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Social Studies

Indicator 1 Fourth Term, 2016
Seventh grade
Boston International School

Objective:Learn the characteristics of the

first civilizations of ancient Egypt, India and
China to compare them with the people of
todays world.
Learning Objective:Recognize the
characteristics of the ancient Egypt such as
the Government, culture, and religion, to
understand their way of life.

Biblical Principle
The kingdom of God remains forever
Matthew 24:35
35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but
My words will never pass away.

Egypt Location:

Egypt is located in Africa, limits to the north

with the Mediterranean Sea, to the south
with Sudan, to the east with the Red Sea
and to the west with Libya.

Thousands of years ago, one of the worlds

first civilizations began on the shores of the
Nile River. This river is the longest river in
the world. It flows from a lake deep in Africa
to the hot desert land of Egypt.
The people of Egypt need water from the
river. Their country gets little rain.
And the land near the river is fertile.


A man named Menes ruled over the

villages in Egypt, and he became the first
king. He built a new capital city called
Memphis. Menes also built a large palace
for himself. After that, Egypts king was
always called the pharaoh, which mean
great palace or great house.


Made the laws for all the people.
Everyone worked for the pharaoh, for example, the farmers
had to give some of the food that they grew to the pharaoh.
They ran the government. The chief minister supervises the
business of government.
Makers of statues, they had less power than the nobles.
They had little to say in the government.


The Egyptians believed in many gods.

They believed that the sun was a god named Ra.
The Egyptians believed a person would live again after death.
MUMMIFICATION: is a way to protect a dead body.
TOMB: is a place or a building where the dead are buried. All the
things the person might want in the next life were placed near the
Wall paintings have been found in some tombs. We have learned
many things about ancient Egypt life from these paintings.


They are the largest tombs built for the pharaohs. The
largest pyramid in Egypt is called the Great Pyramid.
The tombs of the pharaohs were filled with many
Tutankhamens tomb was discovered in 1922. He was
a pharaoh known as the boy-king because he died
when he was only 18 years old. The kings mummy lay
inside a case made of solid gold. A gold mask covered
the kings head. The tomb was filled with jewelry,
furniture, clothes, weapons, and games.
Tutankhamens tomb helped people learn a lot about
how people in ancient Egypt lived.


The Egyptians invented a calendar. They

noticed that the Nile flood came once every
365 days. They also saw that the flood
arrived at about the same time every year.
This gave them the idea that time could be
divided into equal periods. From this idea,
the Egyptians made a calendar with days,
months, and years.

The Egyptians also made a writing material

called papyrus. They made papyrus from
plants from plants that grew along the Nile
river. Our word paper comes from the
word papyrus.
The Egyptians invented a kind of writing
system called hieroglyphics, or picture
writing. Each picture stands for an object,
an idea, an action, or a sound. When the
pictures are put together, they form a

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