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Hypothalamopituitary axis

Less than 1% of the brain mass
is the portion of the anterior end of the

diencephalon that lies below the

hypothalamic sulcus.
It is divided into a variety of nuclei and

nuclear areas.
Many connect the hypothalamus to the

limbic system.

Many of the complex autonomic mechanisms that

maintain the chemical constancy and temperature of the

internal environment are integrated in the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus also functions with the limbic system

as a unit that regulates emotional and instinctual


Pituitary gland

Small gland 0.5 1 g in weight

Situated in small cavity in the base of the skull called

sella turcica (hypophysial fossa)

Attached to the floor of 3rd ventricle of the brain by

stalk (pituitary stalk)

The gland develops from 2 different structure
Anterior lobe from upward ectodermal growth from the

roof of the pharynx known as (rathkes pouch)

Posterior lobe from downward neural growth from

the floor of 3rd ventricle of brain

These meet in sella turcica & stalk of rathkes pouch

degenerate, while neural growth continue & form

pituitary stalk

Hypothalamic connection
with pituitary gland
There are 2 types of connection between hypothalamus

& pituitary gland(which form link between nervous

system & gland)
1. Hypothalamo- hypophysial portal circulation:
. Vascular connection between the hypothalamus &

anterior lobe

Arterial twigs from the carotid arteries

Primary capillary plexus-in the basal part of

hypothalamus (median eminence)

Portal hypophysial vessels- in pituitary stalk

Secondary capillary plexus- in anterior lobe

Hypophysial vein

The median eminence is generally defined as the

portion of the ventral hypothalamus from which the

portal vessels arise.
This region is outside the bloodbrain barrier

Note Pituitary

2. Hypothalamo- hypophysial neural tract:
. Nervous connection between the hypothalamus &

posterior lobe
. Through these 2 connections the hypothalamus acts

as control center to endocrine system as follows:a) The hypothalamus secretes hypophysiotropic

hormones from area called hypophysiotropic area

which include

Preoptic nuclei
Arcuate nuclei
And vetromedial nuclei
The hormones released from median eminence into

portal vessels, which reach anterior pituitary gland

b) The hypothalamus secretes 2 hormones of posterior

gland which are transport via hypothalamohypophysial tract by axonal flow to posterior pituitary
where they are stored then released when required

& Oxytocin

Note about hypothalamus

Hypothalamus indirectly controls the activity of most

endocrine system because anterior pituitary secrete

tropic hormones that control most of the other endocrine
Hypothalamus is connected to almost all area in the

nervous system , this explain why endocrinal disturbance

frequently occur secondary to emotions, psychological

Hypothalamus contain osmoreceptor, thermoreceptor

which detect the plasma osmolarity & body temperature,

it then correct any detected disturbance by change the
rate of secretion of it hormones according to underling

Regulation of hormone
By hypothalamus as well as feedback mechanism
Hypothalamic control
Control the activity of anterior pituitary gland by

releasing hormones called hypophysiotropic

Reach the gland via hypothalamo- hypophysial portal


Characteristic of
hypophysiotropic H
Poly peptide hormones
Act mostly by intracellular c-AMP
Either stimulate release of anterior pituitary

hormones(releasing hormones)
Or inhibit release of these hormones (release

inhibitory hormones)

Releasing hormones: Growth H- releasing H (GRH)
Prolactin- releasing H (PRH)
Thyrotropin- releasing H (TRH)
Corticotropin- releasing H (CRH) :stimulate ACTH

Gonadotropin- releasing H (GnRH) stimulate LH &

FSH secretion

Releasing inhibiting hormones
Growth H- inhibiting H (GIH or somatostatin)
Prolactin- inhibiting H (PIH)
All anterior pituitary hormones are controlled mainly their

releasing Hs except Prolactin which controlled by PIH

This explain why section of pituitary stalk secretion of all

anterior pituitary Hs except secretion of Prolactin which


Most of hypophysiotropic H affect secretion of more

than one hormone

TRH stimulate secretion of TSH & prolactin
Somatostatin inhibit secretion of GH & TSH

Feedback mechanisms:
Constitute relation between the blood levels of

hormones & the secretory rate of their pituitary

hormones as well as hypophysiotropic hormones, it 2
1. +ve Feedback:
. This mechanism act only in certain situations


If the blood level of certain H stimulate secretion of

H from pituitary or hypothalamic releasing H further

in hormone blood level
2. - ve Feedback:
. This mechanism is more common
. If blood level of hormone rapidly reduced to it

normal level and vice versa, by the action of hormone

on pituitary or hypothalamus or both together

Negative feedback
control loop


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