinephrine both act on and

norepinephrine having a greater affinity for
-adrenergic receptors and epinephrine for -adrenergic

Effects of Epinephrine & Norepinephrine

both increase the force and rate of contraction of the

isolated heart

1 receptors

Norepinephrine produces vasoconstriction in most if not all

organs via 1 receptors

epinephrine dilates the blood vessels in skeletal muscle

and the liver via 2 receptors.

Catecholamines increase alertness (Epinephrine and

norepinephrine are equally potent in this regard, although

in humans epinephrine usually evokes more anxiety and

Effects on GIT and urinary tract:

Both decreases GIT motility, relaxation of gut musculature

and contract the sphincters.

Similar effects on urinary system (They relax the detruser
muscle and contract the internal sphincter)
Effects on respiratory system:
Bronchodilation via 2 receptors.

Norepinephrine and epinephrine also produce a prompt

rise in the metabolic rate :

norepinephrine and epinephrine exert metabolic effects

that include glycogenolysis in liver and skeletal muscle,

mobilization of FFA, increased plasma lactate

The catecholamines have several different actions that

affect blood glucose.
Epineph- and norepinephr- both cause glycogenolysis.
-adrenergic receptors that increase intracellular Ca2+
the catecholamines increase the secretion of insulin

and glucagon via -adrenergic mechanisms and inhibit

the secretion of these hormones via -adrenergic

Effects of Dopamine
The physiologic function in the circulation is unknown.
injected dopamine produces renal vasodilation, by

acting on a specific dopaminergic receptor.

it produces vasoconstriction, probably by releasing
norepinephrine, and it has a positively inotropic effect
on the heart by an action on 1-adrenergic receptors.
the net effect of moderate doses of dopamine is an
increase in systolic pressure and no change in diastolic


Neural Control
Increased adrenal medullary secretion is part of the

diffuse sympathetic discharge provoked in emergency


Adrenal medullary hormones are help to prepare the

individual to deal with emergencies.

Fight & Flight Reaction

Youre walking alone at night and all the sudden you
hear an unfamiliar noise near by In a matter of
your heart rate increases dramatically
blood vessels in your skeletal muscles dilate
blood vessels in the visceral muscles constrict
digestion is ceased
your liver ramps up glucose release
your pupils dilate
salivary production decreases
sweat increases


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